Chapter 1: Prologue

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It was just a good old day as Tony & Bruce are just inside their mansion sparring on each other as Bruce & Tony are on a boxing match (Don't mistake this for Amalgam Universe but in this fanfic both Bruce & Tony not only share the same mansion as roommates but both their companies made an alliance. Know that company is known as "Wayne & Stark Multinationals. Also, their mansion is located on an Island big enough to fit atleast 9 mansions and has an underground cave with more stuff). After Tony gets his ass handed to him by Bruce Bruce then told Tony that even if he is getting his ass kick in hand to hand combat Tony is starting to improve.

>Bruce Wayne:
To be honest Tony but you're still getting your ass kick by me. However you're actually improving.

Tony Stark:
Thanks for the compliment Bruce, however I bet if I could beat you if I was wearing my suit.

Bruce Wayne:
Oh I know, that's why I made some countermeasures just like you did.

And then the 2 of them laughed it up as it's been a month since their companies made an alliance and they're starting to become friends even though they have some differences and somethings in common. As the 2 of them left the Mansion's training room they then went outside and saw Green Lantern & War Machine arriving at the mansion as the 2 of them just finished their mission. By mission I mean they not only had to go to space but fight Sinestro to prevent him from making his way to Earth for an attack as the 3 of them took him down in a challenging fight. After arriving Rhodey got out of his suit (Which is his Ultimate War Machine Suit) while John powered down and went back to human. And so they welcomed John & Rhodey as the 2 of them reported back and told them that their mission is a success. And so Rhodey's suit was taken by Alfred (Wearing Mark 38 Igor) to the cave so Tony can repair it later. And so the 4 of them were actually just talking about how the 4 of them done so much to protect the world besides The Justice League & The Avengers with them as the 4 of them formed their own team and the leader is none of them. They also worried about what if more powerful villains would arrive and attack them but luckily they have taken precautions for those. And so everything was actually going great until John saw something above them as it looks like something flickering in the sky in an electric like way as John called the rest. And as all 4 of them noticed the flickering then started becoming faster and faster so Tony puts on Model Prime & Bruce suddenly puts on the Hellbat until the flickering thing exploded which caused the 4 of them to not only get blinded a bit but when the explosion's light then became brighter. After the explosion they all woke up as they didn't have any clue of what the hell just happened until when Tony takes off Model Prime's helmet they saw Tony looking like an 18 year old. When Bruce took off the Hellbat (Luckily he only wore it for a short time) they saw him looking like a teenager. Both John & Rhodey saw each other as teenagers too as they all tried to wonder what the explosion did to them. Until they heard another explosion far away from their location as it looks like it comes from a city in a far away location which their island was not supposed to be.

>Tony Stark:
FRIDAY, What the hell just happened?

I don't know sir but I'll try recalculating everything and this will take me 2 hours.

>Tony Stark:
Take your time no rush.

>John Stewart:
I don't know what the hell just happened but I think there's trouble going on in that city.

>James Rhodes:
Whatever it is then we'll just have to get in there and do our thing.

>Bruce Wayne:
I agree with Rhodes. Everyone suit up, we have a city to save.

And so they all suited up really fast (Even though Batman had to wear his Standard Batsuit normally but fast) and they flew their way to the city (Since Iron Man, Green Lantern, & War Machine can fly this means Batman is using the Batwing). Meanwhile at Tengu City a fight was going on as Ichika has been kicked so hard that he was sent back really far. Ichika wasn't the only ones who look like who were defeated as Hayuru, Emile, & Samurai Calibur were all looking tired and injured as it turns out they were fighting Dagmyer in his Mecha (This version is upgraded but it still looks like the same as before).

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