Chapter 13: New Life

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Days after the battle the Media all around the world reported about the battle as the victory was all thanks to Iron Man & the others. Luckily none of them knows their identities but they did reported that now Batman & Iron Man are no longer vigilantes & are attending the university as students. However none of them know who they are as their identities are still a secret as only the University & the Military knows but not the Police nor others as some of the commanders & some soldiers said all this when they got questions from some news reporter. Iron Man & the others were there but luckily Iron Man used the Time Stone to repair his Godbuster Suit's helmet before the Media showed up as this all happened 3 days ago after the battle & the appearance of Hida Nayuta & Isaac Westcott. Meanwhile in the school's arena we see Hayato in full body armor as he starts slashing but Iron Man (Wearing Model Prime in Samurai Mode) was able to block his slashes as the 2 clashed swords together. Hayato was the more skillful 1 but luckily Iron Man was able to know Hayato's moves as he was able to not only land hits on him but he took him down later on.

>Iron Man:
(Points his Katana on Hayato) Do you yield yet?

>Hayato Kisaragi:
I guess you win Tony.

And then Iron Man gets Hayato back up as so many were impressed of Iron Man's skills. Meanwhile Batman & Kenshi are also sparring on another arena as they both use their mechas. Kenshi was the more fast, agile, & animalistically deadly 1 but thanks to Batman's martial arts skills & pilotting skills he was able to keep up as the 2 are equal match in battle. As the spar goes on it ended in a draw as Batman's Mecha Batmobile had 0 power left while Kenshi's mecha ended getting its energy depleted but luckily he got out of there before the mecha became an egg. And so the 2 of them shakes hands as the 2 have some skills that makes them both deadly & equally match (I'm not underestimating Kenshi okay. Also, Bruce is Batman so what can you guys do if you're up against him?). And then it was now lunch time as so many students congratulated Bruce & Tony for being officially heroes & no longer vigilantes in their world. And so everyone celebrated as if it wasn't for them they may not have won against Vatlantis when they attacked Earth. Aine asked them 1 question as they celebrated.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
Hey Tony, where's John & Rhodey.

>Tony Stark:
When our identities were finally revealed to both the University & the Military all around the world both John & Rhodey now works full time at the military considering they've joined the military back when their identities were still a secret since they are Green Lantern & War Machine.

I guess that makes sense.

Meanwhile in the military what you can see now are both Colonel Garnet Maclaine (She was promoted) & War Machine (He too is promoted to Colonel in a young age) sparring as Garnet is in her dragon form while War Machine uses his Ultimate War Machine Armor as the 2 are actually soldiers you can't mess with. Ultimate War Machine then got the upperhand as when Garnet charged at him he holds her sharp bladed horn & then took her down to the ground with a repulsor blast at point blank range. After the spar Garnet then gets back into human form while Rhodey got out of the suit after landing.

>Colonel Rhodes:
(Shows his hand) Sorry about that Colonel.

>Colonel Maclaine:
(Grabs Rhodey's hand) It's alright. (Then stands up) And besides, you're improving Rhodes.

And then the 2 of them salutes. Enterprise & Belfast arrives as they congratulate Rhodey for winning the spar.

Congratulations Rhodes, you're more stronger than last time.

And it was a good match indeed.

>Colonel Rhodes:
Thanks Ma'am, just doing my best.

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