Chapter 37

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"..." I was speechless for a moment. Unable to believe this is real. What the fuck just happened?

"You think I'm the mole?" I finally spoke up to the older man,

"I don't want to." He sighed as he held his head in distress

"Then don't." I deadpanned

"There's just... too much evidence" he said "my superiors won't let me keep you on the team" he said "especially with the lack of evidence to prove JiU guilty.

"Show me." I said "show me your evidence- I bet I can justify it all." I said, and in response he threw a large pile of photos my way

"Justify it all you want. I believe you- but they won't" he said "in there you have photos of you drinking at the Baem-ui hotel, frequently speaking to the same two people." He said "even hugging them. Your close relationship is undeniable." He said "and it gets worse Y/N! There's photos in that pile, of you and those contract killers! What were you thinking??" He scolded "your past-"

"My Past." I repeated with a scoff "I was a teenager, my parents sucked and I had to raise myself and my brother all on my own since I was 10! I got into bad shit, and I fixed it." I said

"And your past with these guys?" He spoke "they think you're too mentally unfit to work here." he confessed "they think you're ill. Really ill." He sighed "they refuse to believe you've fully recovered from Officer Park Jihyo's death too. They deem it impossible" He said "and they think this is you letting all the mental pressure get to you and just giving into the dark thoughts surrounding it." he said

"How long have you had people watching me?" I asked, looking at images from before my injury, from before Jihyo's death.

"It wasn't my command" he quickly defended

"That's not the question I asked" I said bluntly

"What happened to you justifying your actions? Losing your patience isn't really helping your case." He said

"Fuck you." I spat "how long have I worked beside you?" I asked

"Speak professionally. That's got nothing to-" he said but I interrupted

"That's got nothing to do with it?" I scoffed "8 years of knowing me, and my personality. Do I seem like a traitor to you?" I asked

"That's not the point." He said

"You didn't even try to defend me, did you?" I asked, he looked guiltily "fuck you and fuck this team. Your superiors want rid of me? Congrats, they've succeeded." I said, tearing the lanyard from around my neck and throwing on the man's lap "nearly a decade wasted on you fuckheads, when I could've been getting justice for my brother's case, the very same case you guys have been trying to avoid since the beginning, I wonder why?" I chuckled "Eunhyuk, you are just as corrupt as the rest of them." I said storming out of the office.

I got many concerned stares when I slammed the door shut. One very noticeable one from JiU. I didn't want to look at her. I couldn't.

I'm in this position, because I defended her. It's my fault and it's hers. If she never appeared, I'd have figured it out by now. But no. I push the case forward, and she pulls it back. I should've been smarter. I shouldn't have been so emotionally invested.

I have made it this far without the help of the professional equipment from the police station, and without it, I can still go further.

They've been watching me for over a year. Yet they use Jihyo's accident as a reason for questioning me? It doesn't make sense. Why did they watch me in the first place?

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