Chapter 33: War Machine's Invasion Part 3

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(The reason why this is gonna be long is because this is what I call The War Machine Arc. And 2nd, War Machine deserves respect so I'm giving hin the respect he truly deserves, his own arc).

1 day after the battle destroying the shipyards they then start invading another city as this 1 is being lead by Ellen as Ellen fights War Machine. Although War Machine is wearing his War Monarch Armor as he then manipulated both energy & matter around him as he used his War Monarch powers to fight Ellen as Ellen was outmatched. And so Ellen was unable to fight as when she did try to attack she ended up getting decimated by War Monarch as he decimated her with his powers. And now the city belongs to War Monarch & his forces as enemy forces started surrendering to them. And so it was another victory for War Monarch & his forces & his comrades as they all claim the city as their 2nd base. After the battle Rhodey then made it inside to the city palace as he sits down & the others sits down aswell as they found their own chairs discussing important matters.

>Colonel Rhodes:
Now that we've conquered 2 cities at once then that makes it 2 bases for all of us now.

>General Maclaine:
I agree, however we still need to take these other territories if we can keep going.

However the civillians here fears us as they don't really know who we are.

>Colonel Rhodes:
Don't worry about that Belfast, I'll take care of that. But for now, we need to repair this city as there might be a time were enemy forces will be coming in attacking us with a huge force at their side so we'll need to  defend these 2 cities at once. And luckily Tony was able to mass produce my drones before the 2nd Global Invasion as we'll have enough to protect each cities but we might need to assign leaders to protect the other cities once conquered.

Very well then, we need to act fast too as our enemies might be out there preparing their forces as they won't wait for us to sleep nor rest.

And so everyone nodded as they all might need to focus a lot but they know that there will be a time that they all need to rest someday. And so they all started working & working as they even got help from the drones & they even started donating food to the civillians aswell as making a speech as the civillians are still not sure of War Machine & the rest can be trusted by for now all they can do is just let them be as none of them has done any bad thing so far. And so War Machine & the others kept working as they even doubled their defences so that way no random enemy forces could just break in. Hours later they worked so hard that they've accomplished a lot as War Machine then asks FRIDAY about Tony's condition. She told him that Tony is still doing great but he still comatose as she needs to tell War Machine if Tony wakes up. And so War Machine got back to the others as they all had a dinner as they needed to eat something becuase of their hard work as Belfast was actually a great cook. And so they all chow down on some food & later they finished them up as they then discuss of their next city to invade, And that is none other than Izgard (To be honest I only know most of the plot of Masou Gakuen HXH as I have so many info about Kizuna but I got most data from other characters & areas). And so they plan on attacking as it will not be easy due to the fact that Aldea & Grabel are the ones defending it considering that thanks to War Machine Vatlantis has been in full defense mode as they've never made an attack on Earth since then & after the time Iron Man snapped his fingers wiping out half of their enemy's forces & most of the leaders as now they're still trying to recover. But thankfully the snap didn't kill civillians so they're okay. Later they then went to sleep but Rhodey couldn't sleep so he went outside as he walks into the office & looks at the sky in the office's balcony as he thinks about what he's doing as he needs to make sure that not only Ultron dies but he then thought of something as he also needs to free the inhabitants of Vatlantis of Ultron & the leaders' lies & tyranny as he knows that most of them are either murderers, war criminals, & liars. And as he looks at the sky he then saw someone hovering from afar as he looks at his binoculars to see Grabel as she looks like she's been waiting for Rhodey. And so Rhodey suits up without waking anyone up as his suit goes Chameleon Mode as he then appeared infront of Grabel.

(While hovering) You're lucky that I didn't bring Aldea here.

>War Machine:
(While hovering) And you're lucky that the rest of my allies ain't here aswell. So anyways, what are you doing here?

(While hovering) I haven't come here to fight but rather I came here to talk to you, alone.

>War Machine:
(While hovering) I'm listening.

(While hovering) I've been thinking about what you said, especially about Ultron. However, you're the 1 conquering our Empire & I understand that. Although, I just hope that you don't maltreat our people or even kill them.

>War Machine:
(While hovering) Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. And to be honest, I'm not really here to invade this Empire but rather I just need to save these people from Ultron's & your leaders' lies & kill Ultron once & for all. However, I will only arrest your leaders & your Empress for their previous war crimes back then but they will be treated nicely even in prison, that I promise you. But if they choose to keep on fighting us & not surrender then I'll have no other choice but to kill them.

(While hovering) I see, I can't hate you for that considering that you're just doing what you think is right for your world, And I don't see a problem with that.

>War Machine:
(While hovering) You're more honorable than I thought Grabel, brutal but yet calm & honorable. And hell, you really are a great soldier, more better than me in every way if I'm being honest.

(While hovering) But for me, you're a soldier who's strong & righteous. Even when you want revenge against Ultron for putting Iron Man in a coma you honor your friends life.

>War Machine:
(While hovering) That we can agree on.

And so they both smiled at each other & then separated as War Machine goes Chameleon Mode sneaking his way back inside & taking off his suit as he's lucky that no 1 was awake nor did anyone saw anything. And so Rhodey goes back to sleep as he has a big battle to fight & a city to invade in a good way.

To Be Continued

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