Chapter 5: War Monarch

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Half an hour later after the battle against the Kaiju it was an aftermath as luckily (Or not so luckily) only soldiers died in battle as not only some were suffering Paradox sickness but most were fried to death, stomped to death, etc as blood and guts were everywhere (This is the reason why this novel is mature) as Knight & Samurai Calibur looks at all the body and grabbed them so they can put them to where they're supposed to be while Tsurugi looks at the Kaiju as it looks like a Foreigner as he wonders where's the person who got Trance Jacked while Tamaki heals up the injured (Which were minimal). Luckily no civillians were killed as thanks to Iron Man leading it to the water it wasn't able to kill civillians as it was far from both the Harbor and the City. Even War Machine, Hornet, Cleveland, & Cleveland's sisters looks at the Kaiju at sea as they try to check where the Trance Jacked person is until.

>War Machine:
(Through comms) Hey guys, my scanner picked up no life nor anything as it looks like there was no human to have ever been Trance Jacked in the 1st place.

>Tsurugi Yoshichika:
(Through comms) Ah good. (As Tsurugi says in relief).

Hours later they were given orders ro finally go back to base. As War Machine followed orders he was also feeling pity for all the soldiers who died from the Kaiju. Meanwhile Isaac & Alexis then tries to find more Foreigners to turn into Kaijus as they look at computers from Vatlantis as the Manticore did have some negative emotions but it wasn't really enough. While that's going on Babalun on the otherhand is not only preparing a force of both Mecha Masters, Ronins, DEM Robots, IS Drones, & Magi-Tech Robots but he was also waiting for a fleet of ships including his Flagship, Babel (His ship looks more like a tower so we'll call it Babalun's Tower). Ragrus shows up as she too wants to get in on the action as she's pumped up to crush everyone she's gonna fight, especially Silvia & Kizuna. Back at Earth's military base Green Lantern grabs lunch in the mess hall as he was done grabbing but before he could turn back someone suddenly touched his ass which made him shock as when he looked back it was Prinz Eugen as she was actually being who she is.

>Prinz Eugen:
Hello zere Green Lantern, so how do you always walk around wearing zis green HHG pilot suit? I mean is it perhaps tight?

>Green Lantern:
(Grabs Prinz Eugen's hand off his ass) It's a body suit & it's also my Green Lantern uniform Prinz Eugen.

>Prinz Eugen:
Oh come on, you can atleast tell me.

And then Kaga arrived and got Prinz Eugen off Green Lantern as she not only saved his ass but she also told him to join her, Akagi, Belfast, Enterprise, & War Machine to their table as they've been waiting. And so he did. After also getting Prinz Eugen off of Green Lantern they then sat down and they start to eat their lunches after praying. As they enjoy their lunch Enterprise was curious of how Iron Man can do the same thing Green Lantern could do so he told her why.

>Green Lantern:
It's because not only Iron Man was able to get the same ring & battery but he got it when he used to create weapons until terrorist used it against him. And when he was kidnapped he refused to give up as he had so much will that he did everything to get him and his friend, Yinsen, out of the prison so he was somehow able to find a power ring & a battery as he used those material and some other parts to create an arc reactor. After all that he created a suit and used it to get him and Yinsen out but Yinsen didn't make it as he sacrificed himself for Iron Man. After all of that Iron Man vowed to never make weapons again but instead he created suits to protect others. He even used the ring's power in more than 1 occassion.

Oh my, that's got to be sad for him. And now I heard of this I feel pity for that man.

>Green Lantern:
Don't worry he got over it and he never broke his promise to Yinsen ever since. Just like how War Machine's suit was then worn by an ex-soldier turned vigilante when he died back then before he was brought back to life by Iron Man's tech. (Looks at War Machine) Isn't that right War Machine? War Machine?

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