Chapter 13

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"We've settled now so should we get started?" I asked the pair

"I've never seen you look so feminine Officer Lee" JiU mocked

"No one has" I replied "embrace it, you'll never see this again after this mission" I said

"Oh I will, do not worry" she chuckled

"Great" I said sarcastically

"I'm ready, what do we do first" Daniel said and rushed out of the room he was getting change in

"We're going on a little date at the hotel's restaurant, then we're going to tour around the place, after that we'll have to (put some camera's around without looking suspicious, so let's put your little engineering skills to use)" I mouthed the camera bit to him "-after that we'll have a good time, then tomorrow we'll get down to the real stuff" I said

"I envy you guys" JiU groaned "you two have basically got yourselves a free holiday" she said

"Don't worry, you can be my newly wedded partner next time" I said "we're going to mute our mic while we eat, to save your ears and your sanity" I clarified

"Thank lord for that, I'll just keep on the cameras." She said

"We may have it good, but you have it easy" I said

"I'd rather have it 'good' than 'easy' hun" she replied with a chuckle

"Maybe you will someday" I shrugged

"Dinner reservation is at... 16:00" Daniel said "let's set off" he said

"Good idea" I said "also- stand close, maybe touch hands every so often, you can stand close, any form of PDA only once" I said "if you want to display affection like a married couple, you can but only ONCE" I clarified "we just need to make this believable" I said

"I get it, calm down." He said "I won't do anything, don't get ahead of yourself." He said

"Good, now that's settled, lets go." I said, he nodded and did as I said, walking close to me and sending occasional looks my way.

"This okay?" He asked and I nodded

"See anyone JiU?" I asked

"Not really, everyone seems normal so far" she said "all seem to be couples, friends or siblings and family hanging out" she said "so far no one has came alone or with any suspicious actions or equipment" she said "can you see anything?" She asked

"Just seemingly normal people spending time with one another" I shrugged

"I've done analysis' on everyone I've seen, all of them have no criminal records and there's info in some of these reports about types of relationships and other random pieces of info" she explained

"All that already?" I asked

"We have like 10 speedy ass printers, this job is a lot easier than I expected" she said

"Glad you're enjoying your time" I chuckled "keep it up" I said

"Tell her we're here" Daniel said, we both looked at the cameras

"We're heading in now" I said

"Got it!" She said and I heard a few clicks on her keyboard "be right back." She said and I heard the sounds which meant she had muted her mic

I called him hurt to be greeted by a "hello?" Just as he picked up the call

"There's some undercover cops at the hotel" I told him

"What!? Who?" He asked

"I'm not sure, all I know it is a man and a woman... possibly posing as siblings or a newly married couple" I lied "keep an eye out and be extra careful" I said "they're from the narcotics team, a rookie and an experienced officer, keep drug activity as low as you possibly can." I said

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