Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light

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1 week after War Machine defeated Babalun another battle is taking place but this time it's both Green Lantern & War Machine fighting Grabel & Ellen as Green Lantern makes weapons out of his constructs while him & Ellen flies at each other while fighting. Meanwhile War Machine & Grabel are both facing each other on a 1 on 1 fight while their forces focuses on attacking each other (Also, War Machine is wearing his Armoured Adventures suit which may not have that many guns but its firepower, strenght, & durability were more than what his base suit & Iron Patriot suit has). As the battle goes Enterprise was able to gain victory as she leads her comrades while fighting in the frontlines like always. As this whole thing goes on War Machine then fired a Unibeam while Grabel used her Gunsword to fire a beam as the 2 locked beams on each other. Meanwhile Green Lantern is still fighting Ellen as the 2 of them moved so fast that what you can only see from afar are lights crashing into each other while moving everywhere as the 2 even shot the forces fighting each other in a non-friendly fire way as the 2 even killed their opponent's forces. When Green Lantern had enough he then constructed his own War Machine suit as he wreaked havoc on Ellen as she flies but the bullets that Green Lantern constructed were so fast that not even Ellen was able to keep up. And so she was shot multiple times causing her to becoming heavily injured and then Green Lanter was about to construct a cage until suddenly Observer then fired a blast at Green Lantern which Green Lantern blocked but Observer was able to get to Ellen in time as they're about to retreat. Meanwhile Grabel & War Machine were still stuck in a beam struggle until War Machine fired all side winder missiles to the sides and then hits Grabel in a homing way as not only she was shot by the missiles but this caused her beam to weaken and then she was now shot by War Machine's Unibeam. War Machine was about to take her in as he felt leniency to her until a Siren attacked him but thankfully dodged and fired his Bunkerbuster Missile which caused the Siren to explode in pieces while Grabel ended up escaping. Even though Ellen & Grabel escaped the battle was still a victory for Earth as they prevented them from making their way to the school before they could attack. (Timeskip at the school's canteen) John & Rhodey ran their way into the tournament to watch the match and surprisingly they made it as they found Tony & Bruce. The match was between Shido & Kizuna as the 2 lock blades on each other. Kizuna then flew and changed into another mode as he summoned so much guns with him and all of them opened fire as Shido flies and dodges them too. Shido then used Zadkiel and he was actually able to outsmart Kizuna this time and froze almost his entire body as his head is unfrozen. And so the match was concluded as Shido won the match. After the tournament Shido & Kizuna were actually being all friendly to each other as they respect each other. Although Miku doesn't like Kizuna (Because you guys already know what Miku doesn't like) but likes her darling Shido anyways as both Shido & Kizuna's harem are eating lunch with them. Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey started talking about what they all did as they're actually just telling stories of what heroic things they've done recently.

>Bruce Wayne:
And so the police started chasing down some goons with Hundreds but those guys were too fast for them so that's when I used the Insider suit aa thanks to its speed force I was more faster than them. So much so that I caught the guy who was falling behind while I shot the other with my Suit's heat vision which didn't kill him but rather it disabled his Hundred. When they asked me of who I was I told them "I'm Batman" & then I left and watch as the police takes them in.

>Tony Stark:
While me on the otherhand, I saw some thugs stealing some stuff from a bank as 1 of them is a Mecha Master while the other was pilotting a Mecha Worker. Then the Police were pinned down when they arrived and started fighting them. So that's when I arrive in my Endo-Sym Armor as I took them all down 1-by-1. They tried firing at me but thankfully the suit kept grabbing their bullets while I was kicking ass. I wasn't able to catch the other 2 ladies as a discount Ultron wearing black showed up and he just suddenly vanished with them and then I left before the police could even say anything. Although that discount Ultron looked kinda wierd so I'am still trying to find it.

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