Chapter 66

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Even among the dudes, there is a certain way of seating. As the host of this banquet, even if they don't know what Ji Ling's status is in the Ji's house, the people still unanimously decided to let him sit on the main seat. Just next to a few people were the son of Lei and the son of Zhang who had just proposed.

    After the group sat down, they started unceremoniously.

    "Since we are in Ji's house today, how about letting Ji Gongzi start his head first." Lei Gongzi looked at the friend he had just made and laughed loudly.

    Ji Ling looked at him for fear that the world would not be chaotic, and didn't say much, but raised his eyebrows lightly, his face was full of provocations, "Since it is a drinking order, then I have to give me a question, otherwise Just sitting here alone, I’m afraid I can’t think of a very appropriate topic."

.Everyone heard it and felt that it made sense. One of the women didn't shy away at this time because she had become acquainted with everyone. Watching Ji Ling smile and say: "Since we are here to enjoy the flowers today, how about we start with flowers?"

    Now that someone had spoken, the others would naturally not object, so they all agreed.

    Just glanced at the excited people around him, Ji Ling was not polite at all. After thinking about it, he started his first sentence, "When the spring breeze peaches and plum blossoms bloom, the autumn rain when the sycamore leaves fall." After finishing speaking, he was very humble. Everyone said something to show their ugliness.

    It's just that when everyone heard it, they felt it was very powerful. Logically, after Ji Ling passed, it was Tang Xiaobao's turn next to him.

.Seeing that the flowers that signaled the relay reached his hands, Tang Xiaobao was stunned for a minute. He always thought that he and Ji Ling were one body. Since Ji Ling had done the wine order, it had nothing to do with him. Tang Xiaobao was a little embarrassed just thinking about today's topic, because he also memorized a lot of poems about flowers, but at this time, would it not look so good?

    Seeing Tang Xiaobao hesitating for a long time, Ji Ling thought he would not, and in the bottom of his heart he blamed himself for not thinking carefully. Thinking of the environment he was in, he wouldn't be able to invite someone to teach him like here, just when he was about to explain to everyone that he had finished drinking this glass of punishment for Tang Xiaobao. I only heard a soft voice coming from the side, appearing to be very soft and said: "If you want to come to Tang brother who is not good at this kind of game, it is better to bypass him this time."

.Hearing that Tang brother, Ji Ling's eyebrows moved noncommittally, something seemed to flash in his eyes, and then he looked at Sang Jiayi, and his eyes looked more.

    It was the first time that Sang Jiayi participated in this kind of event. In addition, it was the person who was introduced by the eldest lady, so everyone in the room would give her a bit of face. At this time, when she heard her proposal, no one came forward to object. It's just what you think secretly, it's no longer within the control of everyone here.

    After bypassing himself, Tang Xiaobao was naturally relieved. He was able to use other people's poems, but the illusion of plagiarism after all made him faintly guilty. Just looking at Sang Jiayi and watching her always looking at herself very tenderly, she couldn't help but wonder if she helped herself once because she had helped her when she came. .It’s just that she didn’t wait until she came up with a reason, Sang Jiayi had long turned her gaze away, and said generously: “Since Brother Tang has been bypassed, then it’s time for me, woman. No talent, it's ugly." After speaking, he said his own verse.

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