Chapter 5

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Harry has never been more confused than the minute he woke up and he was changed into his pajamas while already in his own bed. He doesn't even remember Niall bringing him home, how did he even get here. Harry shakes it off and reaches for the painkillers and bottled water that was sitting on his table next to his bed.

That only confuses him more. The last time Harry saw Niall was right before he went to have drunk s.ex with Zayn. There is no way he became sober enough to drive them home.

After swallowing the pills Harry makes his way to bathroom, maybe a cold shower will help wake him and remember a little more. He tosses his old pajamas in the basket, he freezes when he catches his reflection in the mirror. A loud gasps leaves his lips as he traces his fingertips over the many bruises on his throat, theres even one on his jaw.

"Oh my god.." Harry looks at the marks in disgust when blurry flashbacks of him and Louis in the backseat come back. No matter how hard he tries he couldn't remember everything, he only hoped they didn't have s.ex. His bum doesn't hurt so maybe that's a good sign- but what if Louis bottomed and thats why Harry was feeling fine.

"No" Harry laughs shaking his head "we just made out" Harry continues to tell himself while he takes one of the longest showers ever.

The shower didn't help, not one bit. All he could think about was what happened with Louis. So many questions and he needed answers now. Neither boys work till tonight so this was the perfect opportunity to invite Louis over. The questions Harry has would not be work appropriate. Thankful he has Louis' number along with his other night shift cooks, he pulls out his phone.

H: Hey, you busy? It's Harry.

Louis smiles at the message, of course he knew it was Harry and exactly why he was messaging him. Last night.

L: I just woke up why?

H: this is going to sound weird but would you be okay coming over? My mum is at work and I just need to talk to you about something. I understand if you don't wanna.

Louis laughed softly just imagining Harry's nervous ramble. His shy little baby was just too cute at times.

L: Yeah, what time? I'm free all day.

H: Um, now?

L: Alright! See you soon.

Louis almost forgot to ask the most obvious question.

L: Address?


Harry has not stopped pacing ever since Louis told him that he was coming. How do you even start a conversation like that?

Harry didn't know what to think when his doorbell rang, he quickly rushed over and flew the door open a little quicker than he wished and it smacked against the wall next to it.

"Oops" Harry blushed and looked up at Louis who was grinning.

"Hi" Louis chuckles making Harry blush even harder.

"C-come in" Harry finally steps aside to let in Louis who gladly walks inside. He felt weird being in the house with Harry actually knowing, he normally just watches his boy sleep.

"Um-sit down- and Uh about last night" Harry shuts the door and sits on the couch motioning Louis over to him. The older boy sits with a good distance between the two. The last thing he wanted was to have Harry dislike him anymore than he already does.

"The one Zayn had?" Louis had to try his hardest not to smirk when he saw Harry's marked up skin. Good, everybody knew he already belonged to someone and that someone was Louis.

"Y-yes" Harry nods and looks down at his lap "um, well basically I just w-want know if you were p-possibly there a-and-"

"Harry" Louis laughs placing a hand on Harry's thigh trying to relax him "yes I was there. Some guy tried to get you alone-" Louis takes a deep breath trying to not to get angry at even the thought of other men touching his boy.

"I pulled him off and offered to bring you home. Things got a little out of hand, I was pretty stoned and it's kinda blurry but" Louis finishes with a shrug giving the younger one a soft smile.

"I'm s-sorry, did I do a-anything else?" Harry could feel tears swelling in his eyes, his palms were becoming sweaty and he was just over all feeling terrible about what happened.

"No, Harry, breath okay? We didn't have s.ex, just made out" Louis squeezes his thigh and holds himself back from pulling Harry into his arms.

"We didn't?" Harry's head snaps up before a look of relief washes over and he lets out a weak laugh. Louis didn't want to embarrass the boy anymore by telling him that, in his drunken state, was begging for Louis to take him.

"No offense but thank god" Harry wipes his eyes with his shirt and takes a second to catch it breath and calm down. They didn't have s.ex, he's okay, no need to freak.

"Yeah, got a problem there?" Louis motions towards his neck, the bruising was way too obvious.

"Yeah but- how did you know where I lived, you brought me home right?"

"Yes, and I'm guessing you don't remember but you directed me the entire way" Louis plays off his lie with a laugh. His Curly headed baby was asleep in his backseat for a good few hours before Louis finally decided to bring him home at a rough four in the morning and was thankful his mum didn't notice.

"Ready for your bed, angel?" Louis smiles down at Harry as he lifts the small boy out of his car. Louis continues to admire his boy without tripping when he walks up to Harry's front door, the lock already being picked by Louis before he picked up Harry.

The two quietly enter the house and Louis rushes up the stairs, into Harry's room.

"So good for me, my gosh. You're perfect" Louis lays Harry down and kisses his forehead before walking over to the drawer Harry always gets his pajamas out and grabbing a large shirt and panties.

"Naughty boy" Louis clicks his tongue holding up a black, lace thong. He puts away the thong and lays out the clothes in his hands.

After undressing Harry and cleaning him off, Louis took his time in dressing him back up. He was so perfect Louis didn't understand how such a perfect being exists.

"Oh sh sh" Louis urges when Harry moves a bit, a quiet whine leaving his lips "I got you baby boy, be good okay?" Louis smiles as if he'll get an answer from the unconscious boy

Louis slowly slide the panties up his short, hairless legs, letting his fingertips linger on his thighs longer than necessary. He carefully tugged the large shirt over his mess of curls, pulling it down until it reaches right below Harry's hips.

"My porcelain doll" Louis runs his fingers over Harry's hipbone before sliding his hand up to trace the younger ones ribs a soft smile over taking his face.

"I will never let anyone or anything hurt you"

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