Chapter 100

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He originally thought that Ji Tao just didn't like Ji Ling, but he didn't expect that he would actually kill people in order to achieve his own goals. This recognition was a bit unacceptable for Tang Xiaobao.

    After hearing this sentence, everyone around me was silent for a while, just looking at Ji Tao's eyes are very complicated. Among them, the eldest lady is the most. She originally thought that she could control Ji Tao to master the lifeline of the Ji family in the future, but I didn't expect Ji Tao to be so useless and so stupid. I secretly regretted that he should give up when his mother was expelled from Ji's house, but it's not too late to give up even now. Thinking about this, the eldest lady already had a care in her heart.

.Compared with everyone's different but obvious face watching the show, Ji Tao's face at this time looked very ugly, and even faintly revealed a little bit of gray, looking a little embarrassed, but still very stubbornly looking at the big master. Neither speak nor deny.

    For a while, there was silence in the field, and then I saw the second master suddenly roared loudly, then slapped Ji Tao very excitedly, and said loudly: "You beast, how can you lose the Ji family like this? His face." The slap was so powerful that it even swelled half of Ji Tao's face.

    Ji Tao seemed to have recovered from the slap, turning his head to look at his father, thinking of his mother's desolation before leaving, and snorted disdainfully. .Up to now, his good father still only cares about his own face, completely disregarding any kind of family relationship, and has not even thought of helping himself out of sin, so he convicted himself. The more I thought, the more disappointed I became. After humming, I stopped looking at him, but lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

    Seeing that his son, whom he has always loved so much, treats himself this way, the second master is about to start to have an attack. It was only after I swept the people around me that I remembered what I was here for, and stopped immediately, looked at my elder brother, and pleaded: "I think that Ji Tao is only the first offender, so my eldest brother spared him this time. Bar."

.Master Ji has always been very clear about the virtues of his second brother. At this time, he didn’t say much when he saw him guilty. He just shook his head and said coldly: "He is the first offender, but the first offense is It was a big mistake, and even vain the reputation of Gu Ji’s family. He wanted to ruin his sister-in-law, Tang Xiaobao. No matter how magnanimous our Ji family is, we can’t tolerate such a person. From now on, he will no longer be Ji. It’s useless for anyone at home to intercede."

    Hearing the old master said this, Ji Tao's face was already bloodless at this time, and even his body began to teeter. He was not convinced. No one in this deep house compound had any secrets, and even many people abused their subordinates all the year round. The person who killed him didn't know Ji Fan, so he would have to be punished so severely for what reason. .The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I was worthless. I raised my head and looked at Master Ji, with a little trembling in his voice. He repeatedly questioned: "Why is the family dead and no one will be held accountable? I just saw that they have a terminal illness. To help them get rid of it, they will have to suffer such censure, I am not convinced."

    As soon as he said this, no one gave him an answer, and some people even looked at him from surprise to sympathy, and even faintly surprised.

    Even the second master realized that there was something wrong at this time, and watched Ji Tao shouted loudly: "Nizi, what are you talking nonsense, don't hurry up and admit your mistake."

    Ji Tao looked at his father, did not speak, just looked at the elder stubbornly, wanting to find an answer.

.Master Ji looked at Ji Tao in front of him, looked at his second younger brother, and thought of the second younger sibling who had left, and sighed in his heart not knowing who he was like, so stupid. Those who came in signed a death agreement, which means that after that, life and death depend on the master's house. Even if they die next to the master's house, no one will ask more questions. But now it is an outsider who is dead, and it has caused the incident to be raged, and even the dirty water spilled on Tang Xiaobao has not been cleaned up by himself. Thinking of this, the eyes looking at Ji Tao couldn't help but look very pitiful. His parents didn't give him enough wisdom to deal with the rules of this world, which made him misunderstand the world. The most wrong thing he did was to spill it on Tang Xiaobao, and he was discovered. .For a big family like them, it has always been prosperous, and it will lose everything.

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