Chapter 1

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Tang Xiaobao just likes to cry, so that people outside who don't know him think he is very weak. Although he thinks what others say is right, he is still a little unhappy.

    But he doesn't like arguing with others, so many things are left alone. Since his parents died unexpectedly, Tang Xiaobao relied on his own craftsmanship to take over the previous shop of his parents.

Because of the good craftsmanship and the help of the good-hearted people around, from barely making a living at the beginning, to now it’s famous far and near, so much so that everyone knows there is a small shop here, not only the price is cheap, but also very delicious. Even the little boss is very kind.

    "Little Bao, give me some of your best dishes. Today, some of our old guys ate here.".A few old people walked in, and the uncle headed by his friend took his friends to find a place to sit down, and then ordered the dishes very skillfully.

    Hearing the familiar loud voice and the very familiar Tang Xiaobao, he immediately agreed, and started to stir-fry the dishes. He fryed five dishes very skillfully and brought them out, "Grandpa Sun, this is your dish." , You use it slowly."

    After looking at the delicious dishes on the table with satisfaction, Grandpa Sun looked at Tang Xiaobao dissatisfiedly and said, "You are the only one here, why are you so busy? What about the little worker you hired recently?" Xiao Bao's usual behavior is for fear that Tang Xiaobao will be bullied by those sneaky and slippery villains, so even his tone of voice starts to become a little tough, "If he can't do it, I will do it next time. of."

.Hearing what Grandpa Sun said, Tang Xiaobao smiled silly and touched his head, "Grandpa Grandpa, don't bother you, because I am going home tomorrow to worship my parents. It happens to be a few days ago. If something happens, I will let him take a few days off."

    Grandpa Sun looked at Tang Xiaobao, carefully seeing if he said this to help his little worker, and seeing him still looked silly. He didn't say much, just told him to come back early and pay attention to safety.

    Looking at the serious grandfather, Tang Xiaobao responded with a good temper. For Tang Xiaobao, apart from his parents, it was these diners who treated him best. When I first took over the restaurant, I was bullied because of my young age. Later, it was these elders who couldn't stand to help themselves. Therefore, Tang Xiaobao had a very good temper with these old people.

.After a few more words, a new guest came, and Tang Xiaobao greeted him and went directly to the backstage.

    Since he was going home tomorrow, Tang Xiaobao closed the door directly when there was no one. Make the leftover ingredients that animals can eat, and put them in the park where stray animals will pass by. Putting down the food, animals in twos and threes ran out, and the leader nodded towards Tang Xiaobao as if to say hello, and then ate.

    Looking at the animals that landed one after another, Tang Xiaobao stepped back slightly, standing not far away watching them. After all, some animals have been hurt by humans. If he stood there, they would not dare to come over.

    After a while, looking at the sky that was a little late, Tang Xiaobao decided to go back and pack up his things so that he could go home tomorrow. .Looking at the animals still eating, Tang Xiaobao waved his hand, whispered goodbye, then turned and left.

    When Tang Xiaobao left, the animals who had been eating with their heads turned around and silently looked at his back.

    The next day, Tang Xiaobao finally returned to his hometown after several hours of running around.

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