Chapter 9: Chimera

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3 days later the media talks more about the recently good things Batman has done as he just cleared out a warehouse full of drugs & drug dealers with IS Units as he just did his job & he left the scene before both the police & Ms. Yamada arrived. There's also recent news on Iron Man as he just took down some terrorist in Syria & also left the scene before the military arrived as he did his job while Batman did his. And now in the university Bruce just joined Hayuru Himekawa's morals committee as his is now a member like Kizuna & Tamaki (Who recently joined 1st before Bruce did). Bruce was able to get some indecent people & the others were kinda impressed for his 1st day. Meanwhile Tony is in Engineering as he's so smart that it left everyone inside look in awe as he made so many inventions in there which made teachers impressed while being in awe. Meanwhile John & Rhodey are basically in where the students train on how to use firearms & on how to pilot & drive vehicles as Rhodey was so good in pilotting a fighter jet while John was so good at sniping that he bested his senior instructor, Mana (Even though she's a student but sure whatever). The 4 of them are actually becoming popular in both school and global considering that Bruce & Tony owns & share a company. Even some random students were jealous at them that some even challenged them & they got their asses handed to them.

>Bruce Wayne:
(Looks at the defeated jealous student) 1 word of advice, don't let your jealousy take over you or else you'll become too vulnerable for your opponent.

1 even attacked Tony using an HHG but was defeated when Tony only used close quarters combat.

>Tony Stark:
(Looks at the defeated random student in an HHG) And never use an outdated suit in a 1 on 1 duel.

John & Rhodey showed their military like skills aswell. Enterprise, Commander Ryouko (She's from the AST), & Ms. Mexiah were watching the whole thing & decided to let it be as not only they were impressed but they also think they could be proved useful in combat. Enterprise is impressed by all 4 of them but mostly John & Rhodey. Meanwhile at Fraxinus Kotori is actually just spectating on where a threat would suddenly appear next as there's nothing on the radar & there are also no crime in the radar. Back at school Shido & Kizuna were up against Hayato & Ichika as the tournament begins. As you may already guess that Ichika got his ass handed to him 1st while Hayato was more of a challenge to Shido & Kizuna until the 2 of them tried to plan on something instead. Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey watches the fight with the others.

>Bruce Wayne:
I can see the problem with Ichika as not only he charged head on but he wasn't able to react well enough when he fought Shido.

>Tony Stark:
And due to the fact that Ichika is as dense as lead so yeah that too.

And so they watch the fight goes on that Hayato activated Full Body Armor which took down Shido when he started charging & attacking him. This only left Kizuna against Hayato so Kizuna activated 1 of his modes.

>Hida Kizuna:
Zeros Mode. (Eros glows blue).

And so he uses Zeros' power as it increased his physical attacks as blade meets fists as the 2 fought in a DBZ like style. After awhile Kizuna managed to knock Hayato unconscious when he got the chance to punch his face sending him flying into a wall. After that Shido & Kizuna won as Shido gets up. Hours after the tournament everyone goes to the canteen to eat lunch as Bruce & Tony are the only ones in the table with some of their new friends while Green Lantern & War Machine went to the military base to eat there. Everything is actually going well. Then suddenly as lunch was almost over the alarm rang as there's a Kaiju with a paradox level of over 15.9 as this shocked the students as it's this powerful. And so Gridman & Dynazenon heroes were then called into the central control room as they're given orders to deploy Gridman, Gridknight, & Dynazenon into the fight. Luckily all civillians were evacuated while for the Military Green Lantern, War Machine (In his Ultimate War Machine Suit), Commander Ryouko, Kaga, Akagi, & Garnet Maclaine were deployed into battle as they all attack the Kaiju with great mobility as they do hit & run attacks. However the Kaiju (Chimera) was so powerful that it was challenging for the military without Gigantic Support as they all fought it. Even when they did have some scratches on it the Kaiju just heals up from its injuries as all of its 6 heads (Lion Head, Goat Head, Dragon Head, & 3 Anaconda Tails) did their thing to attack. As this is going on Gridman, Gridknight, & Dynazenon arrives as they all combine. Fullpowered Gridman & Kaiser Gridknight are now ready to fight as both of them attacks the Kaiju. The Kaiju itself fought back while the ones in the military who were deployed then withdrew from the battle as they know that they'll just get in Gridman & Gridknight's way. The fight was something both has never easily accomplished before as the Kaiju was way more challenging than the last time they fought a Foreignor Kaiju Hybrid. And then they see Iron Man flying in his Bleeding Edge Armor as they saw Repulsor Cannons flying with him as all of them shoots the Kaiju. As the Kaiju was knocked down then Iron Man's repulsor cannons formed into the Fin Fang Foom Buster (AKA 3FB).

