Chapter 47

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When I said temporary, I meant extremely short lived, as we were soon greeted by the man himself, on his arm a woman, a red designer dress, gold jewellery, and expensive looking makeup.

"Who's she?" I asked

"That's Kim Heechul's wife, she runs the basement..." Karina looks down as the pair approach closer. But I can't look away. My mind refused to let me look away from the older woman. Something about her... just something.

Heechul's wife approached first, upon noticing this, Karina shuffled impossibly close to me, looking away from the older woman before they met eyes. The woman gave a bitter gaze before turning her focus to me. Karina didn't move. Like she was frozen there. Her face protected by my shoulder.

"Who are you?" Asked the woman, as she looked intensely at my face, hand on my chin as she moved my face, allowing her to fully analyse it. She stepped back as Heechul approached. Crouching to my level, just staring at me.

"You're the cop that drove JiU off the deep end?" He questioned

"I'm not a cop anymore. I didn't drive Minji of the deep end, you did." I responded simply

"It is JIU! Minji is dead, she died 8 years ago with the rest of her family." Heechul said

"JiU doesn't exist." I argued, but Karina shook her head into my shoulder, a sign to stop, so I did, realising I could be risking her as well.

"You're nothing special." Heechul gazed over me "well, you don't seem special, I'd say your physical attributes are no more than mediocre, you seem broken, so it's nothing to do with your mentality, and it's definitely not your manners, because clearly you weren't raised to respect your elders" He said "how'd you do it?" He asked

"Do what?" I questioned, he didn't appreciate this, roughly gripping my face as he forced me to look into his eyes.

"JiU... she was a killing machine, mercy was worthless to her. You tell her to do something she'd do it, and would take out anyone who got in her way. Feelings? She knew better than to act on her emotions." He listed "what did you do?" He asked

"I don't know what I did, but maybe it was just the fact that I didn't treat her like a weapon of mass destruction" I responded simply "based of what you've just said that is."

Heechul let go of my face and held his arm back, I nudged Karina off my shoulder, to make sure she didn't get caught, before preparing myself for the hit. My face turned at the impact, but I met his gaze once again. "You know nothing, I treat JiU like she was my own daughter." He said "I made her a killer, to protect her." He said

"Yeah, maybe you did once upon a time, but that's certainly not what you're doing now." I spat "you don't see her as a daughter anymore, now you see her as a threat, too much like you is it?" I asked "too much like your wife?" I questioned "or is it that she is too much like her father? Mother?" I asked "No- I've got it now. She isn't like you, like your wife, her dad or her mother. You don't know how to handle her, because you've never met someone like her." I smiled. He was about to hit me again, but his wife dragged him back. He took a deep breath and put his arm down. "Your head is bleeding. I don't know how fragile you are, but I need you alive, so as much as you want me to hit you, I won't." He sighed and sent a glare to his wife as he turned around, walking to his desk.

His wife filled up a bucket of water and grabbed a cloth from a back room before coming back to us. "Don't mind him, boys will be boys." She smiled sweet smile. Though it felt eerie, like it was somewhat unstable. She dipped the cloth in the water, wiping the head injury, I tried to move, Karina's reaction adding a further weariness. But she held me in place as she crouched to my level and continued dabbing the wound with the cloth, wiping the blood that remained on my face once she was done with the original injury.

She then stood over me, as if a teacher was hovering over her students work, and it hit me. Sudden realisation.

"I know you." I said

The older woman stepped back looking somewhat amused "a pathetic girl like you knows me?" She asked in disbelief

"I do. I know you." I said "you were at every single funeral of my family." I said "why? Why was you there?" I asked. The woman just shook her head

"Your head wound must be making you see things that were never there." She says simply.

And to be honest I was convinced. But the thought never left my mind.

"Are you okay?" Karina asked "I mean your face" she clarified

"I'm fine, it stopped stinging after the water was on my face, are you?" I asked "in the way you think I'm asking." I said

"I'm fine." She said briefly

"Okay." I gave in, knowing this wasn't the best time to look to deeply into it.

Soon Heechul's wife left the room. Probably to go back to the basement based off what Karina mentioned earlier.

"What is the basement?" I asked, she was hesitant to respond, guilt in her eyes once again. "I won't condemn you, you were forced into this life, if it's something you know is bad, but couldn't stop, it's not your fault." I said

"It's uh... it's like a brothel... uh- it's really bad down there. I've never been, but Winter's told me some of the stuff she's seen there, there was more, but she doesn't like talking about those parts." She responded

"A brothel? Are we talking, underaged girls? Unwilling girls?" I asked

"Everything that is wrong with a brothel, everything that makes them illegal, that and more is going on down there." She responded "some girls and boys would be drugged, others underage but needing the money, some would join with clear boundaries, but those boundaries would be ignored, they have these flowers, especially for down there, you can hand it to someone who you fancy, and they inhale the drugs when they sniff them. Some customers take the drugs themselves and become horrible and rough." She explained "Heechul's wife likes Winter, and though Winter's never been forced to work down there, she often gets forced to work the bar, so she has to watch this stuff happen." She said

"Those spiked roses, are they from down there??" I asked

"Most likely, are you on about when your fake husband got spiked?" She asked "if so then yeah, they definitely came from down there." She said

"Oh my god!" I said "She runs this place. Heechul is the official boss, but she must have some level of control over him." I came to realisation "I did see her at every single one of my family members funerals, because she was making sure the job got done cleanly. He's basically second only to her. Oh my god."

"Happy wife, happy life" Karina said

"Yeah well he's certainly enjoying this golden palace of his." I said

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