Chapter 26: Christmas

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Meanwhile at Vatlantis Alexis then told them Iron Man's message as Grace & Arbiter Empres: III thinks that they have an even bigger threat as they both think that they should strike now but Ultron suggested them not too, not yet anyways. He & Nayuta Hida suggested that they shouldn't attack yet as they should prepare for the worst as Ultron knows Iron Man & they will need some precautions & countermeasures but Nayuta Hida was too incompetent to find a way of even finding Iron Man's weaknesses as Iron Man never had any weaknesses anymore.

All we can do is let Earth be for now. Let them enjoy their holidays for as once the time comes it might be their last.

Meanwhile at the university Bruce Wayne & Tony Stark released their company's newest invention, The eScape 2.0 as they gave them interfaces similar looking to Iron Man's faceplate as the people thinks that maybe Iron Man inspired the 2 of them to create merchandizes as people everywhere are loving this new eScape 2.0 interfaces. Even the ones at both the university & the military are lovign them, including The Commanders as they think that this interfaces might be good for VR training simulations aswell. This isn't what Bruce & Tony had in mind for them but they let it be as the entire world gets interfaces of their own as they all loved them so much that they played a lot of games. Tony is lucky that his new A.I., named DECEMBER, is controlling eScape than Motherboard as she is way better in every way as she can kick out players who are hacking, cheating, cursing, etc. Later on at class Bruce, Tony, & the others help out in the decorations while Green Lantern & War Machine in the military were doing the same too alongside the rest of the military as everyone are ready for the holidays as no enemy actions have been detected yet. And so everyone were having fun as in the university they all plan some games & they'll all exchange gifts at December 24 as everyone are excited so they all picked some papers which contains names as the ones with Harems are... Well... You know what kind of shit will happen. And it's even loud as some with Harems starts fighting over the names they've picked, especially Tohka & Origami. And so the names were finally picked as Tony got Mahiro's name. And so everyone thinks of what gift they'll all give as Tony already knows what he's gonna give to Mahiro as all he has to do is make it instead of buying it. Bruce knows what to give his as he has a perfect gift in mind. And so Tony starts working on his new project as he has to do it before December 24 but since he is Tony Stark he could finish anything fast without rest while Bruce on the other hand already bought & wrap his gift so the only thing next is to fight crime on his own at night as there's a runaway truck being chased by police cars as the truck was loading something. And so Batman jumps out of Tokyo Tower, glides down, & then he lands intop of the truck as now the drivers inside needs to get Batman off the truck. 1 was wearing an IS Unit as she's ready to throw down with 2 of her fellow criminals at her side. And so the other 2 went in 1st as they start shooting Batman but it was ineffective because his standard Batsuit is made of reinforced Kevlar & Titanium. And so Batman goes close quarters combat as he beated the shit out of the 2 as he punches 1 guy so hard to the face that he was knocked out but luckily he didn't fall off the truck. The other guy on the other hand draws his knife as Batman fights him until Batman's neck was stabbed but Batman knocked the guy out without making him fall off the truck. When the criminal wearing her IS Unit looks at Batman she sees that his neck ain't bleeding at all as his suit was meant to protect him & resist both knives & gunfire. And so Batman powers up both his fists as now they light up blue as now Batman's fists are in electrocution mode (Or you could say, Tazer Punch Mode). And so the lady wearing IS then starts charging at Batman as her IS specializes in close quarters as she got big ass guantlets. And so the fight begins as she starts punching & punching while Batman does the same as they both either block or dodge them until Batman found an opening as he punched the lady to the gut as she starts getting electrocuted when her shield dropped to 0%. Now she was unable to fight as Batman was then able to put an EMP device which made the truck stop its tracks. And so the Police then made it as they now arrest both the drivers, the 2 thugs, & the lady wearing her IS as now she ain't wearing it. It turns out that the truck they were stealing are worth more than gold & diamonds as it turns out to be eScape 2.0 merches & interfaces. And so the Police does their thing & the police captain even thanked Batman as he looks at him & when he looked back he was still talking until when he looked back at Batman he was already gone. The police captain just looked up into the sky as atleast Batman is out there working again as he may not know who Batman is but the question is is that if does Batman ever take a break for Christmas. Meanwhile Tony finally finished it as he, Alfred, & his other suits now wrapped it up. And then Batman arrives as he wonders about the bug ass cube present (About Hulkbuster size) & Tony told him that it's gonna be for December 24 as Tony may have finished it in 1 night but he did it without rest. And so Batman then tells him about the truck robbery he had stopped as it contained eScape 2.0 merches & interfaces which made Tony proud of himself.

>Tony Stark:
(Whipes a tear & smiles with pride) What can you expect Bruce, we made them & I'm actually proud of us both.

And then Alfred told Tony that he now needs sleep as FRIDAY even told Tony that Alfred is right.

You too Master Wayne.

He's right Mr. Wayne, you 2 need to sleep now. You 2 have classes tomorrow.

And so Tony went to bed 1st while Batman takes off his suit & changed to his normal attire. (Timeskip) It was now December 24 as everyone starts to exchange gifts as Tony gave his to Mahiro & trust me when I say she loved it as what she got was s robot she wanted Tony to make for her as the last time she built the same robot it exploded so she needed all the help she could get as Tony finally made it. Bruce then hands his presents to Mana (Luck & Logic) & she liked them. And so everyone exchange gifts as the characters with Harem ended up getting a lot from their Harem as you know what will happen next. In the next day everyone woke up as they all got presents as it has their names on them. When Bruce & Tony wondered who gave them they then looked outside their windows as it turns out that it was none other than Santa Claus. It wasn't their Santa Claus but it was still Santa Claus as they both said Merry Christmas while looking outside the window. Santa Claus is also seen flying with his sleigh.

To Be Comtinued

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