Chapter 40: Doomsday

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And so it's been days as Bruce predicted when the next invasion is gonna be. Although it's gonna be in 1 place & the battle is gonna take place at the ground as they will have to defend the 1 place where the Quartet goes to every class hours, The University. And so everyone prepares for battle as Chifuyu wonders of why just the University & why the ground as she thinks that there might be something that's gonna happen as even the Commanders were all wondering of why the 2nd Wave is gonna be only in place & it's gonna be at the ground as they've had some invasions but this 1 was strange as it doesn't involve the air nor the seas. And so the Quartet are outside alongside the rest of the students & the Iron Legion as this is a battle that none of these students has ever fought before. Bruce knows this so that's why they told everyone to be even more prepared as 1st Wave was intense but this 1 is gonna be somethinf else. And so a 1km tall & 1km wide Boom Tube opens up as they then see what's coming out of it, or more like who's coming out. And so they see a grey monster as they don't what the hell they're fighting up against.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
What the hell is that?

That is Doomsday.

And so Doomsday roars as some even wonders of how just 1 of them is threatening until...

How's that "thing" gonna destroy us?

>Iron Man:
You'll see why. And luckily I'm wearing my Thorbuster Buster Armor.

And so they then see multiple figures coming out of the portal as multiple Doomsdays arrive as there are so many of them that they could end up destroy an entire world as these ones were upgraded & has the same powers as the original Doomsday.

>Iron Man:
Thanoseid upgraded these guys with the same powers as the original Doomsday but these ones are weaker. So we're lucky that those are just clones

>Hayato Kisaragi:
Then how powerful is the original 1?

>War Machine:
So powerful that he was able to take down both The Justice League & The Avengers as we almost died. Hell, even Hulk couldn't even stand a chance against him so we're lucky that these guys ain't the original nor as powerful as the original Doomsday though.

And so every single Doomsday Clones starts roaring as the Boom Tube hasn't closed yet as Batman thinks that there's gonna be alot coming out later on. And so all they can do is fight them off as all Doomsday Clones starts charging forward as they're all ready to kill. And so Iron Man then gave the order to attack as everyone were now ready to fight them off & defend the Unuversity to the death as the University is also valuable to them too as they are always ready to fight for what's right even if it means death. And so the fight starts as Grabel & War Machine takes to the skies as Grabel starts shooting while War Machine then drops multiple bombs & then went back to where Grabel is after the bombs detonated as they both fired at the same time assisting their friends & allies.

(While shooting at Doomsday Clones) If I don't make this alive then lets just say that it's an honor to be fighting alongside you.

>War Machine:
(While shooting at Doomsday Clones) I could say the same thing too.

Back on the ground Iron Man then smashes the ground as it created a trench like what Superman did as everyone with range weapons aimed & fired at the Doomsday Clones while the ones with melee weapons starts attacking Doomsday Clones in close quarters combat as Batman is lucky to be in his Justice Buster Armor as he starts smashing some Doomsday Clones aswell as shooting them down easily. Aldea & Tsurugi are seen attacking & defending while Aine & Max are both seen punching down & killing Doomsday Clones as Aine is lucky she was charged up. Meanwhile some Magi-Tech Robots even stomps some Doomsday Clones but other Magi-Tech Robots were ripped apart or even shot by lasers from the Doomsday Clones' eyes as they even extended their blades. Meanwhile The Iron Legion assists Grabel & War Machine as they all kept on firing as they've shot down alot until a Doomsday Clone jumped so high that he was able to reach his way to where Grabel is but was sliced in half as she notices something, there wasn't any blood in it. War Machine told her why as they're just clones of the original as they ain't as strong nor powerful but they're still a threat. Green Lantern is even seen creating multiple green weapon constructs as he & Grace starts killing some on the ground as Grace was so good with her scythe that she murdered alot of clones as she even helped Kizuna as Kizuna helped her back aswell. As the fight goes on they suffered some casualties while others were getting their asses kick as Ichika was punched in so hard that he was sent flying into an Iron Legionnaire accidentally destroying it with his back. Charlotte saw him get knocked back & then she was almost shot by a laser but got her focus back killing the same Doomsday Clone who almost shot her. They kept on fighting & fighting but more kept coming as the Boom Tube hasn't closed yet.

