Chapter 22

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It's been a quiet week since then, a concerning quiet. The team have been busy preparing for round 2 of the raid. It's now April eighth a reminder of how fast this year is going. However there is also something important on this day and I have plans.

"How much will this be?" I asked the store clerk

"Uhh, this much for the flowers and soju." He said and showed me the screen, I handed him the necessary cash

"Thank you" I smiled

"Thank you instead, you're a nice customer and we don't get a lot of those around these parts" he smiled "have a good day" he smiled

"You too Mr" I smiled with a small wave before heading into the car and driving off to where I needed to be


"Thanks Daniel, I forgot to let you know in advance, make ure captain isn't too mad at me" I smiled

"No problem and he couldn't be mad at you even if he tried" he chuckled

"Yeah" I chuckled "The siblings have messaged me, I've got to go, see you Daniel!" I said

"See you, use your day off well" he said

"That's the plan" I said and we ended the call


Baby Fox 🦊-
How are you feeling?

Wolfie Singie 🐺-
Yeah, you holding up well?

Well, I've been better I won't lie, but I'm holding up well, might do something later

Oldest Child (Fake youngest)-
Glad your holing up well, and we might join you if you need the support, we've all been there

I think I'll be fine, but I'll message you if and as soon as I don't feel as great about stuff.

Wolfy Singie 🐺-
Well, just remember we're one call away.

Oldest Child (Fake Youngest)-
Yeah, we'll be waiting just in case

Baby Fox 🦊-
Even me though I know you don't wanna ask for help from the youngest!

Thanks to you all, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Oldest Child (Fake Youngest)-
Okay Just as long as you know!

Wolfy Singie 🐺-
We'll leave you to it then, love ya! Xx

Baby Fox 🦊-
Love you, and look after yourself today xx

Oldest Child(Fake Youngest)-
One call away. Love you cub xx

Love you all xx

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Knock* Knock*
"What the fuck??" I muttered and looked down at myself realising that I might actually have to change or look at least presentable for the moment.

However I couldn't find the will to change and instead just shoved a hoodie over my shirt, now wearing some night shorts, an old and worn pair of socks and a hoodie.

Knock* Knock*
"I'm coming!" I shouted, so whoever it was could hear. I went to the door and opened it ready to tell whoever it was to go away

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