Chapter 20: Mystic Iron Man

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It's been 3 weeks since the battle of Chicago as Vatlantis hasn't been making any moves lately which gave Earth time to bolster both their forces & defenses while the students started training even more as in Arena 9 Mahiro & Yayoi gets their asses kicked by Batman & Iron Man as Batman wears his Insider Suit while Iron Man wears his Mystic Armor. As the duo won they then helped the 2 girls up as they were amazed of their suits' power. Iron Man then told them of his Mystic Armor's capabilities as not only it has the weapons of his Model 9 Armor but it has also been fused with the legendary sword, Excalibur for as Tony is actually worthy of even wielding it. Everyone were amazed, especially Luck & Logic & Hina Logic characters as Tony & the others kept surprising & impressing them. Meanwhile at Vatlantis Westcott is using his book as when he tried getting intel/data about Iron Man & the others he always got none from the moment they arrived from the start as when they arrived for the 1st time he always got nothing from them. And so he's been dependent on studying them & learning the hard way without the book instead. Westcott is then seen fighting Alexis as they spar in an arena which everyone in Vatlantis use for training (There are more of them thanks to the other villains). Now back at school Tony is surrounded with smart students as they always asked him so many questions everyday. But luckily he gets help from his friends as this time it's now Tamaki & Tsurugi who helped him escaped as Tony now sits with them at the canteen. Bruce then arrived as they all wanna talk. Also, Venus & Athena arrived aswell.

>Tsurugi Yoshichika:
When you meant by Excalibur, do you mean the sword of King Arthur himself?

>Tony Stark:
To answer your question, yes. And trust me when I say that not only I went back in time to stop Doctor Doom but we also tried to pull the sword out of the stone. He wasn't able to do it for as he wasn't worthy, but me on the otherhand was able to pull it out & it turns out that I'm worthy of wielding it. So that means I might actually be the rightful king of England?

(While being who she is) I guess you can say that again cutie.

>Tony Stark:
Why thank you Venus. (Whispers at Bruce) See, I'm still good looking to the ladies.

>Bruce Wayne:
(Whispers at Tony) Just don't get it over your head.

And so they all ate lunch & they all even talked more about what Logicalists & their Covenanters can do as Tony told them that not only he doesn't need a Covenanter but he tells them that he can just defeat or even kill gods on his own. This made everyone except Bruce shock as they never thought that he could do that as they only thought that the Godbuster was only a name for the suit but it can actually do more than the Godkiller Mark 2 can do even though Godkiller Mark 2 is atleast 25,000 feet tall. Tony even told them that Bruce can do the same with both The Final Batsuit & The Hellbat Armor as Bruce fought & defeated Darkseid multiple times.

>Bruce Wayne:
(Starts acting in his Batman mood) Tony, I told you not to brag about our most greatest achievements.

>Tony Stark:
Oh come on Bruce, it's not like there are gods just as powerful as the ones we fought & then would suddenly just pop out of nowhere to kill us.

(Curious & a bit scared) Hold on, when you meant by gods, does that mean you killed good gods or evil gods?

>Tony Stark:
Relax blondie, I've killed an army of Dark Celestials, AKA evil gods in my world. Although it costed my suit to be destroyed so I ended the fight by blowing my suit up alongside those Dark Celestials. However I was lucky to get out alive & they were lucky it wasn't the Godbuster Armor. Even Bruce here defeated an Evil God & humiliated Supes in a duel.

This made Athena & the others relieved as the 2 of them only killed evil gods.

>Bruce Wayne:
Although I keep my friends & allies close while I keep my enemies closer. And besides, if you all ever go rogue then the 2 of us have our own precautions & countermeasures against you.

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now