Chapter 1

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Monday 17th August

"Morning Woojin!" I said and ruffled up my brothers hair

"Yah! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?" He replied

"I'm never gonna stop... so... ask as many times as you want" I replied

"Why?" He whined

"Because I can" I replied

"Want a drink?" I asked

"Um- yes, can I have an orange juice Please?" He asked

"No I'm gonna offer you a drink and not make you one" I replied sarcastically as I grabbed the juice from the nearly empty fridge, I stood up looked down at the fridge, took a deep breath and looked back up

"I'll go to the shop later, make sure we have some food to live off" I replied half joking

"You're literally 1 year older than me, you need a break, I can't have you doing that" he sighed "I'll do the shopping today"

"No, it's alright, I can manage, you just focus on your football alright?" I said

"No" he replied "I may not be the older sibling, but I am old enough to take up responsibilities" he said

"You're 16, I'm the older sibling, I'll let you take up responsibilities when I feel I can't." I replied

"Don't you have to study for that Mandarin test tomorrow, and the Japanese test so you're ready for Wednesday?" He made me think for a moment

"Don't worry... I-I'll find a way to do it all" I said

"And you also have Volleyball practice straight after school tonight." He said "you need a break. I'll do this weeks shopping" he insisted

"Fine, you can do this weeks shopping, as long as you stop reminding me of all the school responsibilities I have" I put on a fake pout

"Fine, fine, I'll stop listing your responsibilities" he laughed

"Do you mind toasted breakfast waffles for this morning?" I asked

"Not at all" he replied

"Good they go out tomorrow, so we need to use them up" I said

After about 20 minutes

"It's time for school, come on" I said and hooked my brothers old, beat up, satchel bag over my shoulder, he soon followed on as he put his branded backpack on

Another while later

"Sorry I'm late Ms" I said as I entered the classroom

"Why were you late?" She asked

"I was making sure my brother had everything he needed for today." I replied

"Okay then, sit down" she replied

"She gets let off for having no parents, that's bullshit" I heard a bunch of students murmur

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