Chapter 8: The Media

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It's been weeks since Iron Man & the others fought the Savages the Media from all around the world has been talking more & more about Iron Man & the others as they become so famous that people even loved them that some made some merchandises & hashtags on social media. Hell there's even children and other people playing like them and even Tabane & some others wonders what kind of Tech Iron Man & the others are using, especially Iron Man's. There's even reports of a woman saying that Iron Man just saved her baby's life when a building was on fire while police even told the media what they thinked of Batman clearing crooks & thugs everywhere. There's even Green Lantern & War Machine as the military likes the 2 of them as some soldiers even told them their thoughts about them. There was at even 1 report where everyone can see War Machine fighting Jessica Bailey (Using the same big ass suit or gear Origami was using when she was attacking Kotori. The same suit Jessica used to fight Mana Takamiya) in his Iron Patriot 2.0 Suit as they saw him win. And in the aftermath a Gillard Army Infantry started talking to the camera when a question was asked.

>News Reporter:
So tell me, what do you think of War Machine so far? (Points her mic).

>Gillard Army Soldier:
What I can say is that our new commander, War Machine, is actually living up to his name as man he has a hell of an arsenal. And with all due respect to all high ranking officers because not only War Machine looks more like a living weapon but he might even become the next Enterprise if Green Lantern doesn't steal the spot 1st.

The 4 of them isn't just the only thing getting famous but there's also Stark & Wayne Multinationals as the 2 Founders & Owners, Bruce Wayne & Tony Stark has not only donated good stuff for children but to hospitals aswell as the 2 lf them are also becoming famous. Tony even answered a question from a news reporter.

>News Reporter:
So Mr. Stark, how does it feel becoming a global multi-billionaire & a philanthropist in such a young age. (Points her mic).

>Tony Stark:
Well 1st of all I'm 18. And 2nd is that me and Bruce actually had somethings in common as we just want to make technology to make the world a better place. And we did the whole world a favor & prioritized world peace.

Both stories spread like wildfire in a global way as it was like the whole world was engulfed with so much fire that no 1 didn't even stopped talking about it. Meanwhile, at the Mansion Bruce & Tony heard about the news when they went back home for something as it's now Sunday. Alfred then praises Bruce & Tony for not only rebuilding their company from scratch in just a couple of days but they're now superheroes despite being vigilantes.

>Bruce Wayne:
Thank you Alfred.

Anytime Master Wayne.

And then they kept watching the news as Tony started praising all 4 of them including himself as now the people see them as people who fights to protect the world. But after all of that they then discussed about the enemies they've fought so far as Bruce & Tony dived into some files and they even stole some fragments of the tech their enemies fought. Alexis' broken sword, Dagmyer's shield & broken mecha parts, Grabel's broken cannon, & so on. They even try to think of countermeasures for them. Meanwhile at the university Mahiro, Wahanly, & Kanzashi were just in some kind of a room or lab as they try to find out what they have on the 4. Especially Iron Man as they have pictures of the suits Iron Man used so far as they were all amazed that his tech looks more alien than what they all have now. Meanwhile at the base Enterprise & Belfast watches War Machine getting some food while Green Lantern is being flirted & teased by Prinz Eugen as he tries to get away.

So Enterprise, what do you think of him?

Of who? War Machine? I mean he's just doing his everyday routi--

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