Chapter 31: War Machine's Invasion Part 1

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Meanwhile at a Vatlantis City (I may not know the places but just go with it) Ragrus was in her "palace" as she just starts training as she thinks she might be able to crush her enemies in the next Global Invasion if that's ever gonna happen again. Until she got a report from a DEM Wizard as she tells her that something is heading to the city as it looks like a Roadster Car & this 1 comes from Earth. When she heard about this she deactivated her HHG & follows the DEM Wizard as when they made it they can see a Roadster Car as it just drives & then it stopped just about 12 meters away from the city walls as they then see someone getting out of the car as they recognize his uniform as it's from Earth's Military. And then the strange man walks forward & then stops as he introduces himself.

>Colonel Rhodes:
(Uses a megaphone) I'am Colonel James R. Rhodes of Earth's Military, & I demand to challenge the 1 in charge of this city!

And so this made Ragrus intrigued as she accepts the challenge because she wants to test her newly upgraded HHG a try into the battelfield. And so Ragrus steps out already in her HHG as it is the size of a Mech as she wants to fight.

(Cocky) My HHG was made to not only be huge but it was also made to crush tiny Lemurians like you. So what are you gonna use?

And so Rhodey gets inside his Roadster Car & then he activated it turning it into his Ultimate War Machine Suit as this suit was also big (Its height is unknown) but this suit was more heavily armed to the teeth as it had more guns & firepower than what anyone could've imagined.

>Ultimate War Machine:
Don't get too cocky little girl in a Hulkbuster Knock-Off. And there's a reason why they call me "Iron Man With Balls." And besides, atleast the Hulkbuster is way more advanced as yours just makes you too vulnerable.

This made Ragrus angry as now she starts charging at War Machine & was about to punch him. But War Machine was able to dodge Ragrus' punch as he then fired a repulsor blast behind Ragrus' back. And then Ragrus got back up as she starts punching & punching only for them to be either blocked or dodged until War Machine fired a repulsor blast at Ragrus' Mech as she was knocked back as the blast was powerful. This pissed Ragrus off so she started firing her energy palm blasters with rage but War Machine was able to dodge her shots as he then pulled out his guns as he starts raining hell at Ragrus as now Ragrus tries to dodge but some bullets were able to hit her aswell as pierce through her HHG Mech's Armor which deemed to be impossible as conventional weapons don't do shit against them but War Machine's bullets were made of both Adamantium & Carbonadium making the bullets not only armor piercing but can also slow down healing factors or even kill those with healing factors as War Machine has a lot of these bullets. As the smoke clears Ragrus jumps so high that she was ready to grab War Machine & she grabbed his leg but only for War Machine to backflip airbourne as this made Ragrus let go & ends up hitting the city wall with her back as now she was taken down & bested by somebody who has more skill & experience in the military. This was a fight that Ragrus couldn't win so she then decided to do the craziest thing possible. She starts to self destruct (Or whatever the hell she was trying to do in the anime) as she will level the entire city. However War Machine was prepared for this so he grabbed Ragrus, flew into the air, & threw her so far that Ragrus exploded in the air making a big fireworks that can be seen by many. After the duel War Machine then lands back to the city as he then makes his proclamation (If you can call it that because if War Machine wins he takes the city as his base in a good way but if he loses he will either leave or be executed).

>Ultimate War Machine:
Considering that I've won this duel, this means that this city is now my brand new base.

>DEM Wizard:
(With a serious & suspicion look) And what happens if we oppose you?!

>Ultimate War Machine:
Then this. (Snaps his fingers).

And then suddenly multiple of War Machine's army starts appearing surrounding the city as not only they were in stealth mode but they were intangible as no 1 knew that his army was already surrounding the city before the battle even began as War Machine was well prepared.

>Ultimate War Machine:
Not only that but this. (Points at a mountain).

Meanwhile at space War Machine's Satellite Armor pointed its box missile launcher & then fired 1 missile at the mountain as 1 of these missiles at full power would be atleast 60 Megatons Of TNT. But luckily this missile was a weaker 1 but it was enough to cause a city sized explosion destroying the mountainnin the process as so many were shocked.

>Ultimate War Machine:
If you oppose me then that will happen to your city. So what do you say?

And so everyone surrendered to War Machine as he wins this city & now he claims it as his base. And then War Machine asked the same DEM Wizard (AKA the 1 who's basically the 2nd-In-Command) a question. He starts asking her where Ultron is & she said she won't tell him. This made War Machine grab her leg & flies so high that they're about 30,000 Feet into the air as War Machine asked her the same question. She said that she doesn't know with little fear until War Machine lets go & drops her as she screams in fear as because of War Machine she isn't wearing her CR Unit. War Machine then caught her when they're above 15,000 feet in the air asking her 1 more time but with anger. And so she told him that he is at the main imperial palace to where Grace Synclavia & most of the other leaders are located as this is all she knows. And then War Machine lets go again & she was falling really fast as she's almost at the ground until War Machine caught her again as shs was now almost to the ground until War Machine puts her down gently as the DEM Wizard was shaking in fear. After the interrogation War Machine tells her to send a message to the main imperial palace & tell them these words. "War Machine is here to rain hell" as she understood so she suits up into her CR Unit & then flew as fast as she could to tell Ultron & the others. After all of that War Machine got the enemy forces protecting the city arrested aswell as have the Robots shut down & dismantled as now War Machine heads to the city's main palace as the palace will act as War Machine's Command Center as some of the maidens & workers see him in his Standard War Machine Armor walking his way to the main office as some were afraid while War Machine's Drones were saluting. And then War Machine arrives at his new office as he takes off his suit, sits down, & thinks of his real plan as he'll need to invade the entirety of Vatlantis & kill Ultron without getting civillians involved.

>Colonel Rhodes:
(Grabs his smartphone) FRIDAY, how's Tony doing right now?

(Through phone) According to my analyzation Tony is still in a coma but is resting well. I don't know how long he'll be out but it might either take days, weeks, months, or even years.

>Colonel Rhodes:
I see, then what do you think I should do to get the people less afraid of me?

(Through phone) I suggest you do a speech & tell them that both them & the prisoners will be treated good & fairly as you can start by having 1 of your drones repair the city walls & donate some food if possible.

>Colonel Rhodes:
That's good enough for me.

And so Rhodey does all of that as he makes his speech & announcement to the people. After all of that he starts to show of why Rhodey isn't so bad after all as he had his drone repair the walls while others even donated & even gave good food to the civillians. And so War Machine's War isn't just about conquering in a good way but it is to wipe out the main evil, Ultron, & negotiate peace with the inhabitants of Vatlantis as he needs to make sure that this war against Earth & Vatlantis never ever happens again. As he watches he then saw an Aircraft Carrier but this 1 looks like the ones from Earth. He then uses a binocular & sees Enterprise, Garnet, Shoukaku, & Zuikaku as they're arriving to War Machine's base soon.

To Be Continued

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