Chapter 31

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I went back to my car as I recalled a previous conversation with chief "was Dong-Aegun involved?" I had asked

"They killed him." Chief replied briefly

Then I couldn't help but compare that with the conversation I have just had with Heechul "Lee Eunhyuk could not accept their betrayal." He stated "and killed them."

Suddenly another encounter with chief shot through my mind "they can die" Chief Lee didn't care for their lives, he didn't care for any somewhat criminal lives.

He didn't care. So why wouldn't he take it into his own hands?

That was a few days ago now, I've forced myself to forget just for today. A date, an official date. It was something I won't let Heechul or Eunhyuk take away from me.

This was my time to be me, for me.

My thoughts of the last couple of days were interrupted by a phone call, from a name that made me smile without even realising

"Hey" I spoke through the phone

"How are you?" She asked, sensing I had been off since then

"I'm good, just like I've been good for the past few days" I said

"Sure." She replied briefly, unconvinced "anyways, I'll leave you alone for now, IU, Siyeon and Gahyeon are already there, they've just started setting up, if we arrive soon we can help" she said "are you ready?" She asked "if not I'll tell them to wait" she added

"No need. I'm more than ready" I chuckled "I'm on my way, see you in a minute" I said, getting the car ready and setting off

It took roughly 20 minutes to pick her up and then make it to the beach, but everyone was still getting bits ready when we got there, so we weren't exactly 'late' and we did manage to help out

"We're here!" Y/N let them know before running and dragging me down to where we are setting up, safe to say there was a lot of sand in my shoe as a result, but it's okay because we brought spares more suitable for the beach.

"What made you choose this? Never thought I'd catch you wanting to come here" Gahyeon laughed

"Late night thoughts" she smiled with a shrug

"Random late night thought" Siyeon chuckled

"You know how it is" she shrugged, nudging me subtly

So she did this for me huh?

I smiled and looked at the girl for a short while, not realising the stupid look I had on my face, until a small bit later when I got too embarrassed so I just played it off.

"Welcome back" Siyeon teased

Embarrassing. Nope- worse than embarrassing. Much worse.

I just sent a smile in return and distracted myself

That reaction was even worse. Jesus Mi- JiU, you're so embarrassing

My monologue doesn't even know who I am.

I distracted myself in organising the way the food was laid out, it was all gonna get messed up anyways, but it meant I didn't have to look any of the others in the eyes, so it's worth it.

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