Chapter 47

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After sitting there thinking for a while, he slowly burned the letter in his hand. Watching the tongue of fire gradually devour the paper, Ji Ling's eyes suddenly and darkly did not know what he was thinking. Then he looked at Feng Ling who was standing by and was waiting, and said lightly: "Find a clean storefront. It doesn't need to be big, it's clean and the surroundings are safe."

    Hearing Ji Ling's instructions, Feng Ling nodded, indicating that he understood.

    Gently swept away the ashes on his desk, as if thinking of something, looked at Feng Ling standing in front of him, thought for a moment, and continued: "If Li Gongzi wants to control that Tang Shiman, let him Take care of it, you don't have to interfere."

    Feng Ling glanced at Ji Ling who couldn't see any emotions, lowered his head and agreed, and then led out.

.After Feng Ling went out, Ji Ling stared at the simple decoration in front of him for a while. Soon, he gave a sneer, and then he raised the pen in his hand to deal with the affairs.

    Since the Tang Mansion incident, Tang Xiaobao has not paid much attention to Tang Shiman's whereabouts. He felt that the most difficult thing for the beautifully clothed woman from the time the youngest lady until now did not know where to live. Except that the bed matter made him feel a little uncoordinated, Tang Xiaobao was still very satisfied with his life. Especially when Green Lotus came to tell him that Ji Ling had set up a store for himself, it made him surprised and scared. .

    Staring at the land deed in Luhe's hand, Tang Xiaobao looked at her with a little confidence and asked, "Ji Ling already knows it?"

.Seeing that my young lady looked like a kid who did something wrong and afraid of being punished by adults, Green Lotus gently covered the smile at the corner of his mouth, and then looked at him and said softly: "Young lady, there is nothing young master does not know. Since the young master gave you this, it proves that he agrees with you selling things outside."

    Although I heard that Green Lotus said this, my nervousness was slightly lessened, but I still felt that such a passive discovery was more frightening than being proactive and frank. Moreover, this matter was originally because he was not right. He sold everything secretly without telling Ji Ling. So, looking at Lvhe's expression a little tangled, but also a little nervous, "After Ji Ling gave you the things, did he say anything?"

.Luhe looked at Tang Xiaobao, who was very nervous, and understood his anxiety, so his tone became softer, for fear of scaring him, "The young master only said that although he gave you the storefront, the time for making things is still in accordance with It turned out that the time for the stall was ready. Now the weather is cold, and you have made the small stall outside the wind. As for what is missing, you still need your wife to communicate with the housekeeper, and then someone will be able to pull it over. "

    Hearing Lvhe's words, Tang Xiaobao felt a little sweet in his heart, but still felt that he was too stupid. I thought I was secret, and I had concealed it from Ji Ling, who knew Ji Ling would have known it long ago. But since it was something Ji Ling had prepared for him, Tang Xiaobao would not refuse, after all, it was really boring to stay at home every day. .So I asked where the house written in the title deed was, and put it away with joy. After thinking about it, I decided to make a delicious meal for Ji Ling today, and confess my mistake casually.

    Thinking of this, Tang Xiaobao, who was full of energy, took Luhe to the kitchen to prepare. ,

    Looking at Tang Xiaobao who was full of vitality, there was a different kind of tenderness in the eyes of the green lotus who followed. She liked such a young lady very much.

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