Chapter 6

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Tang Xiaobao never went out for the next few days. After all, every time he went out, he had to follow a bunch of people and buy a bunch of things he didn't need. This made Tang Xiaobao feel very uncomfortable.

    And Ji Ling has stayed in the room for several days because of his health. That is to say, in the past few days, Tang Xiaobao learned that Ji Ling was not ill, but because he was weak when he came out of the womb, and that he can live to this day is still relying on expensive medicines to maintain his life every day. If it were in an ordinary family, such a disease of wealth would have died long ago, and only a family like the Ji family could continue to support him.

    At the beginning, the people in the main family thought that Ji Ling’s body would gradually get better as the years went on. Who knew that he had remained half-dead until now, the head mother took the throne and gave birth to a healthy heir. His sick seed is worthless. .So he sent him down, and as he fends for himself, although the money is not small, but Caiyue's tone is probably still a bit different from when he was at the master's house.

    After knowing this, Tang Xiaobao felt a little bit of sympathy between the two of them. The look in Ji Ling’s eyes is not as scared as before. In fact, through observations over the past few days, he feels that marrying himself does not seem to be inherited. I bought back a vase, as long as it didn't interfere with him, he was generally very tolerant. Commonly known as, out of sight, out of mind, when he doesn't exist, you can't say a few words to him unless it is necessary or not.

    Sitting there, looking at Caiyue's textbook for herself, Tang Xiaobao felt very boring. Although he had no worries about food and clothing during the few days here, he felt very depressed. .Ji Ling regards himself as an ordinary decoration. Although it is not difficult for himself, it is very awkward between the two getting along. He didn't know until now why Ji Ling had to share a room with himself. There were so many rooms here, he didn't believe that he couldn't find any other place except for a room with himself.

    At this time, Ji Ling was lying on the couch opposite Tang Xiaobao, looking like he was asleep. Tang Xiaobao stared at him twice, not knowing if it was his illusion, he felt that Ji Ling now was less angry than when he saw it.

    Tang Xiaobao looked at such Ji Ling, feeling a little tangled in his heart. According to this situation, it might be possible that Ji Ling died that day, and as Ji Ling's husband, he would be considered a widow. I was married back by Ji Ling with a lot of gifts, and my stepmother didn't even take the dowry. At that time, even Ji Ling gave the dowry to look good. .In short, after Ji Ling hangs up, he is penniless, and there is no cost to do a small business after he goes out. He didn't think that the owner would not take the things back, instead leaving it to his own foreign surname.

    Apart from the initial panic, Tang Xiaobao figured out how to position himself and Ji Ling as the relationship between employers and employees. Ji Ling hired himself to perform a play that he didn’t know why it started. Of course, Tang Xiaobao must try his best to cooperate. NS. It's just that now his generous employer is dying, which makes Tang Xiaobao a little entangled, because he seems to have a way to help Ji Ling. It’s just that I don’t know if the value is worth it.

    Ji Ling slept for a while, then coughed, heart-piercing, and finally coughed up blood. The people around became busy again, the doctor came again, and began to rescue nervously again. .Before Tang Xiaobao was invited out, he saw the doctor unbutton Ji Ling's clothes, and he looked really skinny.

    When the doctor came out of the room, Tang Xiaobao struggled for a while, or went up and asked, "Doctor, Ji, how is my husband's condition?"

    Hearing Tang Xiaobao’s words, the doctor slowly looked at the newly married little brother, and saw that the worry on his face didn’t seem to be fake, and then he said: “I’ve been treating Master Ji since I was a child, and he insisted. It’s been a miracle by now. I’m not sure, I went there that day."

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