Chapter 63

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I saw that girl looked at Tang Xiaobao very sadly, as if he had done something sorry for himself. Tang Xiaobao was shocked when he saw this gaze, and showed a puzzled expression at the girl, wondering why she looked at herself like this.

    "Girl, is there anything wrong with you?" Luhe, who felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, stepped forward and asked the girl respectfully.

    The girl glanced at Tang Xiaobao, who seemed to be unable to figure out the situation, and the maid standing calmly in front of her. She asked, "I originally came to participate in this flower fair, but I just don’t know how to get there. Here. Now, I don't know how to go back?" The girl said, her expression seemed a little embarrassed.

    Tang Xiaobao looked at the girl, then at the green lotus. The green lotus went to ask for the way just now, and it should have been asked for the way after so long. .Just looking at Green Lotus at this time, I just wanted to open my mouth.

    I heard the green lotus standing there and said softly: "It just so happens that we are going there too. If the lady doesn't dislike it, please come with us."

    When the girl heard the busy nodding, she immediately thought of something, and said to Tang Xiaobao: "My name is Sang." After speaking, she looked at Tang Xiaobao with bright eyes.

    Looking at her big shiny eyes, Tang Xiaobao didn't know it, and then tentatively said: "Miss Sang, my surname is Tang."

    After receiving Tang Xiaobao's surname, a bright smile appeared on the girl's face, and there was a blush on both sides of her cheeks, she looked like a young girl who had just begun to love her.

.Green Lotus, who always thought that the girl who appeared suddenly was very strange, stepped forward to separate the two, and then said respectfully: "Miss Sang, let's go there soon, maybe the banquet has already started." Watching the lady dress up all over her body. , Presumably the family is very rich, even if it is not seen at other people's banquets. But at this time, the maid who was following this young lady should have been very flustered, maybe she was already looking for someone now.

    After being reminded by Green Lotus, Miss Sang nodded and asked Green Lotus to lead the way very politely.

    Green Lotus has always maintained a very respectful attitude to the polite lady. Just now she met someone who had worked together before. It happened that the two had old grievances. At this time, Green Lotus came back with Ji Ling, and one of them was ascended to the sky. It is inevitable that she would be said two harsh words, so some time was wasted because of the theory. . .It's just that Tang Xiaobao didn't blame her. While she was fortunate, she did not forget to remind herself of her duty.

    Green Lotus led the way, and Tang Xiaobao and Miss Nasang followed. It's just that she feels that the young lady looks at herself from time to time, and her eyes are indistinguishable. Tang Xiaobao breathed a sigh of relief only when the three of them arrived at a crowded place, the girl seemed to feel wrong and narrowed her sight.

    The big garden in front of me was originally the Fuzhong. It was probably because of this banquet that many precious flowers were brought over. I even made a lot of tables, chairs, and food. In fact, it was a bit like an open-air party in a previous life. But here, everyone still enjoys the flowers in their spare time, and by the way, say a few elegant poems.

.The purpose of this event is actually very well understood by everyone, so most people can see men and women in twos and threes standing together and talking, and they seem to get along very happily. The moment Tang Xiaobao stepped into the place, he saw Ji Ling who looked like stars and arched moon among the crowd. Even standing among a group of heavenly pride, he was a very dazzling existence.

    Tang Xiaobao stood there looking at Ji Ling like that, even if he was indifferent, he still couldn't hide the interest of others in him. I don't know why, the foot that stepped out can't step out, and I want to turn my head back.

    Girl Sang, who has been paying attention to Tang Xiaobao, is even more concerned about the crying maid who is looking for her not far away. She looked at him and asked with concern: "Brother Tang, what's wrong with you?"

    "I.".Tang Xiaobao just wanted to say that he didn't have anything, but Ji Ling, who was standing in the crowd, turned his head and looked all over here. I saw a layer of warmth in the originally very cold eyes, and then said something to the people around him, and strode towards where Tang Xiaobao was. Seeing this momentary change, Tang Xiaobao stood there blankly until Ji Ling approached.

    Following the direction of Tang Xiaobao's line of sight, Miss Sang saw the man walking towards them. At first glance, she saw his face. She seemed to have never seen a man so handsome. Until they arrived in front of them, they said: "Why are you here? If you just said you want to come, I will bring you here."

    Hearing Ji Ling's question, Tang Xiaobao came back to his senses. Nono's didn't know how to answer, saying that he came here because he was worried about Ji Ling? .Although this is true, he always felt that what he said would trigger a new round of family crisis. So looking at Ji Ling, he didn't know how to speak.

    When the two were looking at each other, they only heard a very hearty voice coming from behind Ji Ling, asking loudly: "Master Ji, who is the very cute boy in front of you?"

    Ji Ling turned his head to look at the friend he had just met. He didn't intend to deceive, and said very directly: "This is the husband I've passed the door." As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

    The person who asked the question seemed a bit unbelievable. He glanced at Ji Ling’s cold face, then at Tang Xiaobao’s very well-behaved and pleasing look, before suffocating a sentence, "You kid hides it. It's deep enough to marry such a lovely husband."

    "I have never concealed it." Ji Ling said lightly.
.The man was stunned, and immediately shut his mouth.

    Only Ms. Sang, who was standing next to Tang Xiaobao, was a little unacceptable, looking at Tang Xiaobao a little bit distressed

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