Chapter 99

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When Ji Ling came back, Tang Xiaobao had already prepared the food and was waiting for him there. The two had a very pleasant dinner, and the atmosphere was very good all night.

    On the other side, Ji Tao looked at his confidant and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

    The confidant looked at the young master who was angry, a little frightened, but still honestly said all the things in a low voice, "Master, when I went to look for them, those people were gone." After speaking, it seemed that It was the young master who was worried that he blamed himself, and he shrank his neck very worried.

    Hearing his answer, Ji Tao's heart first shook, then he looked sharply at him, and said viciously: "Then do you know how those people are missing?"

.Seeing Ji Tao's angry appearance, even no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he was really angry, shrank his neck, and then said very carefully: "I have investigated, but I can't find anything."

    Hearing him say this, Ji Tao stopped hitting him with anger, raised his foot and kicked him fiercely, and then said fiercely: "Then you can find it for me. If you can't find it, you can Don't stay here."

    "Yes." His confidant flinched and left.

    Seeing the person leaving from the back, Ji Tao gritted his teeth fiercely, still a little flustered in his heart, he probably knew who was doing the ghost in his heart, but the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was.

.When he was angry alone, he saw Sang Jiayi walk in Shi Shiran, looked at her angry husband, and said softly: "My husband, what's wrong with you, who made you angry?"

    Seeing that the person here was Sang Jiayi, Ji Tao's expression eased slightly, but he still looked very ugly, and his tone was still very blunt and said: "Nothing, just a little thing."

    Seeing Ji Tao not wanting to say something, Sang Jiayi's eyes flashed, and then she still smiled and said: "If you have something unhappy about Nahuo, I want to talk to my concubine, and let my concubine help you share the burden. A little sad."

    Hearing what she said, Ji Tao felt that his heart was very appropriate. He took her hand, stroked it lightly, and said indifferently: "Madam, don't worry, there is nothing that can make me sad."

    Sang Jiayi smiled and did not answer.

.It seems that from that day on, everything has returned to calm, and nothing seems to have happened. It was just that Ji Ling looked at the report brought by his subordinates, and his mood was getting better day by day.

    "Master, since everything has been asked, what should those people do?" Feng Ling looked at her master and waited for his answer.

    Ji Ling looked at his confidant, thought for a while, and said faintly: "Stay for a while, wait until everything has erupted, then let the person go."

    "Yes," Feng Ling took his orders and turned and left.

    Looking at the mining plan in front of him, Ji Ling thought leisurely, it's almost time for that person to jump the wall in a hurry. Thinking of this, Ji Ling felt very happy, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly. He was waiting for the show to start, hoping that his good brother would not let himself down.

.Tang Xiaobao felt that the recent Ji Ling was a little strange, but he couldn't tell where it was strange, but he had this feeling faintly. After observing for a while, he still couldn't tell. He simply didn't want to. Anyway, he would know when the time came. With this idea, he was very eager to do other things.

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