Chapter 96

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Ji Ling glanced in the direction of Tang Xiaobao. Seeing that he didn't seem to be frightened, his originally worried mood instantly relaxed. Then he looked at the leading official and said faintly: "These people said that they ate people to death in my shop and they have been entangled here. I think it would be better to let the official official handle it."

    The person who took the lead naturally knew Ji Ling. He frowned unconsciously when he heard his words. Thinking of Ji Ling's unwarranted disaster last time, he instantly felt that there were so many things in this rich family. I also regarded this incident as an extortion incident in my heart, and my attitude was inevitably inclined. Turning his head to look at the leader of the group of troublemakers, with a somewhat rude tone, he said: "Why don't you report to the officials when something has happened? What do you want to do?"

.The leader did not expect that Tang Xiaobao and the others would call the officer over so quickly. Originally, they wanted to delay the matter for a while, and when the matter was too much to deal with, it would ruin the reputation of this place, and by the way, make another sum of money. Seeing the current situation, I can only adapt to circumstances, so I looked at the officer and smiled bitterly: "What I can do with ordinary people, but my brother died is really wrong, I just want to get justice for him." After speaking, he pointed to the person covered with white cloth.

    Seeing that there was really a dead person, the official frowned and looked at the person very dissatisfied and said, "Since it is dead, then it should be buried properly, and what to do here."

.Hearing this, the man yelled, and then exaggeratedly said: "Guardian, you don’t know, my brother died tragically after eating the food in his shop. If they didn’t admit it, I would use it. Trying to get my poor brother here, I've long since let him into the soil in peace."

    The officer frowned, then looked at Ji Ling and the others who were standing together at this time, and asked, "Master Ji, what do you have to say?"

    Before Ji Ling could speak, Tang Xiaobao said: "There is absolutely no problem with our stuff here, even if it is diarrhea, it is impossible, let alone eating people to death. If you want to blame me, I will not admit it. of."

.When the officer heard Tang Xiaobao say this, he was about to open his mouth and continue to ask something, but the man who took the lead suddenly shouted loudly, his voice was very sad, "My poor brother, these conscientious shopkeepers You are poisoned to death and you still refuse to admit it. How can I explain it to my mother?" The man's voice was crying very sadly, and the people behind him were constantly clamoring for murder and even wanting to move towards. Tang Xiaobao rushed over. The scene was in chaos, but the official yelled, and all the talents stopped.

    "Enough, let's talk about this matter when we return to the yamen." After speaking, he looked at Tang Xiaobao in a respectful tone, "Please also Mrs. Ji Shao to come with us."

    Tang Xiaobao nodded, saying that it doesn't matter, as long as the matter can be clarified. .The two reached an agreement, and the troublemaker stopped doing it, so he wailed loudly, "It turns out that you are a group. There is no king in this world."

    Hearing the more and more outrageous the man said, the officer obviously couldn't listen anymore. He drew the knife in his hand and said very strongly: "If you continue to talk nonsense, I will want you to look good. Come back with us, everything. Naturally there will be a master official to decide. If you continue to be stubborn, don't blame my knife for being ruthless."

    The man glanced at the knife lying horizontally in front of him, then at the very ugly face of the official official, he closed his mouth very consciously of the current affairs, and then looked at Tang Xiaobao with an angry stare. .Soon, he was looked at by a cold gaze again, followed his gaze, and saw that the boss’s husband was looking at him facelessly at this time, and the deep eyes looked like a dead person. He shuddered all over his body immediately when he looked at himself.

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