Essence Of Stars

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"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill."

It was Friday, I walked into school and Theresa and Sarah walked up to me

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It was Friday, I walked into school and Theresa and Sarah walked up to me. Sarah was a sweet girl, Theresa not so much. "So you going to Luke's party tonight?" "It's going to be a rager."

"Actually partying life isn't really my scene anymore I'll probably be going with Jace and Embry to their bonfire."

"Wait are you in with the La Push boys?" Sarah asked. "I mean their my friends yeah."

"They wouldn't talk to anyone before you got here Beth. They must want something from you."

I laughed "Yeah like what?" They gave me eyes, eyes up and down my figure. I scoff at them.

"I am not believing anything like that til I hear it girls." I said rolling my eyes.

Walking to my locker I got side tracked looking at the new journal I got from my grandmother right before I left London. That I didn't see the wall I ran into till I was dropping all my stuff. I look up to only find it wasn't a wall it was him.

He doesn't say anything but bends down to help me pick up my mess. "Thanks." I said with a kind smile.

I was caught off guard when he said, "yeah just watch where your going next time." I immediately frown, not expecting that to come from his mouth.

"Whatever cranky pants." I say about to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

Flames. That's all I felt the flames of the heat in his hand and the fireworks going off all through my body just by his one simple touch. 'What is this feeling?' I thought.

"Here." He said shoving my journal in my arms. I looked into his eye, frowning at the cold look he gave me. I never cared much why people were unkind, but he made me want to know why.

I took that as my time to walk away from him. I thought he would leave but as I look back he's standing there. Standing there looking at his hand that just touched me.

I ran into Alice in 3rd and she introduced her boyfriend Jasper to me along with the mysterious Edward. Finally learning the name of the guy who stares but doesn't speak.

"I'm not gonna bite ya know?" I tell him and for the first time I get a grin.

"If you did I'm not someone who fears."

"To fear is to awaken bravery. I welcome it if that's what I get in return."

"I don't know if that's smart or trouble." He said with a half smile.

"Troubles my middle name if you didn't know Edward."

"Actually it's Celine!" Alice butted in. I shot her a questioning look.

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