Chapter 85

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Tang Xiaobao, who didn't know that he had been missed by others, was now carefully preparing the most important flavor of the ingredients that he needed to use recently. Since this place has become famous recently, although the number of tables received every day or the things you buy are limited, they still add up to a huge amount.

    To ensure the efficacy of the food, many things were done by Tang Xiaobao himself, and on several occasions he was very embarrassed. Until the green lotus couldn't stand it anymore, he went to Ji Ling to file a complaint several times. He was threatened by Ji Ling to close his store if he continued like this. By the way, he warned the servants here, and Tang Xiaobao was forced to reduce the burden on himself.

    After Tang Xiaobao personally finished the raw materials, the people around him who had been paying attention to Tang Xiaobao's movements immediately came forward, took over Tang Xiaobao's work very quickly, and moved swiftly.

.After such a period of running-in, the employees in this small store became very skilled, so Tang Xiaobao finished his part and went aside to rest.

    There is a small lounge specially prepared for him by Ji Ling, where he can rest when he is tired. Although it is small, there is still a bed inside and a table for storing things. The space does not seem to be particularly crowded.

    The moment Tang Xiaobao opened the door, he saw the person sitting there, and immediately showed a big smile, ready to run over. He ran two steps excitedly, seeming to notice something wrong, and stopped suddenly, then looked at Ji Ling cautiously, and intuitively told him that Ji Ling was very unhappy now. The gloom all over his body, just like when he first met him, made Tang Xiaobao a little scared inexplicably.

.Perhaps he heard the movement, turned his head to look around, and then saw Tang Xiaobao who had been standing there looking at him in a daze. Ji Ling was taken aback. It seemed that he hadn't seen him fearing himself in such a long time. . Thinking of what he had been worried about for a long time, he waved to Tang Xiaobao.

    Seeing Ji Ling's movements, Tang Xiaobao actually hesitated. He repeatedly observed Ji Ling's expression. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, and he approached him cautiously.

    As Tang Xiaobao approached, the coldness of Ji Ling's whole body dissipated like substance. When Tang Xiaobao was only one step away from him, he pulled the person over and hugged him in his arms. Putting his head on his neck, he sighed and said, "You."

    Tang Xiaobao looked at the person who was holding him. He didn't understand. He just reached out his hand and touched his head. He asked ignorantly: "What's the matter?.I haven't done anything recently. "

    Hearing Tang Xiaobao's ignorance, Ji Ling raised his head and looked at him formally, and then said seriously: "Did you put the ability to save me into the soup you made?" As expected. , Ji Ling felt that the body in his arms became stiff, and then quietly defended: "I just used a little bit."

    With one hand around Tang Xiaobao's waist, one hand squeezed Tang Xiaobao's face so that he could look directly at him.

    Seeing the condemnation in the depths of Ji Ling's cold eyes, Tang Xiaobao felt very guilty, but had to look at him again. After such a while, maybe it was painful being pinched by Ji Ling, tears gradually appeared in Tang Xiaobao's eyes, and he looked at Ji Ling pitifully.

.Seeing Tang Xiaobao like this, Ji Ling sighed silently, then relaxed the hand that restricted him, carefully wiped the tears from the corner of his eye, and said faintly: "Are you a kid? You like crying so much." ."

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