Chapter 13

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"Hm, Lou" Harry finally pulls away from their intense makeout sesh. Harry was feeling a lot better, he could only assume it might've been something he ate.

"Baby" Louis whines tugging Harry back down to kiss him again. Harry giggles and pulls away shaking his head.

"Silly boy, we've been making out for an hour" Harry blushes once he realizes what he says, he quickly covers his face not wanting Louis to see how bright his face was.

"That's not nearly long enough, pretty thing" Louis chuckles gently tugging at Harry's wrists but the younger boy shook his head and refused to pull away his hands. "Come on now" Louis continues to tug. Harry laughs behind his hands before he moved off Louis' lap, falling down onto his stomach on his bed, right next to Louis.

"No hiding from me now" Louis turns on his side to watch his baby. Harry mumbles something Louis couldn't head before shaking his head.

"Play nice" Louis gently rolls on top of his boyfriend, resting his chin on his shoulder, kissing his cheek "pretty please"

Harry turns his head to face Louis and managing to turn himself around so he was on his back. He was thankful Louis sat up a bit to let him do so.

"Since you said please" Harry grabs the back of Louis' neck pulling their lips together. Louis chuckles and places his hands on Harrys hips, resting his body between Harry short legs.

Their lips move in perfect sync, Louis continued to rub circles with his thumbs after slipping them up Harry's shirt, just enough to feel his soft skin. Harry was squirming a bit, soon letting his hands move to Louis' waist, tugging his closer.

"Don't start, Harry" Louis shakes his head pulling away "don't start this if you can't finish it" Louis snapped. He didn't even mean to or realize it. He forgot how sensitive his baby was.

Tears formed in Harry's eyes and he nodded quickly, pushing Louis off of him.

"S-sorry" Harry says quietly, attempting to blink back his tears.

"No no no no, f.uck no" Louis quickly sits up "no baby, I'm not mad whatsoever. I didn't mean to sound hateful" Louis slowly reaches for Harry who lets himself easily be pulled onto Louis' lap.

"I d-didn't mean to start anything I j-just- I n-nev-" Harry stumbles over his words, tears slipping down his cheek. He wasn't a Virgin, no. He lost his virginity to his ex, he didn't kiss Harry or make it special in anyway. Harry regrets it everyday.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound snappy. Please don't cry. You didn't start anything" Louis wipes Harry's flushed cheeks. Harry sniffles and looks up at Louis, biting his bottom lip.

"I just- I've had s.ex but it wasn't good-" Louis cuts him off with a growl.

How dare anyone touch Harry in such an intimate way.

"I thought you never done this before?"

"Kinda. Nick wouldn't kiss me a lot, we only had s.ex once. He was so rough, he stopped when I asked but I finished him off-" Harry takes a deep breath "I didn't wanna have s.ex or even kiss him after. He got all mad, yelled at me and called later that night to break up"

"He took your virginity and dumped you?" Louis asks, disgust clear in his voice, his grip on Harry's waist tightening slightly.

"Like a w-week later, the relationship wasn't too serious. We were young. We still talk every now and then. Haven't heard from him in a long time" Harry sighs, happy he was finally calming down.

"How long ago?"

"I was only 15, he was like 17? So it's been a few years since we were together. I haven't been with anyone since. Just paranoid I guess" Harry shrugs, frowning when he saw how stressed Louis was. He reaches up and cups his face, pecking his lip. "I promise. You have nothing to worry about"

Louis didn't say anything, only pulled Harry close, kissing his curls.


"Yours Lou"


"Ma'am, I understand but if you refuse to give back the food I am unable to fix your order" Harry tried to reason with a lady that was so upset about her food she approached the bar that connects the kitchen and dinning area, only a small door, that was usually closed, was to prevent the customers from seeing in the back.

"I wouldn't have to give it back if you idiots would have gotten it correct! I paid for the food therefor I will keep it!" She huffs shoving her nose up in the air "now I demand to speak to the manager!" Harry panicked, Rob was the manager tonight.

"Ma'am please-"

"Your manager right now, young man" She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. Harry sighed and turned to walk away, stopping when a familiar voice spoke.

"Everything okay here?" Harry turned to find Louis who was dressed in his normal clothes, standing next to the lady on the dinning side of the bar.

"Are you the manager?"

"No but my father owns the place" Louis smirks. The woman gives Harry a smug look before turning back to Louis.

"Well please inform your father how much of a mistake it was to hire this boy right here" she says with disgust, nudging her head towards Harry who was completely shocked at her words.

Louis kept calm.

"And why is that madam?" Louis tilts his head, ignoring the anger bubbling inside him.

"My steak was cooked medium well when I just wanted medium. He refuses to remake my food unless I give back my plate" she repeats the dumb issue.

"Well, I apologize but that's the policy. Just give back the plate and he'll fix your issue no problem" Louis scrunched his eyebrows before flashing a fake smile. Harry bit his lip to hold back a laugh which the lady took notice off.

"It is not polite to laugh at a customer" she scoffs "I demand he be fired this second! He is obviously not mature enough to have a job!"

"He followed our policy" Louis says dumbly, still not understanding why she was being so difficult. Louis looked to Harry giving him a look, harry understood and closed the door leaving Louis alone with the angry woman.

"I want your fathers number" Louis nice persona dropped the second his boy was gone.

"The only way you're getting my fathers number is if you grab my phone and find it yourself, mind you if you were to even attempt to touch me I would have no other option but to easily knock you on your on the concrete right outside" Louis looks over to the door, a sinister smile gracing his face.

"Now I suggest you march right over to the door and never return. If I ever catch you talking to my boy like that again, your food won't be the only thing that needs fixing"

Quick update. Any predictions on where this is going?

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