Chapter 44

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3rd Person POV
This energy wasn't just new to Hoseok and Minji, but new to Y/N herself. She had never felt such passion, not even when she first became a police officer. It was the passion she needed to succeed. The passion she needed to avenge Woojin, to give her the closure that she wanted or even needed.

She stood strong. Hoseok wasn't expecting her to stand again, not after his last strike to the thigh of the woman. For the first time in this fight, he felt threatened. If that didn't make her give up, what could? He questioned himself.

He wouldn't show his concern though. He couldn't, not in front of Minji and certainly not in front of such a weak human being who he once had such mental power over, without her or himself even realising it.

His silence and lack of concern only motivated Y/N though. But she won't make the first move, in her physical state, she'd be dumb to.

She didn't have to though, her confidence and passion only pissed Hoseok off. He tried stabbing her in the leg again, but she moved out of the way, trapping his arm between hers, as he was stuck in place, she stabbed him in the back, before creating distance again. He groaned, but his fury grew, making his movements desperate and messy. But Y/N was more levelheaded now, than she was moments ago, the thought of Woojin keeping her sane.

"You said one of us will die tonight." Y/N spoke "did you think of the possibility that it could be you?" She asked, he threw another strike, however he suddenly went stiff. A stab to the abdomen stopped him in his tracks. The injury finally caused him fall to the ground. Y/N only deepened the knife, causing a loud groan to erupt through Hoseok's mouth as he lost more strength. This continued for a small while. However a tap on the shoulder brought her back to reality. Minji's reassuring grip made her realise what she was doing. She stood up, full of regret, but also full of pride. Hoseok gripped onto his abdomen, as he struggled to find the strength to stand and fight again.

"If I let you live... what will you do?" Y/N asked

"I'm loyal to Heechul. I'll tell him to fucking kill you." He said "and I'd suggest that he invite the duo that hurt you back. Remind you of how lowly we think of you." He was too stubborn for his own good.

Y/N put the man out of his misery, stabbing him again, lucky for him, she offered a quick death.

As soon as she did this though, she finally gave in to her wounds and collapsed. Luckily Minji caught her before she hit her head again.

Sirens could be heard in the distance, assuming Minji's neighbours heard the ruckus and called the cops for that very reason. The pair realised that they'd have to leave soon. And pray that things can get fixed before the police realise who did it.

"I'm taking you home." She said assuringly, Y/N nodded weakly. And Minji helped the girl out the door. Leaving the house a mess, but ridding of any weapons or possible finger prints.

The pair made it out before the police got close. And like Minji said, she took Y/N home, who eventually passed out due to her injuries.

Minji hesitantly woke Y/N up as they made it to the house, asking if she's okay to use the keys. The rest obviously didn't help with the pain, but it helped return the energy a little.

Y/N handed Minji the keys as she was helped out of the car and to the door.

As soon as the pair made it inside the house, Minji sat Y/N on the couch.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Asked the older girl

"Sort of, it's just a tub of random supplies." Y/N weakly pointed in the direction of the cupboard

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