Chapter 98

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Ji Tao looked at Ji Ling without any expression on his face. The two stared for a long time, as if they had suddenly thought of something, and then laughed out loudly, then shaking the glass in their hands, they said faintly: "I really don't understand, what can make me very busy? My good brother came to me personally.” While talking, he looked sideways at the person standing in front of him.

    Seeing him like this, Ji Ling didn't say much, and walked closer to him a few steps, and saw that his face still had an expression that didn't understand anything, but he showed a bit of fear when he approached. With a look, he curled the corners of his lips with satisfaction. Then I came to him, lowered my head and looked at the person sitting there, Zhu lips slightly aroused, and said lightly: "A person died recently, I think you probably know your second brother, so I wanted to ask."

."So many people die in this city and outside the city every day, do I know everyone? Brother, what you said is really funny." Ji Tao said so, but no one saw the one he put under the table. The hand was squeezed in vain, and there was a little shake in his eyes.

    Ji Ling lowered his head, looked down at his second brother, and said casually, "If it has nothing to do with your second brother, I will naturally not bother to come. I just heard that this person was still helping you some time ago. The son died, it is inevitable that people will be suspicious."

    Hearing this paragraph in vain, Ji Tao's complexion didn't look good, so he stood up immediately, looked at his elder brother, and said unceremoniously: "Don't say that I don't have such a number one person, even if someone is working under me. , If there is an accidental death, do you blame me for not being optimistic about people?"

.Since I came back, I haven't paid attention to this younger brother for a while, but now it seems that he has grown a lot, and it is not something that can shake his stomach like he was scared when he was a child. Thinking of this younger brother who was frightened to tears when he was young, Ji Ling suddenly laughed happily.

    It’s just that this smile in Ji Tao’s eyes is like a symbol of his ridicule of himself. It is very angry. Seeing him, he said with great anger: "You are here to give me an unreasonable charge, imagine dealing with it. Did my mother drive me out of Ji's house in an unreasonable name?"

    Ji Ling looked at him, reduced the smile on his lips, as if thinking of something, took a step back, and said with no emphasis, "I just want to tell you that if you don't stop in time, then The consequences can only be borne by you.".After speaking, without waiting for Ji Tao to reply, he turned and left with his subordinates.

    Staring at the back of Ji Ling leaving, Ji Tao's chest was constantly rising and falling, looking like he was about to go violently. Until Ji Ling walked away, he kicked the table in front of him. Down, smashed a few times, scared the next person.

    Ji Tao calmed down when there was nothing to smash in the room, took a heavy breath, and called his confidant to his side.

    "Young Master?" Hesitantly asked the young master who looked very angry at his confidant.

    Ji Tao turned his head and stared at him, with a very cold tone, "What I told you to do last time, you will do it for me, just be careful when doing it. If you get caught again, beware of your own life. ."

.Hearing this, his heart shuddered, and he respectfully agreed, "Yes, master."

    Looking at the wide open door, Ji Tao thought viciously, since he has done everything, naturally there is no reason to let it go halfway. Doesn't he love his husband very much? Then he wanted to see how far Ji Ling could do for Tang Xiaobao.

    Leaving Ji Tao's place, Ji Ling said to Feng Ling who was following him, "Send someone to stare at him closely to see what he is going to do today. Have those people found it?"

    "Yes. Those people have been found, and they have been trapped in a safe place by me." Feng Ling replied very seriously.

    Ji Ling nodded, and said nothing else. After looking at the time for a while, I realized that it was still too early to eat, so I took a group of my own people to inspect the store for a while, and when the time was almost up, I went to Tang Xiaobao's restaurant.

.As soon as he entered the door, the second child named Jiang Chen greeted him with great enthusiasm, and looked at his boss with a bright smile, "The little boss knows that you may be coming today, and the little one has been waiting at the door."

    Ji Ling turned to look at this very clever little second, nodded, and then came to a very elegant private room under his enthusiastic recommendation, ordered a few things that he often eats, and looked at the one who was leaving. Xiao Er said, "Bring me a message to your little boss. If you are not busy today, come and have a meal with me."

    "Yes." Jiang Chen replied very briskly, and he was very happy to convey these things.

    Sure enough, Tang Xiaobao brought a group of attendants carrying meals to Ji Ling's private room. He looked very happy when he watched Ji Ling's eyes flicker. .As soon as I entered the door, I sat beside Ji Ling and asked happily, "Why are you here today?"

    Ji Ling looked at Tang Xiaobao, who was a little thin because of his thoughts over the past few days, and said in a warm voice: "It just happened to be dinner, I came to you thinking about it, and I will take a look at you by the way." He said it was by the way, but here is far from Ji Ling. There is still a long way to go here, and you still need to run a long distance to come here. If you want to eat, the Ji family's eldest master is not delicacy and delicacy there, but he has to come here.

    It's just that these Tang Xiaobao had never thought about it, but he knew that Ji Ling came to see him specifically, and he was very happy just because of this. Although I can see it when I go home, a little surprise like this makes him feel very happy.

    Ji Ling looked at Tang Xiaobao who was overjoyed, curled his mouth helplessly, and then asked, "I'm very happy?"

.Tang Xiaobao raised his sparkling eyes and looked at him, without hiding them, and said very happily: "Well, I'm very happy that you can come."

    Seeing Tang Xiaobao like this, Ji Ling knew that what happened during this period had no impact on him, and even if it had an impact, it almost dissipated. Seeing this, Ji Ling let go of his heart.

    The two happily ate a meal. Recently, Ji Ling had delayed some time for this incident and had to hurry back. Therefore, he said to Tang Xiaobao that he would come back later tonight, and he took it with him. Feng Ling left.

    Looking at the carriage where Ji Ling left, and the number of people buying cakes at the door recently, Tang Xiaobao narrowed his mouth, and finally turned back unhappily.

.The green lotus who had been following Tang Xiaobao saw Tang Xiaobao's appearance, covered her mouth and smiled, and then ran to her young wife in small steps and whispered: "Young lady, since the young master will go home later today, Then we will pick some fresh ingredients later and cook the very time-consuming dish you said last time. I think the young master will be very happy."

    Hearing Luhe’s suggestion, Tang Xiaobao turned his head to look at her, and after thinking about it for a while, he agreed, nodded and said very happily: "Then we will get off work soon." He knew that Ji Ling was very happy with the dish. I like it very much, but it takes a very long time, and it also takes a lot of trouble to make fresh, so there are not many opportunities to make it. Thinking that there is still plenty of time today, Tang Xiaobao happily prepares to make one for Ji Ling.

.Green Lotus didn't understand what his young wife meant by ‘off work’, but looked at him and became happy again, and also became happy in his heart. Isn't their duty to worry about the master?

    So, Tang Xiaobao, who ended his business task ahead of schedule today, took his personal servant, Green Lotus, to the market to buy the necessary ingredients, and then went home to cook happily.

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