Chapter 26

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"so where would you like to get food?" I asked the younger woman

"Where do you want to eat?" She returned the question

"Anywhere" I replied

"Anywhere?" She asked

"Anywhere." I confirmed

"Good. After eating that hospital food, I'd love fried chicken, hospital food is too healthy" she replied

"That's the answer I was hoping for" I smiled

"I thought you said you'd have anything?" She smirked

"I would have had anything you suggested. But I definitely had something in mind" I replied

"Right." She chuckled

"There's a place not far from here, it's really good too, one of my favourite places" I replied

"You mean the one on the corner?" She asked curiously

"Yeah that one" I said

"That's one of my favourites too" she replied

"Guess that's definitely where we're headed then" I laughed

The walk was fine, we had a good laugh and we spoke about random stuff

"You pick the table and I'll order?" She offered, I nodded letting her know what I wanted and then picking a table by the window, it was a nice day, so why not? No other reasons...

I think?

"They said it will be around 15 or 20 minutes" she sat down, shocking me from my trance

"You already ordered?" I asked

"Yeah? How long do you think it takes to order? We've been here for a small while now" she chuckled

"Have we?" I asked, clearly I was zoned out for that small while

"Also, I had to order the drinks separately today so that took a tiny bit longer than usual" she explained

"No problem" I replied "after this, where do you want to go first?" I asked

"The arcade, we can save the best for last, because at the fair we'll get disabled pass" she said pointing at the crutches

"Will we even be allowed on most rides?" I asked curiously "if not we can go elsewhere" I said

"It'd be more classed as illegal if we aren't" she chuckled "discrimination act and all that" she said

"Didn't know that counted for fairs or amusement parks" I replied with a shrug

"Then we'll just force our ways through" she smiled

"Right" I chuckled

The food was good, as expected and we had just made it to the arcade, I got what we needed and then joined the girl at the games

"Please can we do that? They've always looked so fun, but I've never actually been on one" She asked pointing at the basketball machines

"Of course we can, how come you've never played on one before?" I asked curiously

"Never had the time or money" she shrugged

"Fair enough..." I replied "here" I handed her the money

"Aren't you playing?" She asked

"If you want me to, sure" I replied

"30000₩ for the one with the best score?" She asked

"A competition, you're on." My nervousness and shyness suddenly left and our natural attitude returned

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