Chapter 37: Thanoseid

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It's been 3 months after the final battle as both Earth & Vatlantis are now actually living peacefully as Vatlantis even gets eScape 2.0 merches & interfaces alongside other Stark & Wayne inventions which helped them all out in hospitals & other stuff except military as Vatlantis is under Aine's rule if she wants to but she only does that when needed. The military are even enjoying their allies as War Machine is even teaching Grabel how to use his Iron Patriot suit as they both do aiming & firing it alongside test flights as Grabel loved the Iron Patriot Armor. When Aldea sees them she does get jealous from time to time but is also happy for Grabel as atleast War Machine is a decent partner & is kinda okay with him as she understands & her jealousy doesn't get in the way. Meanwhile Grace & Iron Man are sparring in the school as Grace got her ass handed to her even though Iron Man was using his Mark 85 Armor (Also, Iron Man's House Party Protocol consist of both Comics & MCU Armors as all Marks & Models are in his arsenal). Iron Man then gets Grace back up as he congratulates her for keeping up as Grace could be someone that might be able to combat his other suits which aren't made of nano-tech. Also, not only Grace doesn't hate Kizuna anymore but she starts to like Tony little by little. Everyone was actually peaceful as they all lived in peace. Even robots get to coexist with both Earth & Vatlantis but minus Ultron's Robots. Meanwhile somewhere far away the Machine Gods watches everything as now the war is over & their "balance" is broken. And so they all had a discussion if they were to either attack both worlds & destroy them. But they discuss on killing the Quartet 1st they have no ideo who summoned them into both worlds. Also, because of Iron Man he snapped his fingers & both Earth's Universe & Vatlantis' Universe merged but in a good way as Iron Man decided it so don't question it people. Meanwhile somewhere far a mysterious figure was also watching both the Machine Gods & Iron Man as his plans are almost complete. Now back at Earth Iron Man (Wearing his Bleeding Edge Armor) & Zelshione (Wearing Teros) are both patrolling the city as there seems to be nothing as there no criminals to be seen everywhere. And Iron Man knows who to praise for that.

>Iron Man:
(While flying & patrolling) There's no criminals here yet because Batman is the 1 taking care of them a lot lately. And he's also the reason that the crime rate here have dropped.

(While flaying & patrolling) I see, so all we can do is patrol just in case then?

>Iron Man:
(While flying & patrolling) That's the idea so yeah.

And as they kept on flying they then reported to the Commanders that there are no criminals lurking around recently. But before they could finish their sentences they saw something as its a bright ball made of light until when the light disappeared he sees both Iron Man 2020 & The Mandarin as they look like shit (And when I mean by shit I mean that they look like they're about to die as they're both on the ground). This made the people afraid as they don't understand what's going on considering that Mandarin was intimidating enough. Iron Man knows who they are as he starts flying down to land. Zelshione follows as she doesn't know what's going on so she wants to find out about it. When they both landed Iron Man then pointed his repulsors but Iron Man 2020 opened his faceplate with his eyes looking like he just wants to talk.

>Iron Man 2020:
Tony wait, we don't come here to fight you.

>Iron Man:
Then why are you here?

It's something else, we need to give you these.

And so both Iron Man 2020 & The Mandarin gives Iron Man several powerful weapons. These are The 10 Makluan Rings (MCU kind but has the power of the 10 Rings in the comics), Excalibur, The Cosmic Cube, Brahmastra, & Brahmashirastra as these 2 don't act like The Iron Man 2020 & The Mandarin in his Earth as they look like they're good versions of them. They then told them what's going on before they could die.

>Iron Man 2020:
You need these weapons... or else he'll destroy us all. (Then dies).

>Iron Man:
(Cradles Iron Man 2020 when he died as he has sad eyes) Who is it, who's gonna destroy us?!

>The Mandarin:
Thanoseid. (Then dies).

And so both the Mandarin & Iron Man 2020 dies but atleast they gave Iron Man the weapons he needs for an upgrade. Zelshione asked him if are they dead & he said yes. Zelshione then asked Iron Man 1 question.

Also, who's Thanoseid?

>Iron Man:
He's... He's someo--

But Iron Man was interrupted as both him & Zelshione looks up as they then see the Machine Gods making a proclamation for world destruction. Iron Man then turns his Bleeding Edge Armor into Iron Destroyer Armor as they look like bad news. Zelshione knows who they are as she prepares her Whipsword (Or Whipblade) as she then explained who they are & then Iron Man was lucky that he's now wearing Iron Destroyer Armor. The Machine Gods then saw Iron Man as they think he should die 1st before destroying the rest. And so both Iron Man & the 4 Machine Gods charges at each other by flying. Until... a bright light happened infront of them as it knocked them all back. When they regained their vision they then see Thanoseid as he has a sinister grin in his face. 1 of them asked (Because I know the other 3 Machine Gods but not the other 1) who Thanoseid is but Thanoseid powered up his right fist as he killed her in 1 single punch as it was powered by The Power Stone. And then Thanoseid introduces himself.

I'am Thanoseid, And only I can destroy both Iron Man & this world.

Another fool, you will die by our hands.

You know not of the destruction I command.

And then both Osiris & Odin starts charging at Thanoseid as they attack him in melee but it was too futile as he was just there standing without getting a single scratch as he was just there ignoring their attackslike they're not even there. And so Thanoseid got bored seconds later so he was able to grab Osiris & then easily rips her head off in the most bloodiest & goriest way possible. This made Odin angry so she charged at him but Thanoseid quickly fired an Omega Beam. Odin was able to dodge it or so she thought as when she got closer to Thanoseid she ended up getting erased from existence as his Omega Beam shot her rear. And this left Thanatos left as she & Thanoseid starts fighting. Meanwhile Iron Man's friends arrived as they're all told to deploy but not to engage yet as they ask Zelshione & Iron Man what's going on. And so they kept on looking at Thanatos & Thanoseid as they both fought until Thanatos was suddenly overpowered as Thanoseid fired another Omega Beam as when Thanatos was hit she was gone. Meanwhile somewhere Thanatos wakes up as she looks like it was all a dream but that was what she thought as suddenly Deadpool was somehow in this "dream" & killed her so easily. Thanatos then woke up several times & then she died over & over as she wss decapitated, burnt alive, disemboweled, ripped apart, impaled, stabbed, bissected, & so on as she is stuck in endless death. Back in the real world Thanoseid then looks at Iron Man as the others prepare for battle.

(With a sinister smile) Stark... (Then shows his left hand as all of his 5 fingers has 5 Red Lantern Rings on them) Look what I got. (And then teleports away).

>Shido Itsuka:
Tony, who was that?

>Iron Man:
(Stands up with little anger) Thanoseid.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now