Chapter 14: Ultron

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(This is not Ulron Vision but rather almost similar to him but he has an arc reactor for a reason. You'll know why soon).

Meanwhile at the school Iron Man fights Claire Harvey as the 2 uses their weapons as they fire projectiles out of them. Thanks to Iron Man's Endo-Sym Armor it protected him as the fight goes on. When Claire Harvey fired her Buster Cannon Iron Man fires a Unibeam aswell as 2 beams collided. Iron Man was able to overpower the Buster Cannon's beam as Claire Harvey was down which concluded the match as Iron Man wins. After all that it was now lunch time as Tony & Mahiro talks about the Iron Man armor as he teaches her all about it & how powerful it is as he explains them 1 by 1. Meanwhile Yayoi & some others saw Bruce training with Kenshi in Martial Arts alone as they both mimic each others' moves & are actually doing good. Now in the military War Machine then flies into the air as he & Commander Ryouko does a perimeter check if there are any terrorist movements as there's none yet while Green Lantern on the otherhand helps out some of the ship repairs as he uses his ring. Everything is actually doing good for both sides. Meanwhile as Bruce, Tony, & some other students checks their next opponent to spar with Tony saw his opponent as it's Aine whom he's gonna face in 7 days. As Tony sees this Aine sees this too.

>Tony Stark:
I guess we'll be fighting in 7 days. So wish you luck Aine.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
Sure. And make sure you bring your best armor for the fight.

>Tony Stark:
Oh you're on.

And so the 2 of them does a hand shake as they both get themselves ready. Meanwhile at Vatlantis Alexis & Westcott tries to find more Foreignors to turn into Kaijus as they both found none yet. And then Ultron showed up as when he did he was impressed. He told them the reason why.

So you're actually looking for Foreignors to turn into Kaijus. I'm actually impressed considering both of you wants the same goal. And that is to destroy everything that ever lived.

>Alexis • Kerib:
And what does it have to do with you if you don't mind me asking?

You see, I know both of you wanna destroy your allies aswell. And that's why I'm impressed considering that I only want destruction to all living beings, even both my allies & the gods themselves.

>Isaac Westcott:
I guess that means you're in.

And so Ultron was then told by Alexis about the problem of why Alexis can't always go to other worlds as if he goes to other worlds except Earth his powers will weaken & his energy will be consumed much more. Ultron told them not to worry as Ultron created a portal using the Space Stone as he went inside & then went back seconds later as he now holds so many Foreignors under his control which made Alexis & Westcott impressed.

I got every single Foreignors with negative emotions for you. However, we can't summon all of them yet as we can use them for emergency situations.

>Alexis • Kerib:
That's fair enough then. So what do yoy suggest for the time being?

Oh I know just what to do.

Meanwhile at the school Tony preps up the Thorbuster as he tested it against a Magitech Dummy which made the Engineers amazed of its strength. Aine then tested her strength on another Magitech Dummy as she did good aswell. And so it was all a training montage as Eye Of The Tiger plays through both their training (I'm having revision problems so I might not be able to put the music). As this goes Tony then trains with Bruce as the 2 did a spar so Tony can improve his MMA Skills. Days later it was now time as Aine is already in the arena waiting while Tony on the otherhand is still putting he suit on. As that was now done Tony comes out & flies into the arena as he waves to the students & then lands with his left knee as when he stood up he opened his faceplate.

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