Chapter 18: Iron Destroyer

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As War Machine can finally fight into the frontlines again Tony & the others were happy for him while same thing can be said for the military. After they celebrated for Rhodey returning to service Tony was then in his dorm room as he wonders of what danger he would face in the future & who was the pink haired girl he saw & then just disappeared back then. But he didn't minded that for now as the only thing he could do is think of ways to fight Ultron. It was now night time as Tony couldn't sleep so he went outside for a night walk. As he walks around without getting caught thanks to his Extremis powers hacking Surveillance Cameras he then went outside as the view is actually really good. As he looks he then saw both Kizuna & Aine outside as he silently sneaks into a tree as he overhears their conversation. It was about Aine remembering something as most of her memories starts to come back but the details were still fuzzy as Aine still needs more time to find out. Kizuna understands as the 2 of them helps each other. Aine & Kizuna then moved on to a sort of honey moon as the 2 of them were still romantically in love. As Tony overhears more he then wonders of what Aine said as he tries to solve this mystery for as he thinks this might be good intel. As Kizuna & Aine walks they then saw Tony sitting in a bench just watching the moon as Tony pretends he didn't eavesdrop on them nor did he know that they too were outside. Before Aine & Kizuna could approach him they heard something from Tony from afar as Tony speaks to himself only.

>Tony Stark:
(While looking at the moon) Man I hope Pepper & Morgan are alright. They would be happy if I come back.

And then Aine & Kizuna walks to Tony as they greet him & they started asking him of why he's outside.

>Tony Stark:
To be honest I can't sleep. And sometimes every night I can never sleep.

>Kizuna Hida:
I see, then what are you planning to do while you're awake.

>Tony Stark:
Oh nothing just looking at the moon & thinking of a way to beat Ultron.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
I may agree with you but I think you might need rest.

>Tony Stark:
I would but it's just kinda hard to do so you know?

And so they joined Tony as they both sat next to him. Now that they all got the bench for themselves they told each other of their experiences & some of their downfalls. Tony not only told them who he was before becoming Iron Man but they told him of his real enemy, Alcoholism. Kizuna & Aine told him theirs as Kizuna's mother was basically the worst mother in history. Aine only told Tony of what she remembered back then. They all understood each other as they all then talked about their greatest achievements & some regrets. Later that day after Tony, Aine, & Kizuna went back to their dorms & sleep it was just a beautiful day in Manhattan as so many people were just minding their business. And then suddenly... An alarm sounded as people are notified to evacuate. As so many evacuates a man who cooks hotdogs on his hotdog stand looks at the people running as he even asked 1 guy & he answered before leaving.

>Stan Lee:
(Holding his recently cooked hotdog) Hey guy, what's all the ruckus going on in this city?

>Author (Me):
(Stops & looks at Stan Lee while in sort of fear) This is an emergency so we're gonna need to evacuate before those other worldly invaders arrive! (Goes back running).

And so Stan Lee abandons his hotdog stand as he follows Me, The Author. (This is a double cameo between the legend himself & me. Also, may Stan Lee rest in peace). Meanwhile at the school Tony, Bruce, Tsurugi, Aine, Kizuna, Max, Ichika, Hayato, Emilia, Charlotte, & Kenshi went to the central control room as they're all gonna be deployed into battle. Chifuyu told them of the situation in Manhattan as War Machine, Green Lantern, & some forces are making their way to Manhattan to repel the invasion. And so they were all given the orders to repel the invasion force as they have no data on who's gonna lead the invasion so all they can do is repel the invasion force & once they find the leader then take him or her out. And so they all understood as Tony suits up 1st wearing his Bleeding Edge Armor. And so everyone were then all deployed as Batman pilots his Batwing as he flies into battle. As they all made it they all started splitting up to 3 groups to fight off enemy invaders. Batman, Iron Man, & Max takes out the ones on the west side, Tsurugi, Aine, Kizuna, Ichika, & Hayato takes out the ones in the east while Emilia, Charlotte, & Kenshi assist Green Lantern & War Machine in the middle as they help the military too. And so the fights gets heated but something was making Iron Man wonder why attack with only few more soldiers. Not really few just many but not as many as usual. Meanwhile Aine & Kizuna takes out so many as their section is clear. Or that's what they thought. Ultron then suddenly showed up as he easily took down Kizuna's group & when Aine charges at Ultron he caught her & he used the Mind Stone on Aine as it didn't even harmed her. When Kizuna & Ichika came in charging Ultron just teleported away. Tsurugi informed Iron Man when he finally got up while Kizuna & Ichika gets Aine up. Until... Aine started punching the 2 as she even took down Kizuna's group trying to subdue her. Iron Man was then informed of this as they're trying to hold their ground. Iron Man informed group as Iron Man is gonna subdue Aine himself. Max then told him not to go yet as Iron Man won't be able to take down Iron Man alone but Iron Man insisted as this is something he can do alone.

