Chapter 25

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Seeing Tang Xiaobao's appearance, the person who was talking felt very funny. He wanted to open his mouth and say something more, only to see his companion poking at him, and looking at him suspiciously, he saw his companion pointed behind Tang Xiaobao. Means, at this time everyone saw that the person standing there was Ji Ling, and suddenly everyone's laughter was reduced.

    Although the current dynasty is mostly valued by scholars, it is no longer the era of scholars, farmers, commerce, and merchants. Nowadays, the sage is wise, the country is in a good climate, and the status of merchants is not low, not to mention the Jijia, the world's number one merchant's home, who can be in-laws with the royal family. Although this place is not as good as the imperial city where Ji’s family is located, it can be regarded as a wealthy place. Therefore, when Ji Ling first arrived, there was no mountain or dew, plus his sickly and weak body, so everyone naturally thought that It's because the exiles didn't have much contact with each other.

.Who knows that afterwards, Ji Ling's body somehow healed, so everyone around began to see Ji Ling's real methods. It turns out that the Wangjiang Tower, one of the best here, is Ji Ling's property, and it is getting bigger and bigger in his hands, not to mention other developments. It wasn't until then that everyone discovered that the original Ji family was not good at all. Thinking about it this way, I can't help but think of the child-like marriage held when Ji Ling first came. Until now, many people are very regretful, why did they not send it to their own people in the first place. Whether it is from that good-looking face or the rich family possessions, it is enough to make people rush.

    Although all the people here like to have fun, they are all from the family, and all are human beings. Originally, I came to take a look at the unusual beauty of this ship, but I didn't expect that the person on it was Ji Ling. .Turning his head around, the little brother who can be so casual on the boat must be the one he married.

    The person who had just spoken quickly reacted and bowed his hand towards Ji Ling, with a very respectful tone, "I don't know if the person on the boat is Master Ji, I will bother you two."

    Ji Ling nodded and responded, saying hello. Then he came to Tang Xiaobao's side and put a hat on him. As the sun began to shine, the sun began to grow bigger, and he still needed to be guarded.

    Seeing that Ji Ling didn't seem to want to pay attention to them, everyone didn't want to make themselves boring, so after saying a few polite remarks, they asked the boatman to row the boat away.

    When he was a little farther away, the friend looked at the person who was taking the lead and said angrily: "Brother Li, that person was really arrogant just now. It is not polite to talk to us."

.The man known as Brother Li smiled and said, "That man has this ability, even my dad is courteous to him three points, can we still quarrel with him, it's not a big deal anyway."

    Hearing this, the rest of the people who were originally uncomfortable were a little discouraged. They were telling the truth. If they really annoyed Ji Ling, they still don't know how to go home. However, thinking of the scene I saw just now, someone continued to speak, "But speaking of that son of Ji is really rich, even the boat looks very handsome, but it is a pity to use it for fishing, his brother He is cute, and I am afraid that he has a very good life. I never thought that such a cold-faced and ruthless person in the mall would love his brother so much in private."

    Seeing what he said, the others nodded in agreement. .Then the rest of the people broke in a few words, and then turned the topic away. At this time, I didn’t know where a voice came out, and said in surprise: “Hey, isn’t that brother just now the younger brother of Sister Tang? I didn’t see Sister Tang coming out to recognize our relatives, so let’s go and take a look on the boat. I was very curious. Such a magnificent cruise ship must have a different scenery on it."

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