Chapter 19: Iron Commander

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Meanwhile at the military base War Machine kept testing out some new assimilations as when he assimilated with a Gillard Army Attack Helicopter his lower half is the Heli's body while his upper half is seen in the cockpit. When he assimilated with a Mech Worker his upper half is seen in the cockpit while his lower half is now atttacked to the cockpit as he even controls the Mecha Worker now. And so tested out more vehicles & much to everyone's surprise they were in more awe of his power as War Machine even assimilated with a Destroyer class ship & luckily no ship girl owns it. (In their military not all ship girls are the main ships as there are some normal ships with them). War Machine even assimilated with a Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier followed by more guns as now he's a living 1 cyborg army. Green Lantern even helped him out as he gives War Machine some ideas on what to assimilate. When Commander Sakaki arrived what he saw impressed him as he thinks that Green Lantern & War Machine are great assets to help them win the war & restore peace. Now in the mess hall War Machine remembers Grabel's kiss as he now has something in his mind.

>Stanetech War Machine's Mind:
(Nervous) What will I say to Carol now if I ever get back home?

>Green Lantern:
Yo Rhodey, you alright?

And then War Machine was snapped back into reality as he told him that his fine. This made Green Lantern think that something might be going on in his mind until Kaga & Akagi arrived as they sit with the 2 of them.

So Rhodes, how are you holding up?

>Stanetech War Machine:
To be honest I'm actually doing fine ma'am. Although I need to keep wearing this suit to keep myself alive but I'm still doing okay though. As long as my Arc Reactor doesn't end up getting destroyed nor anything.

That's good to hear Rhodes.

And don't forget to rest & not overexert yourself.

>Stanetech War Machine:
Don't worry Ma'am, I will keep that in mind.

Good, because we can't lose our Iron Commander.

And so they all ate their lunch as they talk some stuff too as Akagi is impressed of War Machine fighting Ares in his cyborg days. Meanwhile at Vatlantis Ultron, Alexis, & Westcott got some more battle footages of not only Iron Destroyer but Stanetech War Machine's as when Westcott saw it he actually wasn't disgusted but just surprised.

>Isaac Westcott:
You're right Alexis, he really did become an Abomination. Your abomination.

>Alexis • Kerib:
I'll take that as a compliment Westcott.

And these are 1 of the reasons why the 4 of them are hard to kill. Especially Iron Man as he fought Gods more powerful than he is.

And then Ultron showed them more of his memories as they saw him fighting against the Avengers & the Justice League aswell. The 2 of them were impressed as they all see more of their experiences. This made them wary as now they'll have to strengthen themselves. As they all focus on their own precautions 1 of Ultron's robots came in as he informed Ultron & the others about Grabel & Observer's forces deploying to battle. Ultron then remotely controlled some of his robots to assist them as all Ultron, Alexis, & Westcott do right now is train. Meanwhile at Grabel's flagship she is seen standing in the bridge while she had some thoughts on War Machine but no 1 knows what she's thinking as it wasn't clear to them considering she was looking serious. Meanwhile back at Earth War Machine goes on a sky patrol as he assimilated with an Attack Helicopter as Green Lantern joins him. The duo just kept flying & flying as they found nothing so far as everything is peaceful. As they kept flying they then got a call from Enterprise as it's urgent.

(Through comms) Green Lantern, War Machine, we need you to deploy at Chicago now because there will be an invasion force that will occur in 12:34 PM. We're deploying some forces to assist both of you but to make sure you 2 needs to send your Drones.

>Green Lantern & ST War Machine:
(Both through comms) Yes, ma'am!

And so the 2 of them turns around as they're now making their way to Chicago as they're both followed by War Machine & Iron Patriot Drones. Meanwhile at Chicago Ultron's robots & Magi-Tech robots starts breaking things even though there are no civillians around as they just make some destruction. Grabel on the otherhand waits in the bridge while Observer is already in the sea with her fleet. As this goes on for atleast several minutes Green Lanter, War Machine, & both military forces & drones arrived as they repel the invasion force. And so War Machine leads both his drones & some of the military which all of them focusing on both ground & air while Green Lantern leads the ones on sea. And so the battle gets heated as Green Lantern even constructed his own riggings as he was packing more heat than the ship girls as he even constructed other weapons & some modern day fighter jets to aid him until he's then faced up against Observer as the 2 fights in a heavily armed way. Meanwhile War Machine leads his troops & drones as they even took down some Tri-Heads thanks to War Machine's weapons as he starts wrecking enemy asses. As Grabel watches she then decides to go to the frontlines as she activates Zoros. And so Grabel flies out of her flagship as when she saw War Machine she fired but War Machine was able to dodge quickly & then fired a Hellfire Missile which Grabel then sliced. But to be honest they were honored to meet each other again as the 2 not only likes duelling but they started having some feelings to each other (But War Machine was having a dilemna but that didn't really took away his focus on the battlefield).

So, do you sleep well?

>Stanetech War Machine:
If I'm being honest, yeah, because I never had a single nightmare so far.

That's good to hear, because I like my opponent mentally & physically prepared for battle.

And so the 2 of them starts firing at each other as War Machine was packing more guns than before while Grabel was trained well as she's better than last time as the 2 enjoyed fighting. Meanwhile Green Lantern fights Observer as they fired at each other round after round after round after round as they fired alot of their guns. Green Lantern then decided to construct his own Hulkbuster suit but extremely heavily armed to the teeth as Observer was even impressed so they fought & fought to their hearts content while avoiding friendly fire. War Machine on the other hand then fired a shit ton alot of missiles & bullets as he sprays so many that it feels like you were sprayed by Pharah's missiles but with way way way more bullets & missiles. Grabel is able to dodge & defend herself but she wasn't fast enough to instantly dodge them all at once as she got some hits. Green Lantern was then able to take Observer down as he takes her down with a powerful green Unibeam as it took down Observer & destroyed her fleet so when Observer got up she decided to fall back as Green Lantern & his forces tries to search for her. Meanwhile War Machine & Grabel are still on it so just when War Machine got tired of just fighting normally he pulled out alk the stops as he's now holding his Proton Cannon as instead of aiming for Grabel when she was wide open he then fired it on her entire forces which made her the only 1 left. Sure War Machine could've shot Grabel considerig that not only she was wide open but if she tried to retaliate she could've still been shot as she wouldn't be able to react in time so War Machine then kept fighring Grabel with guns as she was able to dodge them until she was so overwhelmed that her HHG is at 6%. She was lucky to get out but was heavily injured. Even with such injuries she was still honored to fight War Machine as it was a well fought battle. After the battle it was now an aftermath while some drones started grabbing the destroyed drones so they can be repaired later. War Machine was actually happy as fighting Grabel felt like an honor. Green Lantern then arrived as War Machine may look sad for the decease but the battle was honorable. After War Machine drank water from a bottle he then poured it on his face as it was a big bottle but not too big though.

To Be Continued

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