Chapter 7: Hanging Out With Friends In Tengu City

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After so many days have passed Tony & the others got to knew more of the characters and they became friends with them as they all wanted to hangout in Tengu City to know each other more. Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey agreed to it only because they wanted more data from them so they have plans for a countermeasure in case the characters go rogue. The 1 who asked them to join is none other than Ichika as he 1st asked Houki & then multiple characters including the 4. 1 day later as it is now Saturday Houki's face was kinda concerned but mostly she was disappointed as she thought it's just her & Ichika but he brought too many people. The following were Ichika's main harem, Hayato Kisaragi with his harem (This will include Claire Harvey), Shido & his harem, Kenshi & his main harem (Because if I say harem means all of the girls), Mana Takamiya, Ayanami, Laffey, Unicorn, Javelin, The 3 friends of Ayanami, Yomogi & his friends, Yuta & his friends, Tsurugi alongside Olga & the girls from Luck & Logic, the main girls from Hina Logic, Hida Kizuna & his main harem, Jin, Kazuki, Asim, & Toa, & finally the Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey. That's right, he brought so many of them.

>Houki Shinonono:
I don't want to be rude Ichika but... (Out loud) What are they all doing here!

>Ichika Orimura:
Like I said, the more the merrier.

>Tony Stark:
I don't that's what she meant Ichika.

>Kizuna Hida:
I gotta agree with Tony here man.

>James Rhodes:
Maybe let's not argue about this and just have fun.

I totally agree.

They were all then shocked where the voice came from as when they turned back it was Kurumi Tokisaki (Normal Form) as it shocked them more as everyone except the Tony & the other 3 gave cover for Shido as they know her and her actions as she deemed to be dangerous. This made Bruce curious as he asked them and they told him everything about her. But Kurumi promised not to be a threat to them as she just wants to hang out with Shido when she heard he was gonna hang out with alot of friends. Everyone pointed their eyes on Ichika and he told them he didn't tell her anything and he never even bumped into her in the 1st place.

>Kurumi Tokisaki:
Oh I have my secrets.

>Mana Takamiya:
Fine, you can come but we're all keeping an eye on you.

>Tony Stark:
And I know why.

Tony tries to charm her but she wasn't really interested but atleast her  emotions stayed the same as she said she ain't his type not in a angry way but in a casual way. This made Tony kinda disappointed on himself while Rhodey pats his back saying "There There" on him while everyone finally walks to Tengu City. As they all go Tohka wanted to go somewhere where they can all eat together. Tony suggested a Burger Restaurant (Similar to Burger King) as he likes cheeseburgers after all. Luckily for them Bruce & Tony were rich so they have no problem paying. And so they all hang out as they ordered and eat so many (Especially Tohka & Quetzy). As they all even had more fun afterwards as they all went to an arcade which Tony won every single game, They even went to visit so many places, & they all even watched a movie for an hour & a half. The time is now 1:00 PM as they all eat lunch and this time it was pizzas as they all have some more fun. As they all eat lunch they all talked about the time in the arcade where they all played laser tag as Tony, Bruce, John, & Rhodey defeated everyone in a 4 vs many match as not only they were smart but they had great stealth & skills. Their strategy was so good that not even Tsurugi was able to predict what's next as he was also a good strategist & tactician in the game but he was defeated by Tony as Tony shot him which all 4 of them won the game. Later at 1:45 PM they were all just walking around until they came across the same location where Iron Man & the others fought Alexis as not only they saw ALCA Intelligence Officers there but Chief Victoria was also there as they're investigating the recent place where Batman & Iron Man were so Chloe suddenly came in by going through the police tape and the others followed her aswell. As they made it to her Chloe then starts asking Chief Victoria after saying hi to her.

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