>Iron Man:
You 2 okay?

>Kaiser Gridknight:
You're late Iron Man.

>Full Powered Gridman:
But atleast you're here anyways.

And then the 3 robotic giants then sees the Kaiju getting up then starts flying up as the 3 of them flew up aswell as they're now fighting in the Stratosphere. And so the 3 of them starts attacking the Kaiju like a group while the Kaiju both attacks & defends itself. The Kaiju started breathing fire but the 3FB was fireproof that it retaliated firing a repulsor from its right hand which damaged the Kaiju but it did heal back though.

>Full Powered Gridman:
No matter how many times we hit that Kaiju it just heals.

>Iron Man:
Then we'll just have to destroy it permanently. By that I mean is all we can do now is to destroy it completely so that it doesn't have any of its body parts left to heal.

>Kaiser Gridknight:
This might kill all of us, but I like it either way.

And so they all kept fighting & fighting as they all then prepares beams of their own as all 3 of them are now ready to fire. As the Kaiju looks at them it then breathed a big fire like beam & then the trio fired their beams aswell as both beams collided. As the Kaiju's fire breathe was about to overpower their beam Iron Man then said this.

>Iron Man:
FRIDAY, divert all power to the Unibeam immediately.

But sir it will drain 60% your suit's power. And you only have 65% of power left.

>Iron Man:
Just do it.

And so FRIDAY diverts the power to his Unibeam as it fired a bigger beam than the others which strengthened their beam as it now overwhelmed the Kaiju which completely destroyed it as it now doesn't have any more body parts left. The battle was a victory for the heroes but the Trio suffered alot of energy from the battle as thanks to the Kaiju's negative emotions it was powerful. And so Iron Man then leaves just right after he got a thanks from Gridman & Gridknight. Iron Man nods & then leaves as he only has 5% power left which is more than enough for him to fly back home. 30 minutes later it was now an aftermath as the Military shows up & this time Batman was here as this time he's helping the Military solve a mystery of how come Foreigners are being turned into Kaijus considering that Vatlantis doesn't even have access to go to Tetra-Heaven or other worlds except Earth's. Tsurugi then looks if was there a random person who got Trance-Jacked but saw none. Batman then tries to figure out more of this as sure everyone knows that Alexis is the 1 responsible but they have no idea of how he gets to other worlds. This leaves Batman to investigate it further once he gets back to the mansion.

(Through comms) Alfred, this case may be obvious however we have no clue on how but we're gonna have to find out more on the lab. If that doesn't work then we'll just have to break into Vatlantis itself.

(Through comms) Of course Master Wayne. However we don't have an idea how big or small Vatlantis is so using the Hellbat Armor might be risky.

(Through comms) Then I'll just have to sneak inside their world.

Tsurugi & Chloe then arrives and asked Batman if has he found anything & he told them not yet as they believed him. Once the 2 of them went back into searching Batman's (Sort of) Lie worked for as he doesn't want anybody know yet as he doesn't really trust anybody except Alfred (Because remember that Batman doesn't really trust anybody).

To Be Continued

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