Chapter 12

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That was how Harry felt the rest of the night and next day. He refused to get out of bed unless necessary, his nose was stuffed, eyes watery, throat sore, and his body hurt. Overall, he felt like literal s.hit.

He didn't want to call out to work, he would hate to short them, even by just one person. He pulls out his phone and goes to a picture of his jobs schedule, desperately seeing if anyone could switch swifts.

He frowned when he realized Louis was the only one able to take it, but Harry couldn't take one of his.

H: Hey, call me soon please? X

Harry was a little surprised at the sudden, quick response from Louis, he didn't even text back just called.

"Hey everything okay?" Louis knew Harry was alright, he was in his usual spot for most of the night after not being able to sleep. He knew Harry was sick just didn't know how sick he truly was.

"Not really. I woke up sick and can't go into work tonight. Could you take my shift for me?" Harry pleads, turning a little in his bed to get comfortable.

"Yeah that's fine" Louis smiles before grabbing his things and making his way to his car. Of course he wouldn't actually work, show up as Harry's replacement then run off to tend to his sick princess. He didn't want anyone thinking Harry was a slacker, poor thing just didn't feel well.

"Thank you so much. You're a life saver" Harry sighs before rubbing his watery eyes and whining.

"I miss you, come over till work? Mum isn't home"

Louis agreed and within no time showed up with a basket full of things to maybe help Harry feel better. They were now cuddle up in Harry's room, the only light being from the television and Harry's lamp.

"Thank you, Lou" Harry mumbles tiredly, resting his cheek against Louis' chest.

"Shh, no need to thank me. Rest now" Louis kisses his cheek continuing to rub his back, pressing the back of his hand to his boyfriends forehead, sighing when he felt how hot it still was. Louis carefully reached over and grabbed the wet washcloth that was still cold, gently placing it on Harrys forehead, only adjusting his head a little bit.

"Sorry, baby" Louis whispered when Harry stirred a bit, Louis pushed off part of the blanket, doing his best to help bring down Harry's temperature. The medicine was just not working fast enough. Louis even had a small fan blowing towards the two, his baby was sick and there was nothing he could do, it was driving him mad.

"Lou" Harry mumbles when he notices how frantic Louis his "I'm okay, rest with me" Harry lifts his head to press their lips together for a moment before settling back down on Louis chest.

"I'm just worried, I hate you're sick" Louis frowns pulling the smaller boy against him tighter. Harry lets out a weak laugh before shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll be okay. How much till you gotta leave?" Of course Harry knew when his shift started but he had also lost track of time from how much he has slept.

"Don't worry-"

"You're not skipping, mister. I will go in before I leave them short staffed" Harry announces before sitting up straight, only a couple seconds later he was whining and cuddling into his older boyfriend.

"Baby boy you can barely sit up" Louis huffs, tucking Harry back in the bed, kissing his curls before carding his fingers through the messy hair. Harry grumbles but was soon falling asleep to Louis' soothing voice singing. He never knew he coworker had such a pretty voice to match his face.


"My gorgeous baby" Louis coos, taking yet another picture of Harry. The boy only slept for an hour before waking up to throw up, Louis had enough and went to go pick up some stronger medicine. It had Harry out in no time.

Now Louis was just admiring his boyfriend, he fell asleep himself, only for an hour or so. He could get use to having Harry as his personal teddy bear.

Louis didn't like sharing anyway.

"My precious baby, so pretty and good for me" Louis continues to praise the sleeping boy, gasping when Harry phone began blaring loudly. Louis scrambled off the bed to quickly shut off the annoying ringing, he tried not to look at the notification but of course he had to.

Unknown Number: Hey, can we talk?

Louis shook his head and put the phone down. If the person was important, even in the tiniest bit, Harry would at least have their number saved.

Louis crawled back into bed, tugging the tiny sleeping boys body back onto his, sighing happily as Harry automatically nuzzles into him.

"My sweet sweet boy" Louis always had to say 'my' or 'mine'. Harry was his and nobody would change that.

Louis scrolled on his phone for a few minutes, enjoying the silence, the only sound being Harry's quiet breathing, until Harry started to squirm a bit.

"Baby?" Louis looked down to see his favorite pair of green eyes already looking up at him, a sleepy grin on his lips.

"What time is it?" Harry groans and sits up a bit, slouching against his boyfriend.

"It's almost 6. What time does your mum get home usually?" Louis knew that answer, Anne, on a normal day, is usually home by 8.

"Here soon- Wait, almost 6?!" Harry suddenly shots up in the bed, Louis' eyes widen but he sighs once he realizes what Harry was freaking out about.

"Babe, I fixed everything at work" he just called out but nobody really cared, they had enough people "they told me to tell you that they hope you feel better and are back soon" Harry groans and throws himself back on the bed, covering his face with his hands.

"I'm a terrible person for missing work right?"

"You're sick, you're not terrible" Louis shakes his head, reaching down and pulling the small boys hands away from his face "now give me a kiss, da.mnit"

"If you want one, then get one" Louis assumed Harry was feeling better since he jumped out of bed and darted across the room.

"Happy to"

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