Chapter 39: Thanoseid's Invasion

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And so everyone gets ready for battle as Iron Man (Wearing Model Prime) & some others wait somewhere at Manhattan as Batman predicted that in 6 hours Thanoseid will arrive opening a sky portal which will send out an army of Parademons & Chitauris as Thanoseid is gonna be 1 heck of an adversary. And as they wait there's nothing yet as Kizuna gets back into his position as he fueled up his team, Amaterasu, as now they're all ready for the battle once it arrives.

>Hayato Kisaragi:
We've been waiting at exactly 6 Hours but there seems to be nothing yet?

>Iron Man:
Trust me when I say they'll arrive in 3, 2, & 1.

And then a big sky portal opens up as Parademons & Chitauris starts arriving as the 1st invasion starts now. And as they arrive Iron Man & the others starts advancing as they won't be fighting robots anymore but aliens as they're all gonna have to get use to it as these types of shit happens all the time. And so the battle starts as everyone starts shooting each other as projectiles are being shot from both opposite sides back & forth as Iron Man starts killing 1st as he shoots down atleast multiple Parademons from his Repulsors as he even constructed Green Missile Launchers as it fired multiple mini missiles as a barrage of them hits every single Parademons & Chitauris but not all of them as the others also starts killing some. Hayato was able to slash 1 down while Ichika was able to do the same. Meanwhile Aine & Kizuna starts punching down Parademons & Chitauris here & there as they were able to kill a lot as they're both too fast for them. Meanwhile the rest of Amaterasu helps out aswell as Hayuru even slashes some down to pieces, Yurishia even shot several down while Silvia was able to smash & even decimated multiple enemies down as they just keep on coming. Meanwhile somewhere at Moscow Grabel & War Machine alongside their soldiers are waiting until a sky portal opens up as they both start shooting down multiple Parademons & Chitauris while the others do the same as this is a fight they need to win as they need to prevent Thanoseid's army as fast as they could. And so Grabel & War Machine actually works together really well as they've both took out a lot of enemy forces in their way but mostly War Machine as he had more firepower than anyone in his troops. Meanwhile Batman is in Beijing, China alongside others as he & Zelshione waits until they didn't have to wait any longer as a sky portal opens & both Parademons & Chitauris arrive as they both gave the order to attack them all. Lucky for Batman he's wearing his Man Of Steel Armor as he even have some weapons which he can use for battle as for Zelshione she started slicing some Parademons & Chitauris aswell. Finally Green Lantern & Aldea are both in New Delhi, India as they've been waiting & so are their forces as there seems to be nothing yet.

I'm so bored, when are they gonna attack?

>Green Lantern:
Trust me when I say--

And then a sky portal opens up as Parademons & Chitauris starts attacking here & there as they swarm around New Delhi.

>Green Lantern:
And nevermind, they're here.

(Smiles) Then good.

And so Aldea flies 1st as she is excited for the battle as she activated her HHG, Zeel. Meanwhile Green Lantern then follows as Aldea starts manipulating space around her as she brings a swarm of rocks with her while Green Lantern constructed multiple guns as he starts firing. As the battle goes Thanoseid was from afar watching them as he wants to see how long they can last. And so the battle goes on as a big worm like alien which carries Chitauris (I forgot what it was called so I'll call it a Chitauri Carrier) comes out of each 4 sky portals as atleast multiple of them arrives.

>Grace Synclavia:
(Looks at the Chitauri Carrier) What in the name of Thanatos is that?!

>Iron Man:
A Chitauri Carrier, we need to take it out before it can send in enemy ground forces to us.

And so Grace nodded as they both kept fighting with the others as Gio was lucky to even take 1 out as all he needed to do was bite the damn thing to pieces. Iron Man had more experience taking 1 of these things out as he just needed to shoot multiple missiles as he has enough firepower to face an army. Meanwhile War Machine then fired a shit ton a lot of missiles as he kept on shooting Chitauri Carriers down as they all die from War Machine's missiles. Grabel on the other hand shot multiple Carriers through shooting them & piercing them with her Particle Cannons. Enterprise is even seen surfing in 1 of her fighter planes as she releases multiple arrows at Chitauri Carriers & even took them out. Meanwhile in Beijing Batman was shooting multiple Chitauris until he saw a Chitauri Carrier but luckily he had the Batwing drop a pod as it has his Insider Suit as he then puts it on as he flies into battle & destroyed 1 Chitauri Carrier in 1 single punch. Zelshione was able to slice some Parademons & Chitauris while Kenshi Masaki was able to destroy a Chitauri Carrier as it even bumped another Carrier as 2 Carriers were down. Green Lantern's situation on the other hand is basically constructing even bigger guns as he is face to face against Chitauri Carriers as so many were shot down while Aldea was able to took some down. And so the battle gete heated by the minute until they were able to take out every single 1 of them as it took them hours to hold the line & defend. And so the sky portals starts to close as they've won... For now. Everyone were relieved that they did it but Iron Man told them both good news & bad news to everyone as he contacted the others from afar. The good news is that they win as they will need to rest for the time being & rebuild if they have to. The bad news on the other hand is that that was just the 1st Wave as they know how truly powerful Thanoseid's Army is as this got everyone worried but they knew that they need to be strong to face Thanoseid's 2nd Wave.

To Be Continued

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