Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?

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It was now 8:00 PM as somewhere in a warehouse were 2 female criminals in IS Units alongside some thugs with normal guns are just doing what any criminals would do... Stealing weapons. As they do all that they started loading the trucks as it was only 1 truck left that they needed to fill.

>Thug 1:
Man these crates are heavy as fuck.

>Thug 2:
Of course it is, because these are goddamn weapons afterall. Not only that but there are some unused IS Units inside them too.

>Female IS User 1:
(Notices the 2) You too stop babbling and get back to work!

And so the thugs were scared as fuck and went back to work. As they do all this all the trucks were finally full as they're all about to go. Until... A man in a bat costume jumped out of nowhere and cause a big dent on the 1st truck's driver roof when he landed. When the thugs checked it out they were then taken down as Batarangs hits their hands & legs while some were beated down so easily. When the 2 IS users looked what they saw was none other than Batman as he does a Bat Glare at them. And so the 2 used their IS' weapons to fire but not only Batman was quick but his standard was bulletproof as he then uses his jetpack (He has a jetpack if no 1 knows) as he and the 2 IS users fought airborne. And so Batman fights them as he throws explosive Batarangs at them which were direct hits. But the 2 IS users were faster as they both surround and attack Batman with all they've got. But unfortunately they didn't expect Batman using an EMP Rifle at them as he shot them down 1 by 1 which caused 1 to fall at a truck without exploding while the other fell to another truck and then Batman landed as the 2 are alright but injured as Batman is standing at 1 of them.

>Female IS User 2:
(While injured) Just... how did you... beat us? Who... are you... exactly?

(Does a Bat Glare) I'm Batman.

And then the police arrives alongside Mana (From Luck & Logic) & Anti/Knight as the 2 of them looks at him but not pointing their weapons. And then Batman leaves by running away and when the 2 tried to pursue him he was gone. And then Mana & Anti/Knight focused on the beated up thugs, the 2 IS Users, & the trucks as Batman did the job for them before they arrived. Meanwhile at Vatlantis Alexis was thinking of something as thanks to Akane Shinjo for being nowhere to be found & also not being an ally to Alexis anymore Alexis thinks of what he could use to turn into a Kaiju to attack Earth. And then Isaac gave him an idea. (Also, Alexis looks just like his gigantic kaiju form in both normal form and giant form instead of just an alien with a big ass cloak)

>Alexis • Kerib:
Just how am I gonna find a new Kaiju without finding a new Akane?

>Isaac Westcott:
Here's an idea, what if you go and persuade a Foreigner with negative emotions and turn it into a Kaiju? Not only it would be catastrophic for Earth but--

>Alexis • Kerib:
But to also cause a gigantic paradox zone bigger than Lucifer's. I must say good thinking human.

>Isaac Westcott:
Trust me when I say that I only desire for the destruction of everything and all life. None of our allies knows this but you & me.

>Alexis • Kerib:
True, especially when we desire the same thing.

>Alexis & Isaac:
(Both doing an Evil Laugh).

And so he was just about to do that but he needed to find a world 1st to get and persuade or control a Foreigner to his bidding. So Alexis then created a portal to go find 1 alongside Isaac. Later at school students talked about Batman as he was being recorded live in the news from a news chopper (Batman knew but didn't care as his focus were on the thugs). Bruce and Tony overhears some of the students' conversation as they're becoming famous, or as they put it... Infamous considering Iron Man & Batman are vigilantes while Green Lantern & War Machine are in the military. So many students even wondered of how he even defeated the 2 IS users and some were amazed of his fighting styles while Mana wonders how he even escaped their sights. This made Chloe do the same thing she did in Luck & Logic when she tried to play detective finding 9.8 paradox level but this time there were no leads. After all that class finally starts as Bruce, Tony, John, & Rhodey gets more information and they actually know a lot more of the world now which made both Bruce & Tony thinks of some countermeasures against the students if they ever went rogue. As class finishes Anti/Knight (I'll just call him Knight from now on) was just walking around as he wonders the same thing Mana wonders about Batman. As lunch goes Tony & Bruce both talked about what contengencies they have against both their enemies and the students and they told each other their ideas. Also, the 4 of them were able to get along with the students as they learn some stuff about them.

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