Chapter 28: Human Again

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It's been 7 days after New Year as Iron Man in his Godkiller Mark 2 Armor, Batman in his Final Batsuit, & War Machine in his Satellite Armor are fighting Savages in meteor form as they're mission is to prevent atleast all 60 Savages from reaching Earth while Green Lantern stays at Earth as he & others will protect Earth if Savage were to ever land. And so the battle becomes heated as they've already killed 45 Savages as Batman starts punching & ripping apart the Savages' cores while Iron Man & War Machine decimates the rest as they're doing really good at it as so many have been decimated thanks to their firepower as Iron Man's new & upgraded Godkiller Mark 2 Armor not only has a more stronger & more durable Armor but its weapons are more powerful with some additions & the suit is now 30,000 Feet Tall. And so the fight gets heated as they've shot the remaining ones until they've finally killed the last ones as the final 1 was so big that Iron Man had to fire a powerful Unibeam while War Machine also fires a powerful Laser Beam to assist Iron Man & they succeeded as they've reported back & everyone were all celebrating. Later after that they've landed back to Earth but Iron Man & War Machine were wearing Model Prime & Armoured Adventures War Machine Armor as they've left their big ass suits into space as Godkiller Mark 2 is back on Mars while the Satellite Armor is just back to its satellite form at orbit standing by. And so they all landed back.

>Iron Man:
Man, those Savages were challenging. But not as challenging when they ain't meteors.

>War Machine:
I would agree with you Tony. But atleast we kicked their asses.

And so they were then met by the others as they were happy they made it back. And Bruce & Tony goes back to class while Green Lantern & War Machine goes back to base. As Green Lantern & War Machine flies back to base Green Lantern was proud of Rhodey being back to human again. Although War Machine's limbs look like human skin but it's all cybernetics as he can still assimilate into any weapons, vehicles, & tech followed by his Magnetism powers aswell. And so they both went back to base as the military claps at them with applause when they landed as they're actually proud of having them in the military as little by little they & both Batman & Iron Man are becoming famous & loved by many. And so the 2 of them just goes back to work as War Machine helps out in lifting some heavy cargo while Green Lantern helps on the repairs. It was easy for War Machine to lift several cargos thanks to his suit as it may be big, bulky, & lacks some weapons but it has a more powerful firepower & can lift bigger things than both his OG Suit & Iron Patriot Suit. And so War Machine works until Enterprise meets up with him as she congratulates War Machine for becoming human again aswell as him being in a good mood, but mostly importantly was not only his successful missions but for being able to equally match everyone besides Green Lantern in the military.

>War Machine:
Why thank you ma'am, I'm just doing my work. So it's no big deal.

But even so, congratulations.

And so Enterprise then leaves as War Machine gets back to work. The next day War Machine & Green Lantern are deployed for a mission as they'll be both taking out terrorists in Iraq. The reason why only the 2 of them are deployed in 1 place is because that the rest of the military are gonna be busy with some other terrorists in other areas so they're both on their own for the time being. And so they both made it to Iraq as they see atleast a Field Army worth of terrorists as they're all listening to what looks like the leader of these terrorists as she gives a speech. Every single terrorists are armed with IS Units, CR Units, Hundreds, HHGs, Mecha Workers, & Mechas as they all listen to the leader's motivational speech.

>Green Lantern:
Alright Rhodey, time to make an entrance.

>War Machine:
You know it John.

And so the terrorists kept listening & listening until a Mecha Worker was suddenly in the air & then lands at some terrorists as the ones who hasn't suited up yet are easily taken down & killed as this is the part were Green Lantern threatens them.

>Green Lantern:
Attention all terrorists, I'am Green Lantern, & as an officer of the military you're all coming with us dead or alive. (He constructs some guns while War Machine points his guns to terrorists) So surrender now or else will use lethal force.

>Terrorist Vice Leader:
Oh no it's Green Lantern & War Machine! (Tries to run away until she was grabbed by the leader).

>Terrorist Leader:
(Grabs & looks at her Vice Leader with a stern look) You only fear me, you got that? (Lets go & then looks at her terrorist troops) All of you, kill them!

And so this is where everyone suited up & other manned their Mechas & Mecha Workers as the battle is about to begin.

>War Machine:
Don't say we didn't warn you guys. (He then fires a mini missile at a Mecha Worker & destroyed it)

(And then the music plays when the explosion happened)
(Credits to: Airbourne - Firepower)

And so both Green Lantern & War Machine starts firing their guns & fought atleast several terrorists as the 2 of them fights while airbourne dodging some incoming enemy projectiles as Green Lantern constructed 2 30mm Miniguns, 2 40mm Missile Launchers, 1 Laser Cannon, & 1 Armor Piercing Missile Launcher as he & War Machine wreaks havoc against terrorists as they both fought a lot of them as they shot so many of them that the battle looked more like a massacre as some in mechas were instantly shot down, burned, & exploded into pieces as the pilots couldn't make it while others wearing suits ended up getting killed as their shields drained faster from Green Lantern & War Machine's firepower as all of them didn't even stand a chance. Some were able to hit them but they were too durable as they took down a lot aswell as tanking a lot damage. And as the battle goes on the terrorist leader started to get in on the action as she is now in full body armor of her Hundred as she too has a lot of firepower. And so both Green Lantern takes care of the remaining terrorists while War Machine fights the terrorists leader as she has bigger guns than War Machine but that remains to be seen as the 2 flew & flew while firing at each other trading shots while being able to tank & dodge some projectiles as War Machine then fires all of his Mini Missiles & hits her but she then shot War Machine with her own missiles as she says this when War Machine was hit.

>Terrorist Leader:
Too bad I got bigger guns than you. (Starts shooting again).

War Machine then dodges as he fires powerful repulsor blasts at the terrorists leader as her shields started to drop fast as this is the 1 thing her Hundred lacks, Powerful Repulsors. And then War Machine fires his Bunker Buster Missile which caused the terrorist leader's shield to drop really fast as now she only has 10% left. And so she then prepared a powerful laser weapon that looks like it could fire a powerful beam, so much so that it's similar to Claire Harvey's Buster Cannon. And so she fires a powerful beam but War Machine then fired his own beam, or you could say... Unibeam. And so their both stuck in a beam struggle until War Machine rerouted power to his Unibeam as he fired a blast so powerful that it overpowered the opposing beam & hits the terrorist leader. Now the terrorist leader is not only unable to move & fight but her Hundred is down for the count. And then Green Lantern arrives as the remaining terrorists then surrendered when they saw their leader being taken down. And so the battle was victorious & then Garnet Maclaine arrived with some troops to support them as she was done with her mission but when she arrived the only thing left are terrorists surrendering while dead terrorist bodies are everywhere as the battle was so gory that guts, organs, severed limbs, & other severed body parts were everywhere but she is already used to this while almost all of her forces almost vomitted as the whole area is gory as fuck. And so they were congratulated for winning their 300th Mission as they've served the military for so long that they've actually earned a lot of medals & get promoted for their actions aswell.

To Be Continued

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