Chapter 46

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I soon as I heard the key hit the floor, I sat up. I just wanted a bit longer to enjoy what I had before it left.

"Goodbye." I muttered, before going into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of water, before sitting, silently waiting for the living room to light up once the morning sun began to rise.

And as soon as it did rise, the first signs of life from my siblings did too. Bed creaks and then footsteps.

Jieun was the first to exit her room, expecting to be greeted by Minji, but instead greeted by the half broken remains of her younger sister.

"What's going on?" Jieun asked, hearing no suggestions of someone else in the kitchen or living room.

"Uh... she's gone." I responded simply

"What?" She asked

"Minji... she uh... she left" I sent her a sad smile

"Left to where?" She rushed next to me

"She's going to kill Heechul." I replied "well- she's gone to kill Heechul, she left last night." I replied, and without words she just gave me the biggest hug.

The unsuspecting Gahyeon and Siyeon arose next, they seemed to be more shocked than Jieun and I. Asking more questions than Jieun even needed to.

"What do we do?" Gahyeon asked

"We do nothing." Y/N spoke "We just wait and try to be as normal as possible." She said "and I just focus on rest and recovery."

"Are you serious?" Siyeon said

"If she wanted our help, she'd have waited for us all to wake up to discuss it. She didn't, she wants to take the risk alone" Jieun said "she's not our concern anymore" she shrugged

"Unnie..." Gahyeon muttered

"We just wait" Jieun deadpanned

"But-" Siyeon didn't even get to begin her argument before she was interrupted

"at the end of the day: she is in a gang, and we are cops, we were never built to be on the same side! She's trying to separate us from her criminal activities. We are not abandoning her, we are doing her a favour by staying out of her way." Jieun said "go to work, try to be as normal as possible. If this is how her story ends, we can't change it no matter how hard we try. We just need to focus on how we want our stories to end and how we're going to get there. It's too late for her, she's made her choice."

"Jieun doesn't give up on people." Siyeon said bluntly

"Minji gave up on herself." I finally spoke up. "Just get on with your normal lives."

They gave in, taking my word as a final demand.

Eventually the trio realised they couldn't stay here all day, they all had work and didn't have many days off left, so they'd have to go in no matter what.

Siyeon and Gahyeon were the first to leave, and Jieun followed an hour later, telling me that she'll be checking in on me every hour and that I better reply. It didn't feel nice to say that nasty stuff about Minji, I could tell it didn't feel nice do Jieun either. It was the only way we'd be able to get Siyeon and Gahyeon to give up on her so they didn't then end up getting themselves killed.

It's just a shame that it all had to go downhill when they all decided to fully accept her.

I was hurt. But I knew that I would've done the same. That's why my argument was so weak, I couldn't think of any other reason I wouldn't do it myself.

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