the watch | 17.

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I went on with my life

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I went on with my life.

That's what I did for the past two weeks. I was too old to be worried about a grown ass man who didn't even think about worrying about me.

Just as suspected the cops showed up at my house wanting to question me. And even still I found myself covering Ari's ass.

I blamed the Hell's Angels, not uttering a single word about the Phantoms. Maybe I also did it for April. She's so in love with Travis that I just know she'd be devastated if something happened to him.

I was currently in a coffee shop, waiting for my drink as I talked with April on the phone.

"I'm sorry that I can't go out tonight. Try asking Aaliyah. I think she's free tonight." She suggests before hanging up the phone.

I felt lonely. All my friends were occupied with something and I wasn't really on talking terms with Hazel since seeing her at the casino. But we still followed each other on Instagram so that's a good thing I guess.

Maybe I could try to talk to her again. We're both grown and it would be stupid to throw a 10-year friendship down the drain over one argument. But who knows anything could happen with Hazel.

"Simone." One of the baristas called my name. I walked up and grabbed my drink almost bumping into this tall man.

I got a glimpse of his side profile and he was fine until he turned around and I saw who it was.


I glared at him before stepping out of his way and grabbing my drink with my name written on it.

"Simone, how are you?." The smirk that was resting on his face was taunting.

I didn't have time for the bullshit. I was still upset about the whole watch incident.

I still hadn't gotten my watch back which I know is in his nut ass house. That's a priceless family heirloom. And my Grandfather chose me out of all my siblings to pass it down to after he passed.

I felt weak for not sticking up for myself in the past. Now he feels as though he can just bully me.

I was getting ready to walk away when he had grabbed my arm, making me stagger back a bit.

I turned my head and Kevin and Wyatt were already making their way towards me with quick, easy strides. Ezekiel released my arm.

"Back off, Ezekiel." Wyatt gave him an aggressive shove, just to scare him a bit.

He needed to learn to stay in his place which is something he had yet to learn.

It caused a few people to murmur and stare but Kevin continued leading me to the car.

Kevin grabbed my hand, leading me out of the coffee shop and to the car.

"Thank you," I murmured once I was all the way seated in the backseat of the car.

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