Chapter 44: Last Wave

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After the aftermath Batman explained of why he invited Kurumi as he knows his shit so he had to tell the Commanders of why he had Nightmare participate in the battle as they know how dangerous she is. Batman told them that if he didn't then Kurumi could've still arrived but later as he thinks that Aldea could'be been killed against Ebony Maw but didn't as she killed Ebony Maw thanks to Batman telling/convincing Kurumi to join as more could've died as he needed to do something but he was lucky that he was able to convince Kurumi to join earlier but if only he lets her go after the battle is over. After Batman explained everything he was off the hook as he did what he had to do but next time he does this then the Commanders need to know or else he'll suffer a suspension. Meanwhile at Thanoseid's unknown location he was actually impressed as they still won but without the help of either The Justice League nor The Avengers but because of this they suffered more casualties as Thanoseid thinks that it might be time for 1 thing.

All units, set course for Earth. And let the final wave begin.

It's been a week since the last attack as they were all just chilling as some were even relaxing as there are no attacks just yet as the same old man & the random guy kept selling hotdogs as they're lucky that it's a good day for business.

>Author (Me):
(Happy) Look around you Mr. Lee, the sun is up, the place is kinda crowded, & best of all we've sold a lot of hotdogs today.

>Stan Lee:
Then I guess I could say that there's nothing that might go possibly wrong today.

>Author (Me):
You & me Mr. Lee, You & me.

And then they can both hear & see people running as an evacuation alarm has been sounded off as they both spoke to soon.

>Stan Lee:
We spoke to soon Kid.

And so they both went back into the truck as they drive off to safety & evacuate out of the city. Meanwhile everyone were already prepared as they got another vision from Batman as this time it's gonna be a full scale invasion as this will be Thanoseid's last & final wave as he's going all out. By all out I mean that he's sending all of his forces including the ones from his previous waves as he left some as reserves. And so Iron Man was now wearing his Godbuster Neo Armor as Thanoseid is going all out so they all have to do the same thing as well as now this is a battle between life & death as Thanoseid & Iron Man will have to fight. And so Thanoseid's entire army arrived alongside all of his Warships as this battle will get ugly. And so Thanoseid then gave the order to attack as now this is something that everyone needs to win as this battle will kill everyone if they're not careful. And so the battle finally starts as so many of Thanoseid's forces arrived as they all start shooting everywhere while deploying some ground & air forces as well. And now Iron Man & the rest fought back as Batman, Green Lantern, & War Machine are busy on other parts of the world as this battle gets heated immediately that Batman had to wear his Final Batsuit while Green Lantern & War Machine needs a lot of firepower while conserving some of their most powerful weapons for emergency. As the battle goes on Iron Man & the others destroys both Doomsday Clones, Chitauris, Parademons, Alien Monsters, & so on as they fight great but they're also taking a lot of damage as Ichika gets his ass handed to him by 3 Doomsday Clones but he's lucky that Tsurugi came in to save him just in time when he threw his shield. Meanwhile Batman & Kenshi are occupied as they both fight several enemy hostiles at once as they both needed to keep on going as much as possible as they too are being swarmed by enemies. Green Lantern & his forces alongside Garnet, Bismarck, & others kept defending but it was impossible as swarms of enemy hostiles just kept on coming that they even dealt with Doomsday Clones.

(Stabs a Doomsday Clone) These abominations again? (Pulls out her spear) I thought we killed them all?
(And then stabs another Doomsday Clone).

>Green Lantern:
(While flying & fighting) That's the thing, Thanoseid knows how to clone more so he has his reserves.

And so they all kept fighting as they kept doing what they all do best. Meanwhile, War Machine kept raining hell as he kept shooting bullet after bullet & missile after missile as he even drops some bombs so that way he can take out several more as this battle is getting heated pretty fast. Enterprise & Grabel both shot a Doomsday Clone which was about to reach War Machine when it jumped up to attack his rear but they were able to save them as War Machine looks back & thanked them both & then continued fighting as there's more incoming. And so everyone were all pinned & cornered as they all kept on fighting but little by little they're losing a lot of soldiers as the battle was gruesome indeed, more gruesome than that of Ultron's Global Invasion that so many buildings were destroyed & some more explosions happened as these explosions are so massive that it actually puts Michael Bay's Movies to shame as the explosions are bigger & there's a lot of them. Also, Kurumi even participated in the battle as she loves Shido so what can you expect? Iron Man then kept on fighting until he got sick of seeing more soldiers die. And so he did the 1 thing he needs to do. He snapped his fingers & wiped out all of Thanoseid's Army as they all disappear & turn into dust as so many heroes were almost killed as Hayato was almost eaten by a Chitauri Carrier while Kizuna's HHG was almost at its limit as he kept fighting multiple Doomsday Clones. And so the battle was finally over as so many celebrated. But Iron Man told them not yet as there's 1 more he needs to deal with. He even contacted Batman & the rest as Kenshi's Blade was now gone after the battle while War Machine's comrades were either injured or exhausted while Green Lantern's were the same thing. And so they all gathered around to where Iron Man is as they all told everyone to leave the whole area as this is their fight. And so they all knew they had no choice as so many were exhausted except for the Quartet as they perpare for the battle they'be been waiting for. And as the Quartet preps themselves for battle as War Machine equipped his Thor Machine Armor Thanoseid then finally arrived as he has been waiting for this moment as he even sees Iron Man's modification on his Godbuster Armor as now he's even more pumped up. And as they were all ready for the battle the 4 of them then charges at Thanoseid while Thanoseid did the same thing as they're all about to collide in a great battle as this is gonna be 1 hell of a battle.

To Be Continued

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