But how Tony? Your Thorbuster is still charging back home.

>Iron Man:
Who says I'll use the Thorbuster.

And then Iron Man's Bleeding Edge Armor turned into its powerful form, the Iron Destroyer form as thanks to Uru this has the chance of even taking down Aine or even kill her if he even wants too. Max told him not to kill her but Iron Man told him that he'll just put her to sleep. And so he takes off as he flew so fast that he was able to make it. Aine was about to kill Kizuna as Kizuna tries to calm her down without violence. But she couldn't listen as she readies her fist. Until she was then shot by a repulsor blast sending her back. Iron Man then showed up & told Kizuna that he'll subdue her so he doesn't have to worry. And just when Aine is ready to fight again she charges at Iron Man aa the 2 of them fights each other but were equally matched. Thanks to Iron Man's Iron Destroyer Armor he was able to fight Aine on equal ground but he then got the upperhand when he started using the Bleeding Edge's Weapons as he blocked with his energy shield & then punched Aine in the gut as it sent her flying to the back. Aine then gets up as she charges at him but Iron Destroyer charges too as he grabs her & then smashes her to the road. When Aine was on the ground she tries to get up but Iron Destroyer grabs her right arm & then he used his left arm to do a "Go to sleep" thing he did to Hulk as he repeatedly punches her.

>Iron Destroyer:
(Spam punching) Go to sleep 3x.

And so he kept doing that until Aine gsabbed his left arm & then kicks him. And so they fought again as FRIDAY kept notifying him Aine's HHG Percentage as is she isn't subdued then her HHG will go 0 & it will kill her if he doesn't get Aine's senses back. And so they kept fighting in DBZ Style until Iron Destroyer does a headbutt which pissed Aine off.

>Iron Destroyer:
(His face is now in a sort of fear) I'm sorry.

And so they kept fighting as Aine only has 15% left but Iron Man ended it by throwing her to several buildings & then Aine crashes into another road. When she woke up she was then knocked out cold by Iron Destroyer by punching her 1 last time. After that Aine's HHG disappeared & then Kizuna arrives as Iron Destroyer tells him of Aine being okay now. Kizuna was reliefed as the rest of Kizuna's group arrived. And then Autumn came out of nowhere shooting webs at Iron Destroyer but he wasn't even flinching as when Autumn went for the attack she was met with a powerful Unibeam which sent her really far. Although she escaped but it didn't matter for the others as they just grabbed Aine back to school while the portal closes. The rest then goes to them aswell. After all of that Aine wakes up in the clinic as she sees Kizuna laying in another bed next her as she even sees Tony sitting down. Tony informed Aine of what happened as FRIDAY sensed something on Aine which let Tony knew of what was going on. Aine then says sorry but Tony told her not to as he understands & he bets that the others understands. And so Kizuna wakes up as the 2 of them looks at each other with happiness. And then Kizuna's harem arrives to the clinic with some others to see if they're both alright as some of the students who wete injured were in other clinic beds. And so Aine says sorry & everyone forgived her. Meanwhile Tony went outside as now he thinks that this won't be the last time he'll see Ultron & fight him again.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now