Chapter 94

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Since the second wife left, the people in this mansion seem to be in awe of Ji Ling. Even some time ago, they were still making things difficult for their kitchen steward. At this time, they resumed the original supply of their yard, and even came to Tang Xiaobao personally. I apologize, for fear that this lady who is about to take over will blow the pillow wind towards Ji Ling after gaining power, then his errand will not be guaranteed. Tang Xiaobao didn't know how to deal with such a person, and finally called Green Lotus to send him away.

    In addition to the business where Ji Ling and Lei Ming are sitting together, Master Ji has also given more power to Ji Ling, allowing him to participate in more family building. If the original Ji Ling would directly refuse, it's just that now he didn't know what consideration he was in and agreed to the matter, and even promised that he would finish it well. For this, Master Ji expressed great satisfaction, and he believed that Ji Ling had this ability to do it.

.After Ji Ling was in power visible to the naked eye, his status in the mansion gradually improved. All the people he saw respectfully saluted Ji Ling and Tang Xiaobao, even those who had never had much contact with each other on weekdays. The concubines are a little more pleased than in the past. In this situation, Tang Xiaobao felt very at a loss at the beginning. After a long time, he got the guidance of Green Lotus before he started to do his job with ease, and he was able to deal with it with peace of mind. Ji Ling, who had been silently paying attention to this matter, was initially a little worried, but after seeing that he was well-adjusted and handled well, he stopped paying attention to this matter.

.Compared with Ji Ling's pride in the spring breeze, Ji Tao looks much more miserable here. His mother was expelled from Ji's house in a manner of being ridiculed by everyone. After that, he went to his father to intercede and was scolded instead. After a meal, he even had a big fight with his father. He knew that the people in this mansion were watching his jokes, thinking that these tempers were getting worse, and even often vented his anger with the subordinates around him, so the subordinates' attitude towards him became more and more respectful.

    On this day, after learning that his uncle had handed over a matter that was originally entrusted to him to other people, Ji Tao couldn’t help but lose his temper in the house. After breaking a few porcelain, he still felt wrong. Just when I was about to take the person out of my breath, I only heard a very gentle voice saying: "Husband, what's the matter with you?"

.For a moment, Ji Tao seemed to calm down, looking at the woman who was standing in front of her and looking at her tenderly, moving her mouth without saying anything.

    Sang Jiayi glanced at the surrounding situation, and she understood what had happened. The expression in Ji Tao's eyes remained unchanged and her tone was still very gentle. When she approached Ji Tao, she said softly, "Don't be angry. Body, no matter what is going on, let’s take a long-term view. It’s better for two people to think of a solution together than for one to feel sullen in life.”

    Ji Tao raised his head and looked at Sang Jiayi's gentle eyes that were always glowing. The anger in his heart dropped in an instant, and he nodded slowly after a long time, indicating that he agreed.

    Seeing that Ji Tao was successfully comforted by herself, Sang Jiayi gently put her hand on his head, stroked it lightly, and said in a light tone: "It doesn't matter, we still have a chance."

.As if thinking of something, as if bewitched, Ji Tao smiled and said softly: "Yes, we still have a chance."

    "Mrs. Young, the pastries and peach blossom wine we prepared are all sold out, do we want to make some more?" Jiang Chen looked at his owner and looked very excited. The things they sell here are not cheap, but even so Don’t worry about selling them, especially the new cakes made by my own owner. They are in short supply. Now they have become a status symbol in the city. If you don’t bring a box of their cakes as a gift, then That is, the etiquette is not yet in place.

    As the popularity grew, the cakes became more and more popular. Now they are basically sold out soon after they started to sell. .Regarding this phenomenon, as the third person with the most power besides his own owner and the shopkeeper, Jiang Chen is naturally very excited.

    Tang Xiaobao didn’t feel surprised when he heard the news. After all, the cakes were made by using that special method. Although they won’t produce as powerful effects as Healing Ji Ling, they also have a little warming effect and can eat them. People can naturally taste the beauty of it. It's just that when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he thought about it and shook his head, and said lightly: "No, we are about to close the door."

    Jiang Chen, who was originally full of joy, heard Tang Xiaobao’s answer. He was stunned for a moment, and then he had to sigh in his heart when he thought of his other terrifying boss, but he still said with a very tangled expression on his face. : "Yes, boss."

.Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, he knew what he was thinking, but it was more important for him to stay with Ji Ling all the time. Since Ji Ling is so busy now, he naturally has to reduce his workload a little to ensure the time spent with Ji Ling. After all, a harmonious family requires the mutual maintenance of both parties, and Ji Ling cannot contribute unilaterally. .

    I greeted everyone in the restaurant and told them to get off work after preparing the materials they need tomorrow. Under the happy and entangled look of everyone, they were ready to pack up and go back, thinking that there is still enough time for him to give Ji Ling today. Make a soup.

    Who knows that before he took off his clothes and put on his own casual clothes, he heard a very panicked voice from outside, "My boss, it's not good, it said someone ate our food to death."

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