Chapter 17: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 2

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After the battle Rhodes was now in a military hospital bed as Bruce, Tony, & John runs to the med bay. When they made it they then joined & helped out the medics as they have the needed parts & materials to bring Rhodey back as it may not be easy nor will Rhodey like it as this is the only thing they could do for now. And so they did the procedure as they were lucky that they made it or else Rhodey could've died. 7 days later Rhodey wakes up from his coma as he sees a bright light as he realized his in the med bay. He sees Vestal sleeping to her chair next to his bed as when she woke up she then called the others as Rhodey is back. As everyone gathers around they were then relieved to see Rhodey back from the dead.

>Ichika Orimura:
Thank God you're alive man.

>James Rhodes:
(Still laying down tired) What happened? What about the battle?

The battle is a victory, although it almost cost you & your life.

And so Rhodey asked them some more questions & they all answered just until Rhodey asked them of how is he still alive. Tony told him that he won't like it as Garnet hands a mirror to him as now half of Rhodey's face is a cyborg as it happened again but this time he didn't scream nor anything as he kinda got used to it the 1st time but it still gave him horror. After all that Tony explained to Rhodey of what happened to him after the battle as now he needs to rest for 7 more days as he can't fully go to combat yet. But that didn't mean he can't walk around the base as the only rest Rhodey needs is to not work for now. Tony then told Rhodey of his new improvements as thanks to Extremis he can hack technology like Tony & he has the power of Magnetism now (Go check Stanetech War Machine's wiki & then you guys will see). As Rhodey is told about this everyone left the room so that way Rhodey can finally rest. After everyone left & before Rhodey could rest he though of what happened in the battle as now he looks at his palms as now he vows to protect everyone & become stronger so that the same mistake that happened to him never happens again (Also, he's basically still wearing the suit so he could live). 

>James Rhodes:
(Looks at his palms) I can't let this mistake ever happen again. I will become stronger & that way I could keep up with the other 3 & protect those I care.

And so he goes back to sleep as he needed rest. A day later he now walks to the base as when everyone saw him they weren't afraid nor disgusted but rather they felt pity on him & they hoped that he'd get well sooner. By this they still accepted him as this is a sort of symbol of his experience. Luckily War Machine can still eat as he was welcomed into the mess hall as they all say welcome back. And so he was happy as atleast so many were still okay & in good shape. Meanwhile at the school Tony spars with Kizuna as when Tony lets Kizuna make the 1st move when he summoned Eros Kizuna then turned into Zeros Mode as he charges at Tony. But just when Kizuna punched Tony what he can see is an Iron Man suit but this 1 was different as it didn't look like it was made of metal as it then became invisible when Kizuna wasn't touching it. Until Tony gave the command to make it visible as now the 2 of them fights in the arena. Kizuna was actually doing great considering he's using so many modes all at once but Iron Man's Virtual Armor was so versatile that Iron Man just thought of what weapon & then the suit made it for him (Considering that The Virtual Armor can create anything Tony can think of. By this I mean that it not only can create any weapons from other armors but it can theoretically turn into other modes including Iron Man Buster Armors). Kizuna starts using Taros as he created a hammer out of nowhere but Iron Man was prepared as he created a virtual shield & then he uppercutted Kizuna with a powerful virtual repulsor powered gauntlet which he created from his mind/thoughts/imagination. They kept fighting until Iron Man was able to take Kizuna down with a non-lethal Unibeam as it knocked him out cold causing Eros to disappear. As Kizuna wakes up seconds later what he sees is Iron Man giving him a hand & he grabbed it so he can stand up.

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