Chapter 41: Aftermath

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(This music is being played throughout the Aftermath)
(Credits to: Linkin Park - Iridiscent)

After the battle everyone were now collecting & burying the bodies as they buried their fallens' dead bodies & starts burying them as they were all sad & some even started crying as so many brave souls died fighting for what's right. They knew that if they haven't done anything then it could've been worst as they knew the consequences & they knew what's gonna happen aswell. Some needed hours to recover both physically & emotionally as some even lost their friends. Grabel & War Machine buried some soldiers as they both saluted to them as these brave soldiers fought for the good of both the University & the World. Even some wants to avenge their fallen aswell.

(Looks at a Tombstone) I swear to you all, Thanoseid will pay.

And then Green Lantern puts a comforting hand on her shoulder & she understood as they both know how she feels right now. Even the drones & robots that were destroyed were ended up being brought back to either Iron Man or the engineers as they all need to fix them back up for the next battle if that were to happen. And so they all puts some flowers, candles, & even some stuff as those things are remembrances so that way they can honor & even remember the decease. And so this made everyone sad as thanks to the battle they suffered casualties as these guys were more powerful than they've ever face as some even thinks of what if Thanoseid sends all of his forces then that would mean the 2 worlds will wouldn't survive a Global Invasion as they need to be more prepare than before as the 3rd Wave might be more difficult than the both the 1st & the 2nd as they might need everything they need to keep on fighting. Iron Man even promised them that if he & his friends can't protect their world then they'll sure as hell avenge it. Everyone all agrees as they too will avenge the world if it was destroyed as they all need to stay strong as Thanoseid will be even more difficult as he might be able to snap them all away from existance but this made the 4 of them wonder of why hasn't Thanoseid snapped them all away from the start as they think that he wants to play with them more by making everyone grief for their losses or even make others fall into despair as whatever the case Thanoseid is out there planning his move as the more he lives the more he becomes stronger despite him using a powerful avatar body as these avatars have powerful weapons with them as this won't be so easy afterall. And so they know that Thanoseid is powerful but yet he hasn't shown his full potential yet as now they wonder if Thanoseid's 3rd Wave will be more dangerous than the 2nd wave as they start focusing on that. And considering that Thanoseid hasn't made a move yet all Bruce & Tony can do is tell everyone his entire army combined as he not only has Thanos' forces but Darkseid's aswell. And so they explained every detail & forces they've all faced as Thanoseid has a vast army more powerful than Ultron's.

>Tony Stark:
What you can also see here is an Accuser Warship. A ship so big & powerful that it even carries Necro Fighters that can not only act as Starfighters but also Suicide Bombers once they dive. And hell, Star Lord & the rest of the Guardians told me about this as when they faced Ronan The Accuser they were almost killed in the battle as even some civillians died due to the fact that these Necro Fighters started diving down for a suicide run.

>Commander Sakaki:
I see, so if we were to face something like this then we have to make sure that most of our forces needs take out the fighters 1st & then have some of our forces infiltrate the ship.

>Bruce Wayne:
Exactly, however the ship is heavil guarded so we might need to becareful.

>Reiri Hida:
So who is this Ronan The Accuser you've previously mentioned Stark?

>Tony Stark:
A kree who got the Power Stone & tried to betray Thanos by killing him but failed as he ended up getting killed by Star Lord & The Guardians Of The Galaxy when Star Lord used the stone against him. And in another particular timeline Ronan was killed by Thanos. So basically we're lucky that he's dead. But there's 1 problem.

>Chifuyu Orimura:
And that is?

>Bruce Wayne:
1 of Darkseid's Generals, Steppenwolf, is still alive as he will be a challenging 1 aswell as he may not have a stone but he has previously collected 3 Mother Boxes & made him powerful. However Superman & the rest were able to take his Mother Boxes away but he ended up getting killed later on. But there's a catch, he might still be alive as Thanoseid hired a new Steppenwolf in another universe as he obeyed his orders.

And so they were all kinda worried as Steppenwolf might still be powerful without the Mother Boxes as they all need to think of a way to successfully take out Steppenwolf once the time comes as all they can do now is wait, rest, & later on prepare their defenses as they all have abad feeling that Thanoseid might end up sending an Accuser Warship or worst as they're facing a god more powerful than they've ever seen in history as they even remembered of Thanoseid even easily killing the Machine Gods like they were nothing but normal humans fighting a powerful demon with no avail of success. But they knew that worrying about it or losing faith won't get them far as they need to win no matter the cost as they all need to hope & pray that this hell will end & peace will be brought back once more. Meanwhile Shido & Kizuna spars against Batman & Iron Man as Kizuna draws Sandalphon while Batman wields his Amazonian Long Sword which his father (From the Flashpoint Universe) used as he & Shido kept locking blades & even parrying each others' slashes. Iron Man on the otherhand is fighting Kizuna aa Kizuna is using his Corruption Armament, The Nayuta. But Iron Man has his own trump card as he uses his Godbuster Neo Armor as they both kept trading punches as blow after blow they either block or dodge them. But this spar was not so easy for Kizuna as Iron Man is able to outsmart & overpower Kizuna as he then got the upperhand as Iron Man then won against Kizuna. Meanwhile Shido & Batman kept on slashing until Batman was able to also outsmart Shido as he then threw an Anesthetic Gas Bomb as it didn't hurt Shido but knocked him unconscious as Shido then suddenly fell asleep as now Batman & Iron Man won. Shido's Harem then got to Shido as Batman told them that he's only asleep & will be awake at a few hours as Batman needed to end the spar without hurting Shido too much as he does knows about his Healing Factor but he needed to quickly end the fight by putting him to sleep. But even though Shido & Kizuna lose Batman & Iron Man complimented them as they improved. This wasn't just a spar but also training for the next invasion as so many trained with Batman & Iron Man as they all need to be more prepared for what's coming so they can all become stronger so some can avenge their fallen brethrens.

To Be Continued

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