>Hayato Kisaragi:
(Sliced a Doomsday Clone in half) Just how many more are they?! (Blocks a Doomsday Clone's claws & then stabs it to death).

>Iron Man:
(Crushed multiple Doomsday Clones) I don't know but Thanoseid really likes putting up a difficult fight that's for sure.

And so they kept on fighting as Iron Man was even knocked by a Doomsday Clone as the suit is now on the ground. He then sees some brave souls fight & die as he realizes that if they keep fighting like this then they won't be able to win as this is the biggest fight they ever had yet. And then a Doomsday Clone puts its foot into Iron Man's Thorbuster Armor's head but Iron Man was able to get it off of him & got up after shooting his way up. So many kept fighting until Iron Man remembered something as he suddenly ejected from the Thorbuster Armor as he was sent flying up & activates his Iron Destroyer Armor. Meanwhile the Thorbuster Armor blew up as it eliminated several Doomsday Clones. And so Iron Man then fires multiple repulsors at the Clones as he then flies to where the others are as he remembered what Wonder Woman said back then when Superman killed the clones. And so he made it & told everyone to fall back for now. They didn't understood why but they had no choice. And so everyone falls back as Aine & Kizuna are seen killing 2 Doomsday Clones in 1 punch as they then fall back with the others. And so they all hold their position while the Doomsday Clones starts getting closer & closer as they wanna kill them all. And then suddenly Iron Man lands to the ground as he said 1 thing.

>Iron Man:
Alright you ugly clones, Here comes the big 1. (And then fires a powerful Unibeam).

And so this is where Iron Man fired a Unibeam so powerful that he eliminated every single clone that the beam even went through the Boom Tube hitting all Doomsday Clones even in the other side as Iron Man eliminated all of them. And so he then stopped firing afterwards as this battle was really dificult. And so they were all relief as its over... Or so they thought. Batman notices that the Boom Tube is still up & running as they see something coming out as this was Doomsday. And then the Boom Tube closes as this was no clone but rather the original 1 as FRIDAY scanned it & it's the legit 1 alright. And so Iron Man told the others to fall back as this is something both he & Batmam needs to take care of. And so Batman & Iron Man prepares as Doomsday roars at them.

>Iron Man:
You know what they call this Bats?


>Batman & Iron Man:
(Both) A Boss Battle.

And so this is where Doomsday charges as the 2 also charges at him as they start fighting Doomsday alone as every sees how powerful the original Doomsday is as this 1 was more powerful than the ones they've encountered as Doomsday was so powerful that he even ripped the Justice Buster's left arm & even used it as a club as he hits it on Iron Man which sent him flying backwards. And so Batman fired a powerful & fast laser which hits Doomsday but Doomsday healed from it & then he jumped at Batman as he starts ripping the Justice Buster to pieces. And when he fully ripped it into pieces he then punches Batman but only for him to catch it with his hand as the Hellbat Armor completely formed around Batman. And when Doomsday fired a laser Iron Man then did an uppercut as he sent Doomsdsy flying as both Batman & Iron Man flies up as they both kept punching & shooting him as Doomsday tries to retaliate but it was impossible as these 2 fought him multiple times & it wasn't easy but they had more experience as they then fought him in the moon as Doomsday starts rampaging but only for Batman & Iron Man outsmarting him & even getting his guard down as when Doomsday was off guard Batman & Iron Man then fired their Bat-Shaped Chest Laser & Unibeam as when Doomsday got his focus back he fires his eye lasers but was overpowered as he was then completely decimated as Batman & Iron Man's beams were too much for him. And so the battle was a win as they then went back to Earth as fast as they could as Batman is dying. And so they then landed back to Earth as now Batman deactivated his Hellbat Armor as he looks like shit. They both told them that Doomsday is now dead.

To Be Continued

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