Chapter 10: Physical Education

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The day is now Monday as it means 4 more days before PE Day as every student in the entire university will be doing alot of tiring & challenging shit. Some students were pumped up while others were kinda bummed out that PE Day is coming (Their PE is not really like ours in real life as some stuff are really painful, especially when some uses really painful airsoft bbs & sports gear).

>Ichika Orimura:
(Looking tired) Ah man I can't believe it's gonna be PE Day again.

>Tsurugi Yoshichika:
What do you expect man? Every Friday is PE Day.

>Bruce Wayne:
That's right & I don't really mind.

>Tony Stark:
And besides, this is just something to help us physically & basically once Friday's done then it's weekend.

After class they all went to lunch Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey walks to their main tables as they're eating while talking to each other on who's excited for PE Day. They were all pumped up as this is nothing but a walk in the park for them, especially for Bruce as he & Kenshi Masaki are actually equals in PE Day & the 2 respects each other & they have no rivalry but rather they compliment each other & they also say good luck to each other. John wanted to change the subject as it is about what Batman might've found after the last Kaiju battle.

>Bruce Wayne:
To be honest I'm still figuring that out as sure the 1 responsible is Alexis • Kerib but I think there's more to it.

>Tony Stark:
By that you mean?

>Bruce Wayne:
There's no telling what he's up to so that's why once I found nothing then I'll just have to sneak in with my Stealth Batsuit.

>Tony Stark:
Sweet, a covert mission. I'm in so I'll bring my Stealth Armor aswell. I upgraded it to not only equal yours but it can also do the same thing War Machine's chameleon mode can do.

>Bruce Wayne:
Good to know. However I work alone so I'll only contact all of you if I even feel like it.

>Tony, John, & Rhodey:
(All 3) Fair enough.

And then suddenly all 4 of them heard something outside the window as it sound like girls running around chasing somebody.

>Female Students:
(All) Kenshi wait!

And then the quartet can see Kenshi running in fear as he is yet again being chased as this is the 222nd time.

>Kenshi Masaki:
(While running) This is definitely getting older by the minute!!!

And so many female students used ISs, Hundreds, HHGs, & some moving armors as they all chase him around but he was still too fast for them.

>John Stewart:
(While watching outside the window) So should we help him or not?

>James Rhodes:
(Looks at John) I think we all should right now.

And so the 4 of them splits up as they have their own thing. As Kenshi is still being chased Kenshi then jumps up into something as thanks to his scent he smelled a trap as so many girls on foot fell down to the ground none lethally. Then we can see John using his sniper skills as he shoots rubber bullets that was enough to make a moving armor trip as he shoots their legs. Rhodey on the otherhand was able to grab Kenshi & hid him as he told him to be as silent as possible to get away. As the Girls using ISs, Hundreds, & HHGs starts looking for Kenshi while being airbourne Tony then sneakfully used Extremis & hacked into their suits as not only so many fell a little injured with no casualties but their ISs, Hundreds, & even their HHGs powers down as they all went back to normal mode (Luckily for the ones with HHGs they were not killed when the HHGs powers off as it only shuts it down instead of draining its energy). As the girls are down Kenshi & Rhodey regrouped with the others as he thanked them.

>Kenshi Masaki:
I gotta say thanks for the help guys.

>John Stewart:
Don't mention it Kenshi.

>Tony Stark:
And besides, we guys have to always stick together you know.

>Bruce & Rhodey:
(Both) Agree.

And so they then separated from Kenshi after Kenshi said see you guys again as he then ran to get the girls up. And instead of leaving they had a 2ns thought as they helped him get every single girls up. After all of that Lady Lithia & Claire Harvey were both shocked to see so many girls were tired & stuff. Hours later at Vatlantis we get to see Alexis & Westcott trying to find anymore Foreignors to turn into Kaijus. They could both go into another world but Alexis' power is only enough to use 3 times a day as 1 is enough to go to another world except Earth & the 2nd power to get to Earth while the 3rd 1 is to get back to Vatlantis for as because the villains can go to Earth as freely as they want but the problem is that they can't go to another world easily. However Alexis can go to other worlds but it kinda reduces his energy as once he gets to another world means that he can only use the power 3 times a day as he'll be weak once he uses his power for the 3rd time. But if he uses his power on Earth without going to other worlds then he can go & come back as freely as he wants. As both Alexis & Westcott talks more about this what they didn't know is that Batman was not only using the Stealth Batsuit but he was overhearing their conversation. Alfred, Tony, FRIDAY, John, & Rhodey read all this too as thanks to Batman's radio they could all hear. And so Batman was able to get back to Earth without getting spotted. Hours earlier he was able to get to Vatlantis when Green Lantern created a gateway for him. Then Batman came back from the recently summoned gateway as no 1 in Vatlantis saw Batman. And so they finally have some useful information as Batman even overheard the 2 saying about their plan to destroy the universe & none of their allies knows about it. And so they all got the info they need. However Tony & the others can't tell it to anyone yet for the time being. Days later it is now PE Day as they all show their physical stats. As everyone does their shit Bruce & Kenshi are basically equally match as everyone does swimming, heavy lifting, & even martial arts spar. Tony was able to take down Kizuna & Ichika in a hand-to-hand spar as his new MMA skills improved. As everyone goes on the last 1 in PE Day is none other than foot race as they all have to run around a whole field & it is also to test their endurance for as the last 1 standing wins.

>Reiri Hida:
On your mark, Set, Go!!! (Fires a gun in the sky).

And so everyone started running as they all ran & ran as fast as they could go.

>Reiri Hida's Mind:
Please win this my little Kizuna.

And so the whole thing goes on as so many has already been eliminated because of poor stamina & endurance. As this course goes on so many has been eliminated as only few are left. This are Kenshi Masaki, Bruce Wayne, Princess Aura, James Rhodes, John Stewart, Shido Itsuka, Tony Stark, Hayato Kisaragi, Hida Kizuna, & Ichika Orimura. As they all go Ichika then gets tired was now eliminated as he couldn't go on. Then some were eliminated as Hayato & Kizuna were down while Tony is still in the race. Shido then overexerted himself which caused him to be eliminated from the race. Princess Aura, Tony Stark, James Rhodes, & John Stewart were then out of the race as they all lost stamina but luckily made it far. It was only between Kenshi & Bruce as the 2 kept on going. They went on & on as the 2 of them doesn't seem to be losing their stamina anytime soon as the 2 just kept going. Since no 1 wanted this to last for atleast hours they made the last checkpoint the finish line & who ever crosses wins. The 2 just kept on going until when it was now the finish line it was a draw as Bruce & Kenshi made it there at the same time. Which meant that the 2 of them are still tied & they then fist bumped saying this afterwards.

>Bruce Wayne:
I guess it's another tie. So same tine next week?

>Kenshi Masaki:
I guess so?

And so so many students went for them as the 2 made another tie. Even though there wasn't any gamble some students were still betting on who would win next time. Hours later in the central control room after everything was all fixed up & cleaned the commanders were then having suspicions on Batman, Iron Man, Green Lantern, & War Machine as they've been secretly trying to find which students have been them the entire time but no leads yet. Well not yet atleast.

To Be Continued

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