Chapter 2: University & Military

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Several hours after the battle as Ichika and the others retreated back to United Saviours University (This is all I could think of for a school name with heroic anime characters from the Anime in the description) Chifuyu, Reiri, Victoria, Sakaki, Kotori, & Some other commanders and students whose mission is to be deployed to save the world then discussed of what Ichika and the others saw as they all look at the 4 footages each has Batman's, Iron Man's, Green Lantern's, & War Machine's battle footages as they watch them all and tries to understand what they're seeing right now.

>Hayuru Himekawa:
That 1 in the Red & Gold looking armor called himself "Iron Man" and what we can see is that he just formed weapons around his body with ease.

>Shido Itsuka:
This reminds me of Kizuna being able to switch between HHG modes in his Eros HHG.

>Kizuna Hida:
I guess you do have a good point Shido?

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
That man in a black costume somehow changed from fabric to metal. That must be "Batman"?

>Commander Sakaki:
And the suit looks more like it was made by Satan.

>Hayato Kisaragi:
And how he just destroyed Dagmyer's Mecha with just a single punch as strong as Aine's or maybe stronger than that. And by this he must be a Hundred User.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi's Mind:
Then I must become stronger 1 day.

>Kenshi Masaki:
That man in another black metal armor said his "War Machine"?

>Yomogi Asunaka:
I guess I can see why that's his name.

>Yuta Hibiki:
I agree. Especially when he took down Grabel with those guns of his.

>Tsurugi Yoshichika:
Then the last in Green calls himself "Green Lantern". And he looks like he can create those green looking solid holograms out of nowhere. (Looks at Athena) Hey Athena, is there any god in your world or any other worlds who could do the same thing?

To be honest no there isn't 1.

>Shido Itsuka:
There's no way he's using spirit powers I mean look at his ring.

And when they saw his ring they also saw that he creates constructs out of his rings.

>Chloe Maxwell:
So what, he might be a Logicalist like us or no?

>Chief Victoria:
Whatever the case is is that we may not know who the 4 of them are and where they came from but just to be safe we need to make sure they don't go rogue so for now keep an eye on them if they show up again. Is that understood?

>Students (Characters who can fight):
(All) Yes Ma'am!

And so the students leave the school's command center as the commanders still tries to find out more. 3 days later after the battle that just happened not only Tony and the rest learned alot from the world they're all in after getting back to the mansion but they all decided to live there for now until they find their way home. And so this is what happened. 1st day after the battle they learned a shit ton a lot thanks to Tony's intellect and Bruce's god like knowledge. So to survive they all plan on upgrading all of their suits, weapons, etc. 2nd day is to rebuild Stark & Wayne Multinationals from scrap as they not only need to improve the world's tech but to help more people if they ain't doing hero work. While the 3rd day was after the company was quickly rebuilt (Don't ask) Tony and Bruce then upgraded most of everyone's everything as 25% of Iron Man's suits were upgraded from Gold-Titanium alloy to Adamantium-Vibranium alloy. While Batman's Katana was given a Adamantium-Vibranium alloy upgrade but his father's amazonian steel sword was upgraded with Uru. And so the 4th day came in as when they learned about the other world's school & military they all decided to do 1 thing to get more information, and that is for all 4 of them to enroll to the school as themselves while Green Lantern & War Machine joins the military as their hero selves while Batman & Iron Man will save lives without letting anyone know who they are. 2 days later after their Stark & Wayne Multinationals got noticed worldwide Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey then they all got the enrollment paper on the mail as they all finally going as planned. Back when they didn't get the mail yet their gears, suits, and others were 50% upgraded as they only need to upgrade the other 50%. Considering that Tony has an arc reactor he made some sort of a tape which looks like human skin to fully conceal his reactor so none of the students could see or know he's Iron Man. A day later they finally see of how big the university is and let's just say they were a little amaze and then they all went inside. Hours later after putting their stuff Ms. Yamada then introduces them to the class as the 4 new students of United Saviour University